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单词 reflection
释义 reflection noun¹ 1image in a mirror, etc.影像adjective | verb + reflection | reflection + verb | preposition adjective➤clear清晰的影像▸➤dim, faint朦胧的影像▸➤blurred, distorted模糊的/扭曲的影像verb + reflection➤catch, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, glimpse, see瞥见影像;看到影像◆i caught his reflection in the window.我瞥见了他在窗户上的影像。◆he caught sight of her reflection in the window.他瞥见了她在窗户上的影像。➤glance at, look at迅速瞥一眼影像;看影像▸➤gaze at, stare at, watch凝视影像;注视影像▸➤admire, examine, inspect, study欣赏/端详/审视/细看影像◆she caught him admiring his reflection in the mirror.她瞥见他对着镜子自我欣赏。➤show显示影像◆the mirror showed her reflection.镜子里显示出她的影像。reflection + verb➤look...影像看起来⋯◆her reflection in the mirror looked distorted.她在镜子里的模样看起来变形了。➤appear影像显现◆kyle's reflection appears in the glass.凯尔的影像出现在镜子里。➤stare (back)影像回视◆my reflection stared back at me.我的影像回视着我。preposition➤in a/the reflection在影像中◆in the reflection on the glass door he could see the class behind him.从玻璃门上他可以看到身后整个班级的影像。➤reflection in在⋯中的影像◆i saw my reflection in the polished marble.在光亮的大理石上,我看到了自己的倒影。➤reflection on在⋯上的影像◆the reflection of the mountains on the calm waters of the lake平静湖水中群山的倒影reflection noun² 2sending light/heat/sound back from a surface反射光、热或声adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤heat, light, sound热反射;光反射;回声preposition➤reflection from从⋯反射◆there is reflection of heat from the metal surface.金属表面反射传导热。phrases➤the angle of reflection反射角reflection noun³ 3indication/description of sth迹象;描述adjective | verb + reflection | preposition adjective➤accurate, fair, good, perfect, true精确的/合理的/良好的/完美的/真实的反映▸➤inadequate不充分的反映▸➤mere, pale仅有的/苍白的反映◆this account is only a pale reflection of the true state of affairs.这一报道苍白无力,没有反映事态的真实面貌。➤poor, sad糟糕的/悲哀的反映◆the movie is a poor reflection of kerouac's work.这部电影没有很好地再现凯鲁亚克的作品。➤direct, simple直接反映;简单的体现◆young people's conduct is a direct reflection of adults'.年轻人的行为是成年人行为的直接反映。➤clear清楚的反映◆this was a clear reflection of marc's personality.这清楚地反映了马克的个性。verb + reflection➤give (sb), provide(向某人)反映出;予以反映◆such studies do not give a true reflection of population needs.这类研究不能真实反映出大众的需求。preposition➤reflection of, reflection on, reflection upon对⋯的反映◆his low level of performance is no reflection on his general ability.他的不佳表现没有反映出他的正常水平。reflection noun⁴ 4careful thought about sth仔细考虑adjective | verb + reflection | reflection + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤careful, deep, mature, profound, serious, sober缜密的思考;深思;熟虑;深入的思考;认真的思考▸➤further进一步反思▸➤quiet静思▸➤personal自我反省➤thoughtful沉思◆such decisions may be made after thoughtful reflection.这种决定可能会在深思后作出。➤critical, ethical, moral, philosophical, spiritual, theological, theoretical批判性的思考;伦理思考;道德思考;哲学思考;精神反思;神学思考;理论思考verb + reflection➤encourage, invite, prompt, stimulate鼓励反思;引起反思;激起反思◆teachers should encourage reflection on the part of their students.教师应该鼓励学生进行反思。reflection + verb➤show sb/sth思考显示⋯◆a moment's reflection will show you that that can't be true.稍加思考,你就会发现这不可能是真的。preposition➤after reflection, on reflection, upon reflection考虑后◆on further reflection, i'm not so sure it's a good idea.再仔细一想,我真不敢肯定这是个好主意了。➤reflection about, reflection on, reflection upon关于⋯的思考◆the party needs a period of sober reflection about what went wrong.该党需要一段时间来认真反省,看看到底什么地方出了问题。