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单词 side
释义 side noun¹ 1flat surface of sth thin平面adjective➤flip, reverse反面◆the reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.硬币的背面是一朵花。side noun² 2either of the two parts of a place/object地方的一边;物体的一侧adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤far, opposite, other远端;对面;另一边◆at the other side of the room, a group of people were clustered around the fire.在房间的另一边,一群人正围在火炉旁边。➤near(车辆)靠路缘的一侧▸➤right, wrong正向;逆向◆a car was coming in their direction on the wrong side of the road.一辆汽车逆行向他们冲过来。➤left-hand, right-hand左侧;右侧◆the left-hand side of the page页面左侧➤east, west, etc.东边、西边等➤leeward, seaward, windward背风的/向海的/顶风的一面◆the sunny, leeward side of the island海岛朝阳背风的一面➤port (= left side of a boat) , starboard左舷;右舷◆the ship was damaged on her starboard side.船的右舷受损。➤driver's, passenger驾驶员/乘客一侧◆she got in the passenger side of the car.她坐在了副驾驶位置。preposition➤side of⋯边◆the side of the road路边➤at one side, at the side在一边◆some people were standing at one side of the room.在房间的一侧站着一些人。➤down one side, down the side沿着一边◆a long bench runs down one side of the room.沿房间一边有条长凳。➤from side to side从一边到另一边◆she shook her head from side to side.她摇了摇头。◆the cat sat with its tail twitching from side to side.猫蹲坐着,尾巴左右摆动。➤on the side在一边◆a factory on the west side of town城西的一间工厂➤on one side, to one side (= not in the middle) 斜着;歪向一边◆he stood with his head cocked to one side.他头歪向一边站着。◆she put her head to one side as she talked.她谈话时把头歪向一边。phrases➤sunny side up (name) (鸡蛋)煎一面◆i'd like my eggs sunny side up.我的鸡蛋请单煎一面。side noun³ 3right/left part of your body身体的右侧或左侧adjective | side + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤left, left-hand, right, right-hand左侧;右侧◆the right-hand side of the brain右脑side + verb➤ache (often figurative) , hurt岔气◆i laughed until my sides ached.我笑得都岔气了。preposition➤down your side沿身体一侧◆he felt a pain down his left side.他身子左边觉得疼。➤in the/your side在身体一侧◆i've a pain in my side.我肋部疼。➤on your side侧着◆i always sleep on my side because i'm not comfortable on my back.我总是侧身睡觉,因为仰卧不舒服。◆helen lay on her side in the bed, her face to the wall.海伦侧身躺在床上,脸对着墙。➤onto your side侧过身◆emily turned onto her side and yawned.埃米莉侧过身,打了个哈欠。phrases➤at sb's side在某人的身边◆he rushed to be at her side.他急忙跑到她身边。➤side by side并排◆the two sat side by side on the bench.两人并排坐在凳子上。➤a pain in your side身体一侧疼◆i felt a sharp pain in my side.我感到身子一侧钻心地疼。➤a thorn in the side (figurative) 肉中刺;使人苦恼不断的事◆the trade deficit is a thorn in the side of the us economy.贸易赤字一直是美国经济的心病。side noun⁴ 4aspect/quality of sb/sth方面;品质adjective | verb + side | preposition | phrases adjective➤bright, plus, positive, sunny (especially name) 光明的/有利的/积极的/阳光的一面◆when things go badly, try to look on the bright side. (bre) 情况变糟时,尽量看好的一面。◆look at the bright side-you can spend more time at home. (name) 往好处想吧,你能有更多的时间陪伴家人。➤dark, negative, seamy, seedy, ugly阴暗的/消极的/污秽的/肮脏的/丑陋的一面◆this murder highlights the seamy side of hollywood.这起谋杀事件暴露了好莱坞的阴暗面。◆the scandal has shown us the ugly side of politics.这桩丑闻向我们展示了政治丑陋的一面。➤flip (especially name) 另一面◆the flip side of nationalism is racism.民族主义的另一面就是种族主义。➤caring, creative, feminine体贴的/富有创意的/温柔的一面◆she likes men who do not hide their feminine side.她喜欢不掩饰柔情的男子。➤lighter活泼的一面◆bob is hoping to show off his lighter side.鲍勃希望能展示他活泼的一面。➤business, commercial, financial, management, marketing业务/商务/财务/管理/市场方面◆i had nothing to do with the financial side of the company.