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单词 remember
释义 remember verbadverb | verb + remember | preposition adverb➤clearly, distinctly, vividly, well清楚地记得;清晰地记得;记忆犹新;记得很清楚◆i distinctly remember jane saying that the show started at eight.我清楚地记得简说演出 8 点钟开始。◆i remember miss scott very well.我清楚地记得斯科特小姐。➤dimly, faintly, vaguely隐约记得;模糊地记得➤barely, hardly, scarcely几乎不记得➤easily不费力地记起◆to this day, people can easily remember the show.直到今天,人们还能不费力地记起那场表演。➤correctly, rightly正确地记得◆if i remember correctly, you were supposed to collect the keys on your way here.如果我没记错的话,你来这儿的路上应该领了钥匙。➤exactly, precisely准确地记得◆i don't exactly remember what she said.我记不清她的原话。◆i can't remember exactly what happened.我不记得事情发生的准确细节。➤specifically明确地记得◆i specifically remember her saying she would be visiting today.我明确地记得她说过今天要来拜访的。➤especially, particularly尤其记得➤mostly, primarily主要记得◆i mostly remember the art nouveau decor of her living room.我记得的主要是她客厅的新艺术装饰。➤certainly, definitely当然/肯定记得➤fondly愉快地记得◆she fondly remembered her early years in india.她对早年在印度度过的日子充满愉快的回忆。➤still仍然记得➤always, forever一直/永远记得◆i'll always remember you.我将永远记住你。◆this is an experience that the kids will enjoy and remember forever.这是一种孩子们会喜欢并且永远会记住的经历。➤suddenly突然想起➤finally终于记起◆she finally remembered what she was going to say.她终于想起要说什么了。➤back回想起◆i remembered back to the time i saw her last.我回想起最后一次见到她的情形。verb + remember➤can能想起◆i can't remember her name.我想不起她的名字了。➤try to努力回想▸➤be important to记住⋯很重要preposition➤as作为⋯记着◆he still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before.在他的记忆里她还是多年前认识的那个活泼少女。➤for因⋯记得◆she is best remembered for her first book, 'in the ditch'.她因处女作《在沟里》为人们所熟知。remember verbremember ♦︎ recall ♦︎ bear sb/sth in mind ♦︎ look back ♦︎ recollect ♦︎ think back ♦︎ reminiscethese words all mean to keep in your mind or bring to your mind a fact or event.这些词均表示记住、回想起。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to remember / recall / bear in mind / recollect that...◆to remember / recall / bear in mind / recollect how / what / where / when...◆it should be remembered / borne in mind that...◆to remember / recall / bear in mind the facts◆to remember / recall sb's name◆to vaguely / vividly remember / recall sth◆as far as i can remember / recall / recollect■ remember [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to have or keep an image in your memory of an event, person or place from the past; to keep in your mind, or bring back to your mind, a fact or piece of information; to not forget to do sth记住;回想起;记着,不忘(去做)◆this is carla. do you remember her?这是卡拉,你记得她吗?◆i don't remember my first day at school.我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。◆do you remember switching the lights off before we came out?你记得我们出来之前你关灯了吗?◆as far as i can remember, this is the third time we've met.我记得这是我们第三次会面了。◆i'm sorry-i can't remember your name.对不起,我想不起你的名字了。◆can you remember how much money we spent?你记得我们花了多少钱吗?◆you were going to help me with this. remember?你说要帮我做这个的,记得吗?◆remember that we're going out tonight.别忘了我们今天晚上要出去。◆it should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home.不要忘记大多数事故都是在家里发生的。◆remember to call me when you arrive!别忘了你到了之后给我打电话!◆did you remember your homework (= to bring it)?你记得带家庭作业了吗?ⓘ notice the difference between remember doing sth and remember to do sth.注意 remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth 之间的差别◆i remember posting the letter (= i have an image in my memory of doing it).我记得我把信寄出去了。◆i remembered to post the letter (= i didn't forget to do it).我当时没忘记要寄信。opp forget → forget , forget → fail 1 , forget → leave 4  ➡ see also remembrance → memory ■ recall [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (formal) to remember a fact or event记起;记得;回想起◆she could not recall his name.她想不起他的名字。◆i can't recall meeting her before.我想不起来以前见过她。◆if i recall correctly, he lives in boston.如果我没记错的话,他住在波士顿。 ➡ see also recall → memory noun ■ bear sb/sth in mind-->■ bear in mind that... -->idiom(bore, borne) (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to remember an important fact when you are doing or considering sth记住,考虑(重要的事实)◆bear in mind that money is one of the main causes of marriage break-up.记住,金钱问题是婚姻破裂的主要原因之一。◆bearing in mind the rapid population growth of recent years, these figures look optimistic.考虑到近年来人口的快速增长,这些数字看起来令人乐观。  ➡ see also mind → memory ■ look back -->phrasal verb (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to think about a time in your past回首(往事);回忆;回顾◆when i look back on my childhood, it seems as if it was always sunny.回顾我的童年时代,似乎总是很快活。◆if there's one thing i've learnt it's this: never look back.要说我学到了什么,那就是:抛却过去朝前看。■ recollect /rekəlekt/ [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (formal) to remember an event or fact, especially by making an effort to remember it(尤指努力地)记起,记得,回想起◆she could no longer recollect the details of the letter.她想不起那封信的细节了。◆i recollect him saying that it was dangerous.我记得他说那很危险。◆as far as i can recollect, she wasn't there on that occasion.据我回忆,当时她不在场。 ➡ see also recollection → memory ■ think back -->phrasal verb(thought, thought) (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to think about sth that happened in the past回想;追忆◆i keep thinking back to the day i arrived here.我不时回想起刚到这儿那天的情景。◆lying in bed, she thought back over the conversation.她躺在床上,回想起那次谈话。note 辨析 look back or think back?you might look back on a time in the past for the mixed pleasure and sadness of remembering happy/sad times that are now over, or just to consider how things have changed. you might think back to/over an event in the distant or recent past because sth about it still interests or bothers you and you cannot get it out of your mind. * look back on 可指悲喜交加地回顾现已结束的一段快乐或忧伤的时光,或仅是感慨今非昔比。think back to/over 可指回想很久以前或新近发生的事件,因其依然令人感到有趣或困扰,无法忘怀。■ reminisce /remɪnɪs/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to think, talk or write about a happy time in your past回忆,追忆,缅怀(昔日的快乐时光)◆we spent a happy evening reminisicing about the past.我们一晚上回忆往事,感到很愉快。  ➡ see also reminiscence → memory remember [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to have or keep an image in your memory of an event, person or place from the past; to keep in your mind, or bring back to your mind, a fact or piece of information; to not forget to do sth记住;回想起;记着,不忘(去做)◆this is carla. do you remember her?这是卡拉,你记得她吗?◆i don't remember my first day at school.我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。◆do you remember switching the lights off before we came out?你记得我们出来之前你关灯了吗?◆as far as i can remember, this is the third time we've met.我记得这是我们第三次会面了。◆i'm sorry-i can't remember your name.对不起,我想不起你的名字了。◆can you remember how much money we spent?你记得我们花了多少钱吗?◆you were going to help me with this. remember?你说要帮我做这个的,记得吗?◆remember that we're going out tonight.别忘了我们今天晚上要出去。◆it should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home.不要忘记大多数事故都是在家里发生的。◆remember to call me when you arrive!别忘了你到了之后给我打电话!◆did you remember your homework (= to bring it)?你记得带家庭作业了吗?ⓘ notice the difference between remember doing sth and remember to do sth.注意 remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth 之间的差别◆i remember posting the letter (= i have an image in my memory of doing it).我记得我把信寄出去了。◆i remembered to post the letter (= i didn't forget to do it).我当时没忘记要寄信。opp forget → forget , forget → fail 1 , forget → leave 4  ➡ see also remembrance → memory remember/rɪˈmembə(r) ||; rɪˈmɛmbɚ/verb[i,t] 1. remember (sb/sth);remember (doing sth);remember that... to have sb/sth in your mind or to bring sb/sth back into your mind 记得;想起: ◇we arranged to go out tonight -- remember? 我们今晚计划要外出─还记得吗?◇ as far as i can remember, i haven't seen him before. 根据我的记忆,我以前没有见过他。◇i'm sorry. i don't remember your name. 很抱歉,我记不起你的名字。◇do you remember the night we first met? 你记得我们初相识的那个晚上吗?◇remember that we're having visitors tonight. 记住今晚我们有客人来。◇can you remember when we bought the stereo? 你记得我们是什么时候买的音响吗? 2. remember (sth/to do sth) to not forget to do what you have to do 记住;不忘记: ◇i remembered to buy the coffee. 我记得买咖啡。◇remember to turn the lights off before you leave. 离开以前不要忘记关灯。 notice that if you remember to do something, you don't forget to do it. if you remember doing something, you have a picture or memory in your mind of doing it i remember leaving my keys on the table last night. remember to take your keys when you go out. remember to dosomething表示记得/没有忘记做某事。remember doing something是指记忆起曾做过某事:i remember leaving my keys on the table last night.我记得昨晚把钥匙放在桌子上的。·remember to take your keys when you go out.出门的时候不要忘记带钥匙。 3. [t] to give money, etc to sb/sth 给,赠(钱等): ◇to remember sb in your will 在遗嘱里给某人留下遗赠 4. (formal 正式) to think about and show respect for sb who is dead 纪念(死者) remember me to sb used when you want to send good wishes to a person you have not seen for a long time (代为问候某人): ◇please remember me to your wife. 