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单词 other¹
释义 oth·er¹ /`ʌðə; ˈʌðə/determiner, adj 1. used when you have mentioned one person or thing from a group and want to talk about one or more of the rest [一组中]其余的,其他的:◇anna has a job, but the other girls are still at school. 安娜已经工作,但其他女孩子还在上学。◇the other one here's one sock, where's the other one? 这里有一只袜子,另一只在哪里? 2. used to talk about things or people that exist in addition to the person or thing you are talking about 其他的,别的:◇the other students are about the same age as me. 其他同学都和我差不多年龄。 3. used to talk about people or things that are different to the ones you are talking about 不同的:◇can we meet some other time — i'm busy right now. 我们改天见面好吗 — 我现在正忙着。◇their cottage is on the other side of the lake. 他们的小屋在湖的另一边。 4. the other day/morning etc spoken a few days ago; recently 【口】 前几天/前几天早上等:◇i was talking to ted the other day. 前些天我和泰德谈了。 5. other than except 除了:◇she has no one to talk to other than her family. 除了家人,她没有人可以说话。 6. every other day/week etc one day, week etc in every two 每隔一天/一星期等:◇her husband cooks dinner every other day. 她丈夫隔天做一次晚饭。→ compare 比较 another→ see also 另见 each other




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