我和这个公司没有任何财务方面的关系。➤demand, supply (both business商业) 需求/供给方面◆what can we do on the supply side to make this market more competitive?为使市场更具竞争性,我们在供给方面能做些什么?verb + side➤have有⋯面◆he's usually very kind, but he has his less positive side too.他平时很温和,但也有不太好的一面。➤show显示⋯的一面▸➤hide掩盖⋯的一面➤see看见⋯的一面◆he had never seen this side of her before.他之前还从未领教过她性格的这一面。preposition➤side to⋯的方面◆there are two sides to every story.事情都有正反两方面。◆there are several sides to most problems.大多数问题都是多方面的。phrases➤sb's side of the story某人对事情的看法◆the book gave him the opportunity to give his side of the story.这本书让他有机会提出自己的观点。◆the book gave him the opportunity to put his side of the story. (bre) 这本书让他有机会论述自己的观点。➤see the funny side (of sth) (especially bre) 看到(⋯)可笑的一面◆fortunately, julie saw the funny side when i spilled coffee on her.我把咖啡泼到了朱莉身上,幸好她觉得这件事有好笑的一面。side noun⁵ 5in a war, argument, etc.战争;争论adjective | verb + side | side + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤opposing敌对方➤losing, winning败方;胜方➤democratic, republican民主党派;共和党派verb + side➤choose选择一派◆war forces people to choose sides.战争迫使人们选择不同的阵营。➤switch转换派别◆he switched sides and joined the opposition.他转换立场加入了敌对派。side + verb➤accuse sb一方指责某人◆each side accused the other of firing first.双方均指责对方开火在先。➤argue sth一方论述⋯◆let both sides argue their case.让双方各自陈述自己的理由。◆both sides argued for increased literacy.双方都认为读写水平提高了。➤want sth一方要求⋯➤agree, disagree一方同意/不同意preposition➤on side在⋯一方◆he was on the losing side.他所在的一方输了。phrases➤on both sides双方都◆there were casualties on both sides of the conflict.冲突双方均有伤亡。side noun⁶ 6 (bre) team队adjective | verb + side | side + verb | phrases adjective➤good, strong优秀队;强队➤full-strength最强阵容◆france fielded a full-strength side.法国队派出最强阵容上场。➤losing, winning败方;胜方▸➤away, home客队;主队◆the home side scored in the opening ten minutes.主队开场 10 分钟便进了一球。➤league, test (in cricket板球) 联赛队伍;参赛球队verb + side➤captain, skipper (informal) 担任队长➤lead, steer率领/指引球队◆he steered his side to victory.他率领球队取得了胜利。➤beat, bowl, bowl out, dismiss [all often passive] 击败球队;将球队杀出局◆the away side were dismissed for 192.客队以 192 分被淘汰出局。➤field以⋯阵容上场◆sussex are likely to field a strong side.萨塞克斯队可能会以很强的阵容上场。side + verb➤win (sth)球队获胜;球队赢得(⋯)➤play球队打比赛➤battle, clash球队交锋/对阵➤dominate (sth)球队控制(⋯)➤struggle球队奋力拚搏◆both sides struggled to find any sort of form.两队竞相争取最佳表现。➤score球队得分➤equalize, level球队打平/拉平➤concede球队被对方进球◆his side conceded two goals in their last match.他的球队在上一场比赛中被攻入了两球。phrases➤let the side down (figurative) 使自己人失望◆i felt i was letting the side down by not going to the wedding.我没有去参加婚礼,感觉让自己人失望了。➤put your side ahead, put your side in front使自己球队领先◆lampard scored a goal to put his side ahead.兰帕德的一粒进球让他的球队处于领先。 side /saɪd/ noun [countable] of the two or more people or groups taking part in an argument, a discussion, etc. 一派;一方◆we reached an agreement acceptable to all sides. 我们达成了各方都能接受的协议。◆the two sides announced a deal yesterday. 双方昨天宣布达成协议。  ➡  see note at colleague of the opinions, attitudes or positions held by sb in a business arrangement, an argument, etc. (一方的)观点(或态度、立场)◆are you sure they will keep their side of the bargain (= do what they say they will do)? 你肯定他们会遵守协议吗?3. (informal) a particular aspect of a job or a company's business (工作或公司业务的)特定方面◆he worked for them on the sales and marketing side. 他在他们那里从事销售及营销工作。◆i'll take care of that side of things. 我会关照那方面的事情的。 