请代我问候你的太太。 ☞look at the note at remind. 参看remind的注释。remember1 to remember someone or something from the past2 to try very hard to remember something3 to remember something with difficulty4 to remember something very clearly5 when you will remember something for a long time6 to remember something that you must do or need to have7 to try to remember something that you may need to know later8 the ability to remember things9 when you do something so that a person or event will not be forgottenrelated wordsoppositeforget,see alsoremind/make sb remember,past,1. to remember someone or something from the past 记得过去的人或事 remember /rɪˈmembəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if you remember something that happened, something you did, or someone or something you used to know, the thought of them comes back into your mind 记得;回想起 do you remember your first day at school? 你记得第一天上学的情景吗? oh yes, i remember now. we met him at the last conference, didn't we? 噢,对了,我想起来了。我们是在上次会议上遇见他的,是不是? you remember the way to the bathroom, don't you? 你记得通往浴室的路,是吗? yes, i remember janine. she lived in that house on the corner, and she had a pet rabbit. 对,我记得贾宁。她住在街角的那幢房子里,养了一只宠物兔。remember who/what/where/how can you remember what the man looked like? 你记得那男人长得什么样吗? i can't remember how the film ends. 我记不起那部电影的结尾如何了。remember (that) he remembered that he had felt just the same way when he first started working. 他想起了他刚开始工作时就有过一样的感觉。remember doing something he remembered meeting her at a party once. 他记得有一次在聚会上见过她。 older citizens remember eating soyabeans during the depression. 上年纪的人还记得在大萧条时吃黄豆的事。remember somebody doing something i don't remember him being that good at athletics in school. 我记得他在学校时体育没那么好。 he remembers leonard coming home late at night, covered in blood. 他记得伦纳德那夜很晚回家,满身是血。 think back/look back /ˌθɪŋk ˈbæk, ˌlʊk ˈbæk/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially spoken to think about something that happened in the past because you want to remember it 【尤口】回想,回忆 she tried to think back and remember exactly what jim had said. 她试着回忆了一下,清楚地想起了吉姆所说的话。 thinking back, i should have been more assertive. 回想起来,我当时应该更果断一些。think back/look back to think back to last year. look how bad things were then. 回想一下去年,那时候情况多糟。 when i think back to how it all started, i'm amazed. 我回忆起那一切是怎么开始的,真是大吃一惊。think back/look back on when i look back on those days, it always makes me sad. 每当我回想起那些日子时,总是感到伤心。 when i think back on it now, i realize i expected too much from her. 我现在回想起来,就意识到自己对她要求太高了。think back five years/two days etc try to remember what happened five years, two days etc ago 回想起五年/两天等前 i tried to think three years back. where was it we had met? 我努力回忆三年前,我们是在哪里遇见的? recall /rɪˈkɔːl/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] to deliberately remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past in order to tell someone about it, especially in a law court or other official situation 回想,回忆起[尤指在法庭上或其他正式场合中] david recalled an incident that took place in the family home some 12 years previously. 戴维回想起12年前发生在家中的一件事。 ‘i didn't like him very much,’ kev recalled. ‘he was arrogant.’ “我不太喜欢他。”凯夫回忆道,“他很狂妄自大。” as a child, she recalled, her parents had seemed very happy together. 她回忆起自己小时候,父母好像很幸福地生活在一起。recall what/how/when etc he didn't like to recall what a disaster his business venture had been. 他不愿意回想起自己那个商业项目是何等的失败。recall that i recall that on at least one occasion i saw him taking money from the office. 我想起至少有一次我看到他从办公室把钱拿走。recall doing something howard sighed. he could not recall ever being this tired before. 霍华德叹了口气。他不记得以前有这么累过。as i recall that is what i recall 据我回忆 the meeting went very well, as i recall. 我记得会议进行得很顺利。 recollect /ˌrekəˈlekt/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive] to be able to remember something, especially by deliberately trying to remember 回忆起,回想[尤指有意地试图回想] i recognize his face but i can't seem to recollect much about him. 我认得他的脸,但是好像不大想得起他是谁。 ‘the lawyers distorted what i wanted to say,’ recollects hansen grimly. “律师歪曲了我想说的话。”汉森不高兴地回忆道。 i can still recollect every detail of that meeting. 我仍能回忆起那次会议的每一个细节。recollect who/why/how etc only later did she recollect where she'd seem him before. 她后来才想起以前在哪里见过他。recollect that we have nine children, and i don't recollect that i ever felt the need to hit any of them. 我们有九个孩子,我记得从来都没有一次想到要打他们任何一个。