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单词 deadlock
释义 deadlock nounadjective | verb + deadlock | preposition | phrases adjective➤political政治僵局verb + deadlock➤reach (especially bre) 陷入僵局◆the strike appeared to have reached a deadlock.罢工看来陷入了僵局。➤break, end, resolve (bre) 打破/结束/解决僵局preposition➤in deadlock处于僵持状态◆the two were in deadlock. (bre) 两人处于僵持状态。◆the two were in a deadlock. (name) 两人相持不下。➤deadlock between⋯之间的对峙◆the deadlock between striking workers and their employer罢工工人和雇主之间的僵持局面➤deadlock in⋯的僵局◆the summit called for an end to the deadlock in the peace talks.峰会呼吁结束和谈僵局。➤deadlock over有关⋯的僵局◆an attempt to break the deadlock over the issue of pay打破薪资问题僵局的努力phrases➤end in deadlock, end in a deadlock (name) 以僵局告终◆the negotiations ended in (a) deadlock.谈判最后陷入僵局。 deadlock /dedlɒk; name -lɑːk/ noun [singular; uncountable] a complete failure to reach agreement or settle a dispute 僵持;僵局◆the two sides met to try to break (= end) the deadlock on/over funding for a pay deal. 双方会面试图打破在工资协议上有关筹资问题的僵局。◆the strike has reached a deadlock. 罢工已陷入僵局。◆(bre) the negotiations appear to have reached deadlock today. 今天的谈判似乎已陷入僵局。⨁ to break / resolve a deadlock打破/解决僵局 ⨁ to end in / reach (a) deadlock陷入僵局 ▸ deadlocked /dedlɒkt; name -lɑːkt/ adjective [usually before noun] ◆pay talks remained deadlocked for weeks. 薪酬谈判经数周仍僵持不下。☞ deadlockdeadlock/ˈdedlɒk ||; ˈdɛdˌlɑk/noun [sing] [u] a situation in which two sides cannot reach an agreement 僵局;僵持的情况: ◇talks have reached (a) deadlock. 谈判已陷入僵局。◇to try to break the deadlock 试图打破僵局 deadlocksee ⇨ progress/make progress 5 dead·lock /`dɛdˏlɑk; ˈdedlɒk/n [singular 单数,u]when people, organizations, or countries cannot agree 僵局; 僵持:◇break the deadlock (=end it) 打破僵局: the un is trying to break the deadlock between the two countries. 联合国正努力打破两国间的僵局。




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