of the two parts of a financial account (账户的)一方◆the credit/debit side 贷/借方 demand side ◇ supply side ☞ sideside [countable] a particular aspect of sth, especially a situation or a person's character(尤指情况或性格的)方面◆her novels deal with the darker side of human nature.她的小说讨论人性的阴暗面。◆it's good you can see the funny side of the situation.你能看到情况可笑的一面,这很好。◆i'll take care of that side of things.那方面的事情由我来处理。ⓘ in this meaning, side is often, though not always, rather informal, used especially in spoken english in the phrases see the funny side and that/the business/the political, etc. side of things.表达此义时,side 常常很不正式,尤其用于口语短语 see the funny side 或 that/the business/the political, etc. side of things 中。side [countable] one of the opinions, attitudes or positions taken by sb in an argument or agreement(争论或协议中)一方的观点(或态度、立场)◆you need to listen to both sides of the argument.你要听争论双方的观点。◆the other side maintains that the project will not be affordable.另一方坚持说负担不起该项目。◆will you keep your side of the bargain?你方能不能遵守协议?side [countable] a part of an object or place near the edge and away from the middle边缘;边◆she sat on the side of the bed.她坐在床边。◆a van was parked at the side of the road.路边停着一辆面包车。◆the south side of the lake湖的南侧 opp the middle → middle note 辨析 edge, end or side?the edge of an object or area goes all the way around it; the two ends of an object or area are points on the edge that are opposite each other with the longest distance between them; the sides of an object or area are the parts of the edge that are opposite each other but do not have the longest distance between them. * edge 指环绕某物或区域的边缘; end 指某物或区域内相隔距离最远的两端; side 指某物或区域内相对的两侧,之间的距离不一定最远。side [countable] the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper一面纸的文字量◆he told us to write no more than three sides.他叫我们写不超过三面纸。ⓘ side is used instead of page to avoid confusion, as a page may be one or both sides of a piece of paper.用 side 代替 page 可避免意思含混,因为 page 可以指一面,也可以指正反两面。side [countable + singular or plural verb] (bre) a sports team运动队◆as captain, pryce is confident of leading his side to victory.作为队长,普赖斯自信能率领队伍取胜。◆the french have a very strong side.法国队非常强大。side¹/saɪd ||; saɪd/noun[c] 1. one of the flat outer surfaces of sth 物体的平面: ◇a cube has six sides. 立方体有六个面。 2. -sided (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having the number of sides mentioned 有…边: ◇a six-sided coin 六边形钱币 3. one of the surfaces of sth except the top, bottom, front or back (物体除顶部及底部、正面及背面外的)侧面: ◇i went round to the side of the building. 我绕到大厦的一侧。◇the side of the car was damaged. 汽车的侧面损坏了。 4. the edge of sth, away from the middle 边;边缘;旁边: ◇make sure you stay at the side of the road when you're cycling. 骑自行车一定要靠马路边走。◇we moved to one side to let the doctor get past. 我们靠到一边,让医生过去。 5. the area to the left or right of sth; the area in front of or behind sth 某物左边或右边、前边或后边的区域: ◇we live (on) the other side of the main road. 我们住在大路的另一边。◇it's more expensive to live on the north side of town. 住在城北比较昂贵。◇in japan they drive on the left-hand side of the road. 在日本,人们靠左行车。◇she sat at the side of his bed/at his bedside. 她坐在他的床边。 6. either of the two flat surfaces of sth thin (扁平物体的)面: ◇write on both sides of the paper. 纸的两面都可书写。 7. the right or the left part of your body, especially from under your arm to the top of your leg 身体的侧边(尤指胳膊下至腿上端的部份): ◇she lay on her side. 她侧卧着。◇the soldier stood with his hands by his sides. 