recollect doing something i do not recollect ever having been to ohio, although my mother says we went there when i was a child. 虽然母亲说我小时候我们去过俄亥俄州,但我想不起来了。 recollection /ˌrekəˈlekʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] recollect of he had no recollection of ever having received the money. 他不记得收到过这笔钱。 reminisce /ˌremɪˈnɪs, ˌreməˈnɪs/ [intransitive verb] to talk about pleasant events, people, experiences etc from the past, because you want to remember them or enjoy talking about them 回忆过去,缅怀往事[因想记住或喜欢说起这些事] at club meetings, we like to reminisce, remembering old times. 在俱乐部的聚会上,我们喜欢缅怀过去,回忆往事。reminisce about i used to spend hours listening to my grandfather reminisce about life in the army. 过去我常常花上大半天听爷爷回忆他的军旅生涯。 lazlo enjoyed reminiscing about his life in poland before he went to america. 拉兹罗喜欢回忆自己去美国前在波兰的生活。 reminiscences /ˌremɪˈnɪsənsəz, ˌreməˈnɪsənsəz/ [plural noun] stories about events, people, experiences etc from the past, that people tell when they want to remember them 回忆录;回忆 david became a writer and published his reminiscences many years later. 戴维成了一名作家,多年后发表了他的回忆录。reminisce about/of it was a night of pleasant talk, the two of them exchanging reminiscences about the war. 那一夜谈得很开心,他俩交流了对战争的回忆。 memory /ˈmeməri/ [countable noun usually plural] something that you remember from the past about a person, place, or experience 回忆,记忆 this place holds lots of memories for us. 这个地方有我们的许多回忆。 now, his experiences were just a painful memory. 现在他的经历仅仅是一段痛苦的回忆而已。 we had to write a story about our earliest memory the first event you can remember in your life. 我们得写个故事来讲述我们最早的记忆。memory of i have lots of happy memories of my time in japan. 我有许多在日本那段时间的美好回忆。bring back memories makes someone think of a happy time in the past 唤起回忆 we're playing the old songs that i'm sure will bring back memories for you. 我们在演奏老歌,我肯定这些老歌会唤起你的回忆。 nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒəǁnɑː-/ [uncountable noun] the slightly sad feeling you have when you remember happy things from the past 留恋,怀旧情绪 there's a mood of nostalgia throughout the whole book. 整本书都充满着怀旧情绪。 a bittersweet film of nostalgia and innocence 一部苦乐参半,充满怀旧、纯真情感的影片nostalgia for reagan appealed to the average american's sense of nostalgia for a golden age. 里根激发普通美国人对黄金时代的怀旧感。 nostalgic [adjective] making you remember happy times in the past 怀旧的,恋旧的 a nostalgic visit to my home town 到我的家乡去的一次怀旧之行 this song always makes me feel nostalgic. 这首歌总是让我产生怀旧感。2. to try very hard to remember something 努力回忆某事 try to remember /ˌtraɪ tə rɪˈmembəʳ/ [verb phrase] you must try to remember what happened -- it's very important. 你一定要记起发生过的事情—这非常重要。 his name? wait a minute. i'm trying to remember. 他的名字?等等,我想一想。try to remember who/what/how etc i'm trying to remember how the theme tune goes. 我在尽力回忆主旋律是什么样的。 think /θɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] to try to remember something by deliberately thinking about it a lot 试图记忆;想起 think of you used to go out with the man from the bank, didn't you? i just can't think of his name. 你以前跟银行的那个人谈恋爱,是吧?我就是想不起他的名字。try to think ‘what did you do with the keys?’ ‘hang on, i'm just trying to think.’ “你把钥匙放哪儿了?“等一下,我正在想。”think what/why/how etc i can't think where i put it. 我想不起放哪儿了。 just let me think what the title was. 让我想想那书名叫什么。think hard use this to emphasize that you try to remember something 努力回想[用于强调] if she thought hard enough, she could just about remember what her mother looked like. 如果她再努力回忆一下,就差不多能记起母亲长什么样了。think and think think for a long time 想了又想 he thought and thought but he couldn't remember. 他想了又想,可还是记不起来。 come back to /ˌkʌm ˈbæk tʊː/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if something comes back to you, you gradually start to remember it again after a lot of effort 慢慢想起来 i can't think of the title at the moment, but it'll come back to me. 现在我想不起那书名了,但慢慢会想起来的。 if you can remember all that, i'm sure the rest will come back to you. 如果你能想起所有那些内容,我肯定其余部分你也会慢慢回忆起来。 cast your mind back /ˌkɑːst jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd bækǁˌkæst-/ [verb phrase not in passive] british to try to remember something that happened a long time in the past 【英】回想 lisa, if you cast your mind back, i think you'll recall that it was your idea. 莉萨,如果你回想一下,我想你能记起那是你想出来的主意。cast your mind back to henry cast his mind back to the fateful evening. 亨利回想起那个灾难性的晚上。cast your mind back over he frowned, casting his mind back over the conversation they had held. 他皱了皱眉,回想起了他们的对话。