phrases➤a moment of reflection, a moment's reflection稍加考虑➤a period of reflection思考期▸➤a period for reflection, time for reflection反思阶段;思考时间reflection noun⁵ 5written or spoken thoughts about sth想法adjective | verb + reflection | preposition adjective➤interesting令人关注的见解▸➤poignant尖锐的观点➤brief简明的观点verb + reflection➤have有见解➤offer提出见解◆they took a few minutes to offer their personal reflections.他们花了几分钟提出他们的个人想法。preposition➤reflection about, reflection on, reflection upon关于⋯的见解◆she has some interesting reflections about the spiritual state of the country.她对这个国家的精神状态有些值得思考的见解。reflection [uncountable] (rather formal) careful thought about sth, sometimes over a long period of time沉思;深思;审慎的思考◆she decided, on reflection, not to take the job.她经过深思熟虑,决定不接受这份工作。◆a period of calm reflection is now needed.现在需要静思一段时间。reflection [countable] an image in a mirror, on a shiny surface or on water映像;映照出的影像◆he admired his reflection in the mirror.他对镜自赏。▸ reflect verb [transitive] ◆his face was reflected in the mirror.他的脸映照在镜子里。note 辨析 image or reflection?a picture on a television or computer screen or seen through a camera is an image. an image can also be a picture in a mirror, etc. but this is quite a literary use of the word; the usual word is reflection. * image 指屏幕上或镜头里的图像或影像。image 也可指镜中的映像等,但这种用法颇具文学色彩,通常用 reflection 表达此义。reflection [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) your written or spoken thoughts about sth, especially sth you know about or have experienced(尤指关于已知事物或过去经历的)思考,回忆◆she concludes by providing some reflections on the gains of the previous decade.她讲话结束时道出对于过去十年的获益的一些感想。 ➡ see also reflect → consider reflection/rɪˈflekʃn ||; rɪˈflɛkʃən/(brit also 英亦作 reflexion) noun 1. [c] an image that you see in a mirror, in water or on a shiny surface (镜中、水中或光亮表面的)映像,倒影: ◇he admired his reflection in the mirror. 他欣赏自己在镜中的映像。 2. [u] the sending back of light, heat or sound from a surface (光、热或声音的)反射 3. [c] a thing that shows what sb/sth is like 反映某人或某事物的东西: ◇your clothes are a reflection of your personality. 衣着反映个性。 4. [sing] a reflection on/upon sb/sth something that causes people to form a good or bad opinion about sb/sth 影响…形象的事物: ◇parents often feel that their children's behaviour is a reflection on themselves. 父母往往觉得子女的行为会影响他们的声誉。 5. [u] [c] careful thought about sth 深思: ◇a book of his reflections on fatherhood 一本关于他对身为人父的看法的书 on reflection after thinking again 经过重新考虑: ◇i think, on reflection, that we were wrong. 经过再三考虑之后,我认为我们错了。 reflectionsee ⇨ picture 4 ⇨ reflect 3     • • •• ⇨ be a reflection on re·flec·tion /rɪ`flɛkʃən; rɪˈflekʃən/n 1. [c] an image that is reflected in a mirror or a similar surface [镜子或类似表面反映出来的]影像:◇we looked at our reflections in the pool. 我们看着自己在池中的倒影。 2. [u] when an image, light, sound etc is reflected [影像、光、声音等的]反射 3. [c,u] careful and serious thought 深思; 考虑后的看法[想法]:◇she paused for a moment's reflection. 她停下来深思片刻。 4. [c] something that is a result or sign of another situation 反映:◇+ of that people will accept such low wages is a reflection of how few jobs there are. 人们会接受这么低的薪酬是工作机会少的反映。 5. [singular 单数] the way a situation or someone's behaviour makes someone else seem, especially in a bad way [尤指坏的]反映:◇+ on it's unfair to say that bad student results are always a reflection on the teacher. 说学生成绩差总能反映教师质量是不公平的。




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