士兵站着,两手垂在身旁。 8. either of two or more people or groups who are fighting, playing, arguing, etc against each other 敌对或参赛的一方: ◇the two sides agreed to stop fighting. 双方同意停止战斗。◇the winning/losing side 胜方;负方◇whose side are you on? (= who do you want to win?) 你支持哪一方? 9. what is said by one person or group that is different from what is said by another 一派或一方(的说法): ◇i don't know whose side of the story to believe. 我不知道该相信哪一方的说法。 10. your mother's or your father's family 母亲或父亲的家族;母系;父系: ◇there is no history of illness on his mother's side. 他母系那边没有家族病史。 get on the right/wrong side of sb to please/annoy sb 取悦╱惹恼某人: ◇he tried to get on the right side of his new boss. 他努力取悦新老板。 look on the bright side→look¹on/from all sides;on/from every side in/from all directions 四面八方;从各方面 on the big, small, high, etc side(informal 非正式) slightly too big, small, high, etc 稍大╱小╱高… on the safe side→safe¹put sth on/to one side;leave sth on one side to leave or keep sth so that you can use it or deal with it later 搁置;留下来备用: ◇you should put some money to one side for the future. 你应该留些钱将来使用。 side by side next to each other; close together 并肩;并排;紧贴: ◇they walked side by side along the road. 他们并肩沿着马路走去。 take sides (with sb) to show that you support one person rather than another in an argument 支持(某方): ◇parents should never take sides when their children are quarrelling. 孩子争吵时父母不应袒护任何一方。 side²/saɪd ||; saɪd/verb side with sb (against sb) to support sb in an argument 在争论中支持某方 side1 the part that is furthest from the middle2 one of the two areas on either side of a line, wall, river etc3 one of two sides of something thin and flat4 not the front, back, top, or bottom5 the left or right half of an object, area, or road6 towards the side, or from side to siderelated wordssee alsoedge,middle,1. the part that is furthest from the middle 边,边缘 side /saɪd/ [countable noun] one of the parts of an area that is furthest from the middle and closest to the edge 边,边缘 side of two men were sitting at the side of the road. 两个男人坐在路边。 dancers came on from both sides of the stage. 舞蹈演员从舞台的两边上台。 people had formed a long queue that went around the sides of the room. 人们贴着房间的四边排成了很长的队伍。on the side (of something) just put your things over there on the side. 把你的东西放在那个边上。 there were high walls on all four sides of the prison yard. 监狱放风场的四周都是高墙。 edge /edʒ/ [countable noun] the part around an object or area that is furthest from its centre, or the part along its side where its surface ends 边缘 a group of children were playing at the water's edge. 一群孩子在水边玩耍。edge of the edges of the carpet were torn. 地毯的边缘磨破了。 keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall. 不要靠近悬崖的边缘—你可能会掉下去的。on the edge of something he set the ashtray down on the edge of the table. 他把烟灰缸放在桌子的边上。at the edge of something next to the edge 在某物的边缘 we camped right at the edge of the desert. 我们就在沙漠的边缘露营。 end /end/ [countable noun] one of the two parts of a long object or area that are furthest from each other 末端,尽头 end of he cut a thick slice from the end of the loaf. 他从面包的一头切下厚厚的一片。at one end of something mrs deacon sat at one end of the long table and i sat at the other. 迪肯夫人坐在长桌的这一头,我坐在长桌的那一头。at both ends there are scoreboards at both ends of the stadium. 体育场里两头都有记分牌。at each end a boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end. 一个男孩用棍棒挑着两桶水。 