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单词 revise
释义 revise verbadverb | verb + revise | preposition adverb➤drastically, extensively, heavily, radically, substantially彻底地修订;大范围地修订;大量地修改◆the text has been radically revised.这篇文章已被彻底改写。➤completely, fully, thoroughly全面地修订;彻底地修正▸➤slightly略作改动▸➤constantly, continually不断修正◆the procedures are continually revised-it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version.程序不断被修改,很难跟上最新版本。➤periodically定期修订➤newly, recently最新/近期修订➤downwards/downward, upwards/upward向下/向上调整◆sales forecasts will have to be revised downwards / downward.销量预测将不得不调低。verb + revise➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不修改◆the estimate for the building work had to be revised.该项建筑工程的估价得进行调整。➤be necessary to有必要修改preposition➤from, to从⋯修改;改至⋯◆the figure has now been revised from $1 million to $2 million.数字已经从 100 万美元改成了 200 万美元。➤for (bre) 为⋯温习◆have you revised for the test tomorrow?明天的测验你复习了吗?revise /rɪvaɪz/ verb [transitive] to change sth such as a document or an estimate in order to correct or improve it 修改,修订(文件、估算等)◆we continually revise our procedures. 我们不断修改我们的办事程序。◆marketing budgets were revised downward. 已下调营销预算。◆i'll prepare a revised estimate for you. 我会为你准备一份经过修订的评估报告。◆a revised edition of a textbook 课本的修订版⨁ to revise sth completely / slightly / thoroughly完全/轻微/彻底地修改某物 ⨁ to revise sth extensively / heavily广泛/大量修改某物 ⨁ to revise sth downwards / higher / upwards将某物往下调/调高/往上调 ⨁ to revise sth down / up下调/上调某物 ⨁ downwardly / upwardly revised向下/向上调 ▸ revision /rɪvɪʒn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a downward/upward revision 向下/向上调整◆an earnings revision 收入调整◆the system is in need of revision. 这一系统需要修正。☞ revise revise verbrevise ♦︎ edit ♦︎ rewrite ♦︎ rephrasethese words all mean to change a piece of writing in order to improve it.这些词均表示修改、修订。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to revise / edit / rewrite a text / report / book◆to revise / edit a document / manuscript◆to revise / rewrite a theory◆to edit / rewrite / rephrase a statement◆to rewrite / rephrase a sentence◆to revise / rewrite / rephrase sth slightly■ revise [transitive] to change sth, such as a book or estimate, in order to correct or improve it修改,修订(书、估算等)◆have you got the revised edition of this textbook?你有这本教科书的修订版了吗?◆we may have to revise this figure upwards.我们也许要将这个数字往上调一下。 ➡ see also revise → adjust , revision → change noun 2 ■ edit /edɪt/ [transitive] to prepare a book or piece of writing to be published by correcting the mistakes and making improvements to it编辑,编纂,校订(书或文章)◆he's editing a book of essays by isaiah berlin.他正在编辑一本以赛亚 • 伯林的散文集。◆this is the edited version of my speech (= some parts have been taken out).这是我的演讲稿选编本。■ rewrite /riːraɪt/ (rewrote, rewritten) [transitive] to write sth again in a different way, usually in order to improve it or because there is some new information重写;改写◆i intend to rewrite the story for younger children.我想为年纪更小的孩子改写这个故事。◆this essay will have to be completely rewritten.这篇文章得全部重写。■ rephrase /riːfreɪz/ [transitive] to say or write sth again using different words in order to make it clearer or more acceptable改口说,改变词句(使之更清晰或更易接受)◆let me rephrase my question.我换个方式问吧。◆i suggest you rephrase that remark (= a polite way of telling sb that the way they have expressed sth is offensive or embarrassing).我建议你换种说法。revise [transitive] to change your opinions or plans, for example because of sth you have learned(因有了新的认识而)改变,修改(意见或计划)◆i can see i will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.我明白我现在不得不改变对他能力的看法了。◆the government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.政府可能需要根据这份报告改变其政策。ⓘ you can revise your opinion, ideas or a decision, as well as plans or arrangements. an official body may revise the constitution, a policy, a law or guidelines. in business a person may need to revise a draft, an estimate, figures or a proposal.与 revise 搭配的词有 opinion、idea、decision、plan 和 arrangement 等。主语是官方机构时,与之搭配的词可能是 constitution、policy、law 或 guideline。在商务语境中,与之搭配的词可能是 draft、estimate、figure 或 proposal。  ➡ see also revise → revise , revision → change noun 2 revise [intransitive, transitive] (bre) to prepare for an exam by looking again at sth you have studied and reminding yourself of what you have learned复习;温习◆i can't come out tonight-i'm revising.我今晚不能出去,我在复习。◆she's revising for her exams at the moment.目前她正在复习备考。◆have you revised geography yet?你复习完地理了吗?▸ revision noun [uncountable] ◆have you started your revision yet?你开始复习了吗?revise [transitive] to change sth, such as a book or estimate, in order to correct or improve it修改,修订(书、估算等)◆have you got the revised edition of this textbook?你有这本教科书的修订版了吗?◆we may have to revise this figure upwards.我们也许要将这个数字往上调一下。 ➡ see also revise → adjust , revision → change noun 2 revise/rɪˈvaɪz ||; rɪˈvaɪz/verb1. [t] to make changes to sth in order to correct or improve it 修正;修订: ◇the book has been revised for this new edition. 本书的这个新版经过修订。◇i revised my opinion of him when i found out that he had lied. 我发现他说谎以后,改变了对他的看法。 2. [i,t] (brit 英) revise (for sth) to read or study again sth that you have learnt, especially when preparing for an exam 温习(功课): ◇i can't come out tonight. i'm revising for my exam. 今天晚上我不能出去。我要温习功课,准备考试。◇none of the things i had revised came up in the exam. 我温习过的内容都没有考。 revisesee ⇨ change/not change 5,8 ⇨ study 2 re·vise /rɪ`vaɪz; rɪˈvaɪz/v 1. [t] to change something to improve it or make it more correct or suitable 改变; 修正:◇they were forced to revise their plans. 他们被迫修改计划。◇the revised edition of the book 这本书的修订版 2. [i] bre to prepare for a test by studying books, notes from your lessons etc 【英】 [为考试]温习,复习[功课]; review² ame【美】




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