cast your mind back forty years/three days etc cast your mind back a few weeks to the athletics championship in armagh. 回忆一下几周前在阿马举行的田径锦标赛。 rack your brains /ˌræk jɔːʳ ˈbreɪnz/ [verb phrase not in passive] to try extremely hard to remember something that you find very difficult to remember 绞尽脑汁回忆 desperately, irvin racked his brains, but there was nothing he could tell them. 欧文拼命地绞尽脑汁回忆,但实在想不出什么来告诉他们。 she racked her brains, trying to remember what david had said. 她绞尽脑汁想记起戴维说了些什么话。rack your brains for they sat in silence, racking their brains for the name of the road. 他们无声地坐着,搜肠刮肚地在想那条路的名称。3. to remember something with difficulty 困难地回忆某事 vaguely remember /ˌveɪgli rɪˈmembəʳ/ [verb phrase] if you vaguely remember something, you can remember it slightly but not all the details are clear 隐约记得 she still vaguely remembered her father, a distant figure who was barely ever there. 她仍隐约记得自己的父亲,那是个疏离的人物,很少在家。vaguely remember that i do vaguely remember, now that kerry mentions it, that pete was at the party. 克丽提起了我才隐约想起来,皮特是参加了那次聚会。vaguely remember what/how/who etc bob, who'd been a vet in the army, vaguely remembered how to use a tourniquet. 鲍勃曾经在军队里当过兽医,隐约记得如何使用止血带。vaguely remember doing something he vaguely remembered meeting her in a club the night of the concert. 他隐约记得开音乐会那个晚上在一个俱乐部里遇见过她。 have a hazy/vague recollection /hæv ə ˌheɪzi, ˌveɪg rekəˈlekʃən/ [verb phrase] to be able to remember that something happened but not be able to remember the details clearly, especially because you did not notice the details at the time 模糊地记得,隐约地忆起[尤因当时没有注意细节] i do sort of remember meeting him, but i have only a hazy recollection. 我记得好像遇见过他,不过只是模糊的记忆。have a hazy/vague recollection of davis claims he has only a vague recollection of the rape. 戴维斯称他只模糊记得那起强奸案。have a hazy/vague recollection of doing something the next day she had a hazy recollection of getting drunk and dancing in a fountain. 第二天她只模糊地记得自己喝醉了,并在喷水池里跳舞。 be on the tip of your tongue /biː ɒn ðə ˌtɪp əv jɔːʳ ˈtʌŋ/ [verb phrase] if a name or word is on the tip of your tongue, you usually know it but have difficulty remembering it at the present moment [某名字或单词]就在嘴边;一时想不起来 his name's on the tip of my tongue. i'll think of it in a minute. 他的名字就在我嘴边了,我一会儿就能想起来。 what was that place where they'd had dinner? it was on the tip of her tongue. 他们一起吃过饭的那地方叫什么?她一时想不起来。 ring a bell /ˌrɪŋ ə ˈbel/ [verb phrase] if something, especially a name, rings a bell, you remember that you have seen or heard it before but you are now not sure of the details [尤指名字]听上去耳熟,似曾相识 the name rings a bell, but i can't place it at the moment. 这名字听起来耳熟,但我一时想不起来。ring a bell with ‘gentle ben's brewing company’ will ring a bell with anyone who has lived in arizona. “大好人本的酿酒公司”这个名字对任何在亚利桑那州生活的人而言都是耳熟的。4. to remember something very clearly 清楚地记得某事物 remember something well/vividly /rɪˌmembəʳ something ˈwel, ˈvɪvə̇dli/ [verb phrase] ‘do you remember a guy called casey?’ ‘sure, i remember him well.’ “你记得有一个叫凯西的家伙吗?”“记得,我记得很清楚。” it was a long, long time ago, but i remember it vividly. 那是很久以前的事了,可我记得非常清楚。 what she remembered most vividly was the hopelessly sad expression in his eyes. 她记得最清楚的是他眼中那绝望的悲伤神情。remember something all too well/vividly remember something that you would prefer to forget 对某事记得太清楚 these men remember all too well the horrors of the korean war. 这些人对这场战争的恐怖景象仍历历在目。 distinctly remember /dɪˌstɪŋktli rɪˈmembəʳ/ [verb phrase] to remember the details about something extremely clearly, especially when it is not something that would usually stay in someone's memory 清晰地记得[尤指一般不被人记得的事] distinctly remember something i distinctly remember her dress. it was blue with a red belt. 我清楚地记得她的连衣裙,蓝色的,系一条红色腰带。distinctly remember doing something i distinctly remember being told that my father was away on a long business trip. 我清晰地记得,有人告诉我爸爸是长期出差去了。distinctly remember somebody doing something i distinctly remember him leaving the room at about 8.00 p.m. 我清楚地记得他大约晚上8点离开房间。 be fresh in your mind /biː ˌfreʃ ɪn jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] if something is fresh in your mind, you remember it very clearly because it happened very recently or because it had a great effect on you [某事]在你脑中记忆犹新[因最近刚刚发生或因对你影响很大] the day war was declared is still fresh in my mind. 宣战那天在我脑中记忆犹新。 she wrote down the details of their conversation while they were still fresh in her mind. 她趁记忆犹新,赶快把他们谈话的细节记录下来。