margin /ˈmɑːʳdʒɪn, ˈmɑːʳdʒən/ [countable noun] the empty space on the left or right side of a page of writing 页边,页边空白 someone had written a note in the left-hand margin. 有人在左边的空白处写了一个批注。 she widened the margins so her essay would look longer. 她把页边放宽,使论文显得长一些。2. one of the two areas on either side of a line, wall, river etc 线、墙、河等的两边之一 side /saɪd/ [countable noun] a small river cuts through the property with the house on one side and the gardens on the other. 一条小河穿过这个庄园,小河的一边是房子,另一侧是花园。side of this side of the fence is private property. 篱笆的这边是私人地产。 from the other side of the wall came the sounds of children playing. 墙那边传来孩子们在玩耍的声音。 bank /bæŋk/ [countable noun] the land along the side of a river 河岸 the sun was setting behind the opposite bank. 夕阳落到河对岸后面。on the bank/banks of something they were building a new theatre on the south bank of the thames. 他们在泰晤士河的南岸修建一家新的剧院。 portland is a sprawling city on the banks of the willamette river. 波特兰是一座布局凌乱的城市,位于威拉米特河的两岸。3. one of two sides of something thin and flat 薄而扁的物体的两面之一 side /saɪd/ [countable noun] one of two sides of something that is very thin and flat, for example a piece of paper, a leaf or a coin etc [纸、叶或硬币等薄而扁的物体的]面 instructions on how to get there are on the other side. 到那里怎么走的指示写在反面。side of look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin. 你看硬币的这一面,装饰图案很漂亮。4. not the front, back, top, or bottom 侧面 side /saɪd/ [countable noun] one of the two surfaces of a building, vehicle, or object that is not the front, back, top, or bottom [建筑物、车辆或物体的]侧面 one of its sides was covered with intricate patterns. 其中的一面有复杂的图案。side of a truck ran into the side of the car, killing the driver and two passengers. 一辆卡车撞到轿车侧面,造成司机及两名乘客死亡。on the side of something something had been inscribed on the side of the box. 盒子的侧面刻了一些东西。at the side of something there was another entrance at the side of the building. 大楼的侧面有另一个入口。5. the left or right half of an object, area, or road 物体、地区或道路的左半边或右半边 side /saɪd/ [countable noun] ok, let's have all the girls on this side and all the boys on that side. 好了,女孩子都到这边来,男孩子都在那边。side of you stay on your side of the bed and i'll stay on mine. 你睡你的那边,我睡我的这边。 the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. 左脑控制身体的右半部分。on the left-hand/right-hand/other side in japan they drive on the left-hand side of the road. 在日本,汽车靠路的左侧行驶。6. towards the side, or from side to side 侧向地,或左右来回地 sideways /ˈsaɪdweɪz/ [adverb] moving, looking, or facing to the left or right instead of straight ahead 侧着,斜着,向一边地 the car skidded sideways off the road. 汽车发生侧滑,冲出了马路。 tony swayed sideways but caught himself before he fell. 托尼摇晃得侧着身子,但他还是稳住了自己,没有摔倒。 if we turn the chest sideways, i think we can get it through the door. 如果我们把箱子侧过来,我想就可以通过门口了。 to one side/to the side /tə ˌwʌn ˈsaɪd, tə ðə ˈsaɪd/ [adverb] if someone or something moves to one side or to the side, they move from where they are to the left or to the right 到一边/到那边 she pushed her plate to one side and leaned forward. 她把盘子推到一边,然后向前弯身。 could you move a little to the side so we can get past? 你往那边挪挪让我们过去好吗? from side to side /frəm ˌsaɪd tə ˈsaɪd/ [adverb] moving continuously, first to one side then to the other 从一边到另一边 the tractor swayed from side to side, almost throwing me out of my seat. 拖拉机左右摇晃,差一点把我抛出座位。 ezra rocked impatiently from side to side as he waited. 埃兹拉在等候时着急得左右摇晃。☞ side¹☞ side²☞ side³




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