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单词 miracle
释义 miracle nounadjective | verb + miracle | miracle + verb | miracle + noun | preposition adjective➤great伟大的奇迹➤real, true真正的奇迹▸➤little, minor, small小小的奇迹◆the letter's survival is something of a minor miracle.这封信能保存下来,可以说是个小小的奇迹。➤modern现代奇迹▸➤economic, medical经济/医学奇迹verb + miracle➤create, do, make, perform, produce, work创造奇迹◆don't expect this medicine to work miracles.不要指望这药能创造奇迹。➤believe in相信奇迹▸➤ask for, expect, hope for, pray for祈求/期待/期望/祈祷奇迹▸➤need, take需要出现奇迹◆it would take a miracle to get the old car going again.这辆旧车要是能再跑起来那就奇了。➤see, witness看到/见证奇迹miracle + verb➤happen, occur奇迹发生miracle + noun➤worker奇迹创造者➤story神迹故事▸➤cure, drug, pill (especially name) 灵丹妙药preposition➤by a miracle由于奇迹◆by a miracle she escaped serious injury.她奇迹般地没受重伤。 miracle nounmiracle ♦︎ wonder ♦︎ phenomenon ♦︎ marvel ♦︎ flukethese are all words for surprising things or events that you are pleased about or for people you admire.这些词均表示奇迹、奇观、不平凡的人或事。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆it's a miracle / wonder / fluke (that)...◆a miracle / wonder / phenomenon / marvel of sth◆a natural wonder / phenomenon / marvel◆to do wonders / marvels (for sb / sth)◆to work / perform a miracle / wonders◆a miracle / wonder cure / drug■ miracle /mɪrəkl/ [countable] (informal) a good thing that happens that seemed unlikely or impossible; a very good example or product of sth奇迹;不平凡的事;极好的例子;精品◆it's a miracle that nobody was killed.竟然无人丧生,这真是奇迹。◆it would take a miracle to make this business profitable.让这个公司赢利简直是天方夜谭。◆you shouldn't expect the treatment to work miracles.你别指望治疗会产生奇效。◆the car is a miracle of engineering.这辆车是汽车工程学的精品。 ➡ see also miraculous → amazing ■ wonder [countable] a thing or quality that fills you with surprise or admiration; a person or thing that is very good or effective奇迹;奇观;奇才;有特效的东西◆the canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。◆it's all become possible, thanks to the wonders of modern technology.凭借神奇的现代技术,所有这一切成为可能。◆the news did wonders for (= had a very good effect on) our morale.这消息大大振奋了我们的士气。◆it's a wonder (= it's surprising) more people weren't injured.奇怪的是大多数人没有受伤。◆no wonder you're tired! you didn't get any sleep last night.难怪你累了呢!你昨天夜里根本没合眼。◆the club's new boy wonder scored two goals in the second half.俱乐部的新神童在下半场两次射门得分。 ➡ see also wonderful → wonderful ■ phenomenon /fənɒmɪnən; name fənɑːmɪnən/ (plural, bre phenomena or , name phenomenons) [countable] a very successful person or thing杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物)◆this young pianist is a phenomenon.这位年轻的钢琴家技艺非凡。◆harry potter was the greatest book publishing phenomenon ever.《哈利 • 波特》是图书出版史上最了不起的成功典范。 ➡ see also phenomenal → remarkable ■ marvel [countable] a wonderful and surprising person or thing令人惊异的人(或事);奇迹◆the design is a marvel of elegance and simplicity.此设计融优雅和质朴于一体,令人赞叹不已。ⓘ marvels [plural] are wonderful results or things that have been achieved.复数形式的 marvels 指不平凡的成果、奇迹◆the doctors have done marvels for her.医生为她创造了奇迹。  ➡ see also marvellous → wonderful ■ fluke [countable, usually singular] (informal) a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident, not because of planning or skill侥幸;偶然;意外◆they are determined to show that their last win was no fluke.他们决心证明他们上一次的胜利绝非侥幸。miracle /mɪrəkl/ [countable] (informal) a good thing that happens that seemed unlikely or impossible; a very good example or product of sth奇迹;不平凡的事;极好的例子;精品◆it's a miracle that nobody was killed.竟然无人丧生,这真是奇迹。◆it would take a miracle to make this business profitable.让这个公司赢利简直是天方夜谭。◆you shouldn't expect the treatment to work miracles.你别指望治疗会产生奇效。◆the car is a miracle of engineering.这辆车是汽车工程学的精品。 ➡ see also miraculous → amazing miracle/ˈmɪrəkl ||; ˈmɪrəkḷ/noun1. [c] a wonderful event that seems impossible and that is believed to be caused by god or a god 神迹;奇迹 2. [sing] a lucky thing that happens that you did not expect or think was possible 奇事;不可思议的好运: ◇it's a miracle (that) nobody was killed in the crash. 这起撞车事故中没有人死亡,真是奇迹。 work/perform miracles to achieve very good results 创造奇迹: ◇the new diet and exercise programme have worked miracles for her. 新的饮食和锻炼方案在她身上产生了奇效。 mir·a·cle /`mɪrəkḷ; ˈmɪrəkəl/n [c] 1. something lucky that you did not expect to happen or did not think was possible 奇事,不可思议的事; 奇迹:◇it's a miracle (that) especially spoken 【尤口】: it's a miracle that no one was hurt. 没有人受伤,真是奇迹。◇work/perform miracles (=do something very impressive) 创造奇迹: the builders have worked miracles in finishing it so quickly. 建筑工人如此快地完工,创造了奇迹。 2. an action or event that seems impossible and is thought to be caused by god [神创造的]奇迹




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