with something fresh in your mind it was going to be difficult forming a new relationship with the memory of marian still fresh in his mind. 玛丽安在他心里仍是记忆犹新,他会很难跟别人建立新的关系。 i can still hear/see/feel etc /aɪ kən ˌstɪl ˈhɪəʳ/ to remember clearly the sight, sound, feel etc of something 我仍能清楚地听见/看见/感觉到等 i can still see his face when i told him i wanted a divorce. 我仍能清楚地记得我告诉他我想离婚时他的表情。 i can still hear my mother even now, singing away in the kitchen. 即使现在,我仍能清楚地记得母亲在厨房里开心地唱歌的声音。 the next morning, on his way to the office, he could still feel the touch of her lips on his. 第二天早晨去上班的路上,他依然能体味到她的双唇贴在自己唇上的感觉。 i will never forget /aɪ wɪl ˌnevəʳ fəʳˈget/ especially spoken use this to say that you will remember something for a long time because it was very shocking, very enjoyable, very frightening etc 【尤口】我永远也忘不了 i'll never forget the sight of him lying there in the hospital. 我永远也忘不了他躺在医院里的样子。 ‘i'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget,’ said father grimly. “我要给你一个一辈子都忘不掉的教训。”爸爸冷冷地说道。i'll never forget the first time/the day/the night etc i'll never forget the first time i ate sushi. 我永远忘不了第一次吃寿司的情景。 i'll never forget the day linda told us she was gay. 我永远忘不了琳达告诉我们她是同性恋的那一天。i will never forget how/what/who etc i'll never forget how he comforted me after my son died. 我不会忘记我儿子死后,他是如何安慰我的。 remember something as if it were yesterday /rɪˌmembəʳ something əz ɪf ɪt wəʳ ˈjestəʳdi/ [verb phrase] to remember something that happened a long time in the past so clearly that it seems to have happened very recently, especially because it had a great effect on you 对某事记忆犹新[尤因此事对你影响极大] i remember sitting at that table and listening to him speak as if it were yesterday. 我记得坐在那张桌子旁听着他说话,一切都恍如昨日。 she remembers her husband being shot as if it were yesterday. 她对丈夫被人枪击的事记忆犹新。 relive /ˌriːˈlɪv/ [transitive verb] to clearly remember something, especially an experience from the past, by imagining that you are doing it again now [在想象中]重新经历[尤指过去的经历] in my dreams, i often relived my fears and thought i was being attacked. 我在梦中经常重新经历恐惧,以为自己又遭人袭击了。 it's about a woman who is forced to relive her past when she discovers her long-lost brother. 它讲的是一个女人在找到了失散已久的弟弟后,不得不把过去的经历重新回忆起来的故事。 i have relived that game many times and i still don't know how i missed the goal. 那场比赛我回忆了好多次,仍不明白我是怎么会错过那个进球机会的。 stay with /ˈsteɪ wɪð/ [transitive verb not in passive] if something such as an experience or event stays with you, you remember it for a very long time because it has such a great effect on you [经历、事件等]久久不能忘记[因对你影响很大] when a loved one dies, it stays with you - it doesn't just go away. 亲人的死去会一直留在你心里—那是忘不了的。stay with someone for a long time/for the rest of their life the memory of the incident stayed with him for a long time. 他对那场事故久久不能忘怀。 growing up in the countryside, she developed a passion for horses that stayed with her for the rest of her life. 她在乡村长大,所以培养出了对马的爱好,并且终生都保持着这份热爱。 stick in your mind /ˌstɪk ɪn jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] if an experience or event etc sticks in your mind, it is very difficult to forget [经历、事件等]使人难忘 that reminds me of another incident that sticks in my mind. 那使我想起了另一件难忘的事。 one picture of a young child especially stuck in my mind. 一张小孩的照片尤令我难以忘怀。 a trivial incident, perhaps, but one that has stuck in my mind. 也许只能算是一件微不足道的小事,却在我心里挥之不去。 be haunted by /biː ˈhɔːntə̇d baɪ/ [verb phrase] if you are haunted by something, especially something that you are worried about or afraid of, you find it extremely difficult to forget it so you are always thinking about it 被…缠扰[尤指你所担心或害怕的事] she was still haunted by what happened in barcelona, although she had left twenty years earlier. 虽然她20年前就离开了巴塞罗那,但在那里发生的往事仍萦绕在她心头。 all his life, whitman was haunted by a sense of loss and loneliness. 惠特曼一生都被失落和孤独感所缠绕。5. when you will remember something for a long time 长时间记得某事 memorable /ˈmemərəbəl/ [adjective] something that is memorable, especially an event or occasion, is so enjoyable, beautiful, unusual etc that you remember it for a long time 难忘的,值得纪念的[尤指某件事或某场合] one memorable afternoon, we visited a shinto shrine. 一个难忘的下午,我们去参观了神道教寺庙。 what's your most memorable moment from your years on the stage? 你登上舞台这么多年,最难忘的一刻是什么时候? the story was memorable because, as far as i recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person. 这则故事令人难忘,因为就我的记忆所及,这是学校图书馆里唯一讲到黑人的书。 unforgettable /ˌʌnfəʳˈgetəbəl/ [adjective] something such as an event or occasion that is unforgettable has such a powerful effect on you that you will never be able to forget it [事件或场合等因影响重大而]难忘的 the trip had been an unforgettable experience for both of them. 