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单词 work¹
释义 work¹ /wɜk; wɜːk/v 1. [i] to do a job, especially in order to earn money 做工作,干活:◇heidi works for a law firm in toronto. 海迪在多伦多的一家法律事务所工作。◇i used to work at burger king. 我以前在“汉堡王”餐厅工作过。◇joe worked as a builder for 5 years. 乔当过五年建筑工人。 2. [i] if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is designed to do [机器正常]运转:◇the cd player isn't working. 这台激光唱片机坏了。 3. [t] to use a complicated machine or piece of equipment 操作,使用[复杂的机器或设备]:◇does anybody know how to work the printer? 谁会操作这台打印机? 4. [i] if something works, it is effective and gives you the results that you want [某物]起作用,产生[预想的]效果:◇most diets don't work. 大多数节食计划都没有效用。 5. [i,t] to do something that needs a lot of time and effort, or to make someone do this (使某人)苦干,费时费力地干:◇rescuers worked to free the passengers from the wreckage. 营救者拼命把乘客从残骸中解救出来。◇our coach has been working us really hard lately. 近来我们的教练让我们训练得很辛苦。 6. work your way to move somewhere or achieve something gradually and with effort 费力地慢慢达到:◇dave worked his way to the top of the firm. 戴夫辛苦地慢慢升到公司的最高层。 7. [i,t] to move into a position slowly with many small movements, or to make something do this [通过很多微小的动作而](使)逐步达到[某位置]:◇the screw must have worked loose. 这螺丝肯定慢慢松开了。 8. work against sb to prevent someone from being successful 对某人不利:◇unfortunately her bad grades worked against her. 很可惜她成绩不好对她不利。 9. work in sb's favour bre 【英】 / favor ame 【美】 to help someone be successful 对某人有利 10. work up an appetite/sweat to do so much exercise that you become very hungry or sweaty [做大量运动而]激起食欲/出汗 11. work the land to grow crops 种庄稼,耕种work on sthto try to make, repair, or improve something 努力做[修理,改进][某物]:◇dad's still working on the car. 爸爸还在修理汽车。you need to work on your pronunciation. 你需要努力改进发音。work out1 [t work sth ↔ out] to calculate an amount, price, or value 计算出[数量、价格或价值]:◇have you worked out how much we owe them? 我们欠他们多少你算出了没有?2 [i] to cost a particular amount 要花费[某总额]:◇+ at the hotel works out at about $50 a night. 这家旅馆住一晚要 50 美元左右。3 [t work sth ↔ out] to find a solution to a problem or make a decision after thinking carefully about it 找出[问题的]解决方法; [仔细思考后]作出决定:◇he still hasn't worked out which college he's going to. 他还没决定要上哪所大学。4 [i] if a problem works out, it gradually stops being a problem [问题]逐渐解决:◇don't worry. i'm sure everything will work out fine. 别担心,我肯定一切都会顺利解决的。5 [i] to do exercises regularly 定期锻炼:◇sue works out in the gym twice a week. 苏每周去健身房锻炼两次。work up to sthto gradually prepare yourself to do something difficult 逐渐准备[去做困难的事]:◇i'm working up to being able to do 20 laps. 我在逐渐练习到能跑 20 圈。




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