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单词 work²
释义 work²n 1. [u] the use of physical or mental effort to do something [体力]劳动; 心思:◇looking after two children can be hard work. (=a lot of work) 照看两个小孩可是繁重的劳动。◇the house looks fantastic — it must have taken a lot of work. 这房子看起来棒极了 — 肯定花了不少力气。 2. [u] something that you do in order to earn money [以挣钱为目的的]工作; 职业:◇my dad started work when he was 14. 我爸爸 14 岁开始工作。◇jo's hoping to find work in television. 乔希望能在电视台找份工作。 3. [u] the place where you do your job 工作场所:◇she met her future husband at work. 她是在工作的地方遇到她后来的丈夫的。 4. [u] the period of time during the day when you are working 工作时间,上班时间:◇do you want to go out to dinner after work? 下班后你想出去吃晚饭吗? 5. [u] something that you have to do in your job, at school, or when you are trying to achieve something 差事,职务,作业:◇i've got so much work to do today. 今天我有很多事要做。◇piece of work the teacher said it was an excellent piece of work. 老师说这是件杰出的作品。 6. [u] something that you have written or produced for your job, or when studying a subject 工作成果; 产品; 研究成果:◇we're pleased with your work. 我们对你的工作很满意。◇einstein's work on nuclear physics 爱因斯坦在核物理学的研究工作 7. [c,u] a book, picture, or piece of music etc by a writer, artist, or musician 著作; [艺术]作品:◇great works of art 伟大的艺术作品◇i prefer his early work. 我较喜爱他的早期作品。 8. be in work/be out of work to have or not have a job 有工作/失业 9. at work doing a job or an activity 在工作,在做事:◇crews were at work repairing the roads. 一队队工作人员正忙着修路。→ see also 另见 homework, housework, works




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