这次旅行对他俩来说都是一次难忘的经历。 a series of unforgettable characters 一系列难忘的角色 one of the movie's unforgettable moments 影片中令人难忘的几个时刻之一 to everyone who has ever heard a fairy tale, the image of being lost in a deep, dark wood is unforgettable. 对任何一个听过神话故事的人来讲,在黑暗的密林中迷了路是一个难以忘怀的印象。6. to remember something that you must do or need to have 记住你必须做的事或需要有的东西 remember /rɪˈmembəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] did you remember your dictionary? 你记得带上词典了吗? remember, the examiner will expect you to demonstrate a knowledge of motorway driving too. 记住,考官还会要求你展示一下高速公路上的驾车知识。remember to do something did you remember to lock the back door? 你记得锁后门了吗? i hope dean remembers to buy some stamps. 我希望迪安会记得买几张邮票。remember (that) do you think kim remembers that we're supposed to be there at 8? 你觉得金会记得我们应该8点到那里吗? not forget /nɒt fəʳˈget/ [verb phrase] to remember something you must do - use this especially when it seems likely that you will not remember something 不忘记,没忘记[尤指你似乎不会记得] don't worry, i won't forget. 别担心,我不会忘记的。 don't forget your keys. 别忘了你的钥匙。not forget to do something i hope she doesn't forget to water the plants. 我希望她别忘了给植物浇水。 you mustn't forget to switch that off when you've finished. 完成后你不要忘记把它关掉。not forget (that) i might be home late, but i haven't forgotten that we're going out. 我回家可能要晚了,可我没忘记我们要出去的事。don't forget to do something don't forget to turn out the lights before you leave. 你离开前别忘了关灯。 be sure /biː ˈʃʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] if you tell someone to be sure to do something, you want them to remember that it is important that they do it 一定要 be sure to do something be sure to ring me when you get in. 你到了一定要打电话给我。be sure and do something be sure and let me know if you need anything. 如果你需要什么一定要告诉我。be sure (that) be sure that you make the effort to vote this year. 今年你一定要尽量去投票。 be sure you have your driver's license and insurance ready to show the officer. 一定要把你的驾驶执照和保险单准备好给警察看。7. to try to remember something that you may need to know later 设法记住以后可能需要知道的东西 memorize also memorise british /ˈmeməraɪz/ [transitive verb] to learn facts, numbers, lines etc from a piece of writing or music, so that you can remember them later 记住,记牢 wesley would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the bible. 韦斯利会祷告好几小时,并把《圣经》大段大段地记住。 don't write down your pin number, memorize it. 别把你的个人身份识别号码写出来,要把它记住。 note /nəʊt/ [transitive verb] to remember something, such as a fact or information, especially by writing it down, because you may need to know it in the future 留意;记录,记下[尤指写下来] before leaving, she noted the times of the return trains. 离开之前,她留意了一下回程火车的时间。note down to write the things you have to remember 记下来 he read the text carefully, noting down the queries to be resolved later. 他仔细地阅读了课文,记下了疑难问题待以后解决。 note [countable noun] i have notes to myself all over the house. 我屋子里到处都是给自己的记事便条。make a note of something if you have any complaints, let me know and i'll make a note of them. 如果你有什么要投诉就告诉我,我会作记录的。 make a mental note /meɪk ə ˌmentl ˈnəʊt/ [verb phrase] to make yourself remember something because you may need to know it or do it in the future 记在脑子里,记住[今后需要知道或做的事] i let the remark pass, but made a mental note for myself. 我对那个评论不予理会,但心里记住了。make a mental note to do something i said nothing to liz, but made a mental note to ask her sister about it later. 我对莉兹什么也没说,只记住以后去问她姐姐。make a mental note of as he came in, i made a mental note of where he put the keys. 他进来时我记住了他放钥匙的地方。 bear/keep in mind /ˌbeəʳ, ˌkiːp ɪn ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] to remember a fact or some information because it will be useful to you in the future 记住[事实或一些信息] bear/keep in mind that keep in mind that the teacher's previous experience in preparing students for the cambridge exam can influence the results. 请记住,老师过去为学生准备剑桥大学入学考试的经验能对成绩好坏产生影响。bear/keep something in mind ‘you're always welcome to stay here, you know.’ ‘thanks, i'll bear it in mind.’ “要知道你在这里总是受欢迎的。”“谢谢,我会记住的。” for users unfamiliar with the system, there are a few general points to keep in mind. 对不熟悉这套系统的用户来说,有几条通则需要记住。be worth keeping/bearing something in mind it's worth keeping in mind that drinks are cheaper before eight o'clock. 值得记住,8点前饮料便宜一点。8. the ability to remember things 记事的能力 memory /ˈmeməri/ [singular noun] a person's ability to remember facts or past events [对事实或过去的事的]记忆力 he's got a good memory, but i wouldn't call him intelligent. 