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单词 bandage
释义 bandage nounadjective | verb + bandage | preposition | phrases adjective➤tight紧扎着的绷带▸➤loose宽松的绷带➤makeshift临时代用的绷带➤compression压迫绷带➤adhesive (name) 粘附绷带▸➤crepe, elastic, gauze绉布/弹性/纱布绷带➤clean, sterile清洁/消毒绷带➤fresh, new未用过的绷带;新绷带verb + bandage➤put on, wind, wrap包扎/缠上/裹上绷带◆wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.用绷带紧紧包裹受伤的肢体。➤tie绑上绷带▸➤have on, wear裹着绷带▸➤change, remove, take off, undo换绷带;去掉绷带;拆绷带preposition➤bandage around, bandage round (especially bre) 绷带缠着⋯➤bandage on绷带包在⋯上◆she had a bandage on her arm.她胳膊上扎着绷带。phrases➤be in bandages, be swathed in bandages, be wrapped in bandages扎着绷带◆he'll be in bandages for a few weeks.他将要扎几个星期的绷带。 bandage nounbandage ♦︎ plaster ♦︎ band-aid™ ♦︎ dressingthese words all refer to material which is put on wounds or injuries.这些词均表示用来包扎伤口的材料。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to apply a bandage / dressing◆to put on / take off a bandage / plaster / band-aid■ bandage /bændɪdʒ/ [countable, uncountable] a strip of fabric used to wrap or cover a part of the body that has been hurt, in order to protect it or apply pressure; the fabric used for this绷带◆make sure the bandage isn't too tight.绷带一定不要缠得太紧。◆he had a strip of bandage tied around his head.他的头上裹着一圈绷带。▸ bandage verb [transitive] ◆don't bandage the wound too tightly.不要把伤口包扎得太紧。◆they bandaged up my leg and told me to rest.他们用绷带包扎好我的腿,并嘱咐我休息。■ plaster /plɑːstə(r); name plæstər/ [countable, uncountable] (bre) a small piece of fabric or plastic which can be stuck to the skin to protect a small wound or cut; the material used for this膏药;创可贴;护创胶布◆have you got any plasters? i've cut my finger.你有创可贴吗?我割破了手指。◆cut off a small piece of plaster.剪下一小块胶布。■ band-aid™ [countable] (especially name) a plaster(邦迪牌)创可贴◆do you have a band-aid? i've cut my finger.你有创可贴吗?我割破了手指。■ dressing [countable] a piece of soft fabric placed over a wound to absorb blood and prevent infection(止血以防感染的)敷料◆place the dressing directly onto the wound and hold it in place.把敷料直接放到伤口上,敷妥帖。▸ dress verb [transitive] ◆the nurse will dress that cut for you.护士会为你包扎那个伤口。■ tourniquet /tʊənɪkeɪ; name tɜːrnəkət/ [countable] a piece of fabric that is tied tightly around an arm or leg to stop a wound from bleeding◆apply a tight tourniquet above the wound. bandage /bændɪdʒ/ [countable, uncountable] a strip of fabric used to wrap or cover a part of the body that has been hurt, in order to protect it or apply pressure; the fabric used for this绷带◆make sure the bandage isn't too tight.绷带一定不要缠得太紧。◆he had a strip of bandage tied around his head.他的头上裹着一圈绷带。▸ bandage verb [transitive] ◆don't bandage the wound too tightly.不要把伤口包扎得太紧。◆they bandaged up my leg and told me to rest.他们用绷带包扎好我的腿,并嘱咐我休息。bandageverb [transitive] ◆don't bandage the wound too tightly.不要把伤口包扎得太紧。◆they bandaged up my leg and told me to rest.他们用绷带包扎好我的腿,并嘱咐我休息。bandageverb [transitive] ◆don't bandage the wound too tightly.不要把伤口包扎得太紧。◆they bandaged up my leg and told me to rest.他们用绷带包扎好我的腿,并嘱咐我休息。bandage/ˈbændɪdʒ ||; ˈbændɪdʒ/noun [c] a long piece of soft white material that you tie round a wound or injury 绷带 bandage verb [t] bandage sth/sb (up) ◇the nurse bandaged my hand up. 护士用绷带把我的手包扎好。 ☞ bandage¹☞ bandage²




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