他记忆力好,但我不认为他聪明。memory for i've got a terrible memory for names. 我对名字的记忆力差极了。do something from memory these stories were told and retold, mainly from memory. 这些故事主要凭记忆一代代相传下去。lose your memory no longer have the ability to remember things 失去记忆 was she losing her memory as well as her teeth? 她是不是记性坏了,牙也掉了?photographic memory the ability to remember exactly every detail of something you have seen 准确得惊人的记忆力 she is blessed with a photographic memory. 她天生有过目不忘的好记性。 recall /rɪˈkɔːlǁrɪˈkɔːl, ˈriːkɔːl/ [uncountable noun] the ability to take information from your memory in order to use it [对资料的]记忆力 even in old age, his powers of recall were astonishing. 即使年纪大了,他的记忆力还是很惊人。 in advanced cases of the disease, there is a very rapid loss of recall and a decay of memory. 在这种病症的晚期,记忆很快丧失,记性也会衰退。total recall the ability to remember everything you want to remember 完整的记忆力 dinali has a brilliant mind, with almost total recall of what she has read. 迪娜莉记性非常好,读过的东西她几乎全都记得。9. when you do something so that a person or event will not be forgotten 为了不忘却某人或事件而做某事 in memory of somebody/in somebody's memory /ɪn ˈmeməri əv somebody, ɪn somebodyˈs ˈmeməri/ [preposition] if something is done in memory of someone who has died, it is done so that the person is not forgotten, and to show respect for them 为了纪念某人[指死了的人 the monument was built in memory of all the soldiers who died in the war. 这座纪念碑是为纪念所有在战争中死去的士兵而建的。 the statue was erected in 1888 in memory of john wesley. 这座塑像是为纪念约翰·韦斯利于1888年竖立的。 the inscription on the gravestone said simply, ‘in memory of david james flower 1892-1917.’ 墓碑上的铭文简单地写着:“纪念戴维·詹姆士·弗劳沃尔1892-1917。" when alfred nobel died, an annual peace prize was established in his memory. 艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔去世后,为了纪念他而设立了一年一度的和平奖。 memorial /mɪˈmɔːriəl, məˈmɔːriəl/ [adjective only before noun] a memorial concert, fund, service etc is made or done to show respect for someone who has died, especially someone who was important, so that that person will not be forgotten [对死去的人,尤重要的人]纪念的[音乐会、基金、仪式等] the memorial service was attended by the greatest names in hollywood. 好莱坞最有名望的人出席了这次纪念仪式。 eliot was asked to give the first yeats memorial lecture in dublin in 1940. 1940年艾略特获邀在都柏林发表第一个叶慈纪念演讲。 he met saleh after a memorial ceremony for former president françois mitterrand. 他在一次纪念前总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗的活动上遇到了萨利赫。 commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/ [transitive verb] if something commemorates someone's death or an event where people died, it is done in order to show respect for them and to remind other people of the person or event 纪念 the eid commemorates the prophet abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at god's command. 开斋节是纪念先知亚伯拉罕甘愿依照上帝的旨意把儿子献祭的事迹。 when a famous citizen died, he was commemorated by a statue or a plaque. 名人逝世后,人们用塑像或牌匾来纪念他。commemorate something with something vienna commemorated the 200th anniversary of schubert's birth with a series of exhibitions and concerts. 维也纳以一系列的展览和音乐会来纪念舒伯特诞辰200周年。 re·mem·ber /rɪ`mɛmbə; rɪˈmembə/v 1. [i,t] to have in your memory people, places, and events from the past 记得:◇do you remember the first job you ever had? 你记得你的第一份工作吗? 2. [i,t] to bring information or facts that you know back into your mind 记起,回想起:◇i can't remember her name. 我想不起她的名字。◇+ (that) she suddenly remembered that she had to go to the dentist. 她突然记起她必须去看牙医。 3. [i,t] to not forget to do something 记住; 牢记:◇remember to do sth did you remember to phone nicky? 你记得打电话给尼基吗?→ compare 比较 remind 4. [t] to think about someone who has died with special respect 纪念; 悼念[去世的人]usage note 用法说明: remember and 和 remindif you remember something, a fact or event from the past, or something you earlier decided to do, comes back into your mind. 如果你 remember(记起)某事,即回想起过去的一个事实或事件或早先决定做的事:◇do you remember that guy we met at the party? 你记得我们在那次聚会上遇见的那个人吗?◇i can't remember how much i paid for it. 我想不起买这东西付了多少钱。◇he suddenly remembered he had to go to the bank. 他突然记起他必须去银行。if someone reminds you to do something, or something reminds you of something, they make you remember it. 如果某人 reminds(提醒)你去做某事,或某事物 reminds(使你想起)某事物,它们让你记起这件事物:◇this song always reminds me of when i was at college. 这首歌总让我回忆起大学时代。◇remind me to call him later today. 提醒我今天晚些时候打电话给他。 ☞ remember




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