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单词 land/ground
释义 land/ground1 land that is owned by someone or is used for something2 what you see in an area of land3 the surface of the land4 the land compared with the sea or air5 the substance that forms the surface of the land6 land at the edge of waterrelated wordssee alsocountry,area,environment,beautiful (6),1. land that is owned by someone or is used for something 某人所拥有或用于某事物的土地 land /lænd/ [uncountable noun] land that is owned by someone or that can be used for farming or building houses 土地 they moved to the country and bought some land. 他们搬到乡下去,买了块土地。 get off my land! 别到我的地里来!piece/plot of land each family was given a small piece of land where they could grow food for themselves. 每户人家都分到一小块地自己种东西吃。farmland land that can be used for farming 耕地 there is a shortage of suitable farmland in the south of the country. 国家的南部地区缺少可耕地。 territory /ˈterɪtəri, ˈterətəriǁ-tɔːri/ [uncountable noun] land that belongs to a country or that is controlled by a country during a war 领土,版图;[战时的]控制区 miller had accidentally crossed into iraqi territory and was arrested for spying. 米勒误闯伊拉克领土,被指从事间谍活动而遭到逮捕。enemy territory land controlled by an enemy 敌方的领地 his plane was shot down over enemy territory. 他的飞机在敌占区上空被击落。 territorial /ˌterɪˈtɔːriəl◂, ˌterəˈtɔːriəl◂/ [adjective only before noun] relating to land that is owned or controlled by a particular country or government 领土的 a committee has been set up to deal with territorial disputes in the area. 为了解决该地区的领土争端,成立了一个委员会。 the country has suffered substantial territorial losses in this war. 该国在此次战争中丧失了大片领土。 field /fiːld/ [countable noun] an area of land that is part of a farm, or that is used for playing sports 田地;[运动的]场地 we passed cows grazing in the fields. 我们经过一群在田野里吃草的奶牛。 a football field 足球场field of a field of wheat 一块麦田playing field british a field where sports are played 【英】运动场 we went out onto the school playing fields to watch a game of football. 我们出去到学校的操场上看一场足球赛。open fields birds such as skylarks whose habitat is open fields and farmland 云雀等栖息在空旷的田野和农田上的鸟类 the grounds /ðə ˈgraʊndz/ [plural noun] the gardens and land around a big building such as a castle, school, or hospital [大的建筑物周围的]场地;庭园 have you ever been to penryn castle? the grounds are beautiful. 你去过彭林城堡吗?那里的庭园非常漂亮。the palace/school/hospital grounds the nurse said i could go for a short walk around the hospital grounds. 护士说我可以到医院的花园里去走走。2. what you see in an area of land 风景 landscape /ˈlændskeɪp/ [countable noun usually singular] the land and features that you see around you in the countryside, or in the city [乡间或城市的]风景,景致,景色 the construction of dams has changed the character of the landscape. 修筑水坝改变了自然风光的特点。 an urban landscape of glittering modern buildings 现代建筑熠熠生辉的都市景象 scenery /ˈsiːnəri/ [uncountable noun] all the mountains, fields, forests etc that you see around you in the countryside, especially when these are beautiful [尤指优美的]景色,风景 we stayed in a peaceful alpine village surrounded by magnificent scenery. 我们住在阿尔卑斯山一个宁静的村子里,四周景色迷人。3. the surface of the land 土地的表面 ground /graʊnd/ [uncountable noun] the ground was covered with snow. 地面上积雪覆盖。 he kicked cook as he lay on the ground. 库克躺在地上,他踢了他一脚。 in the middle of the forest was a bare patch of marshy ground. 森林的中央有一片荒芜的沼泽地。 the ground sloped down from where we stood to the lake shore. 地面从我们所站的地方向湖岸倾斜。 terrain /teˈreɪn, tə̇-/ [uncountable noun] used when you are talking about how easy or difficult an area of land is to cross, for example because it is flat, has a lot of mountains etc 地形,地势;地带 the terrain on the island varies quite a bit. 岛上地形多变。difficult/rough/mountainous etc terrain they had to drive very slowly over the difficult terrain. 地势崎岖难行,他们只得把车开得很慢。 boots are the best footwear on rough terrain. 在崎岖复杂的地形上行走,穿靴子最好。4. the land compared with the sea or air 陆地 land /lænd/ [uncountable noun] the land, not the sea 陆地 on land they had defeated the enemy on land and at sea. 他们已在海陆两方面战胜了敌人。 reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land or giving birth to live young. 爬行动物的繁殖方式是在陆地上产卵,或是直接产下成活的幼体。dry land the land when compared with being at sea 陆地 some repairs to the boat will have to wait until we're back on dry land. 船上需要作些修理,但只能等到我们回到陆地再说。 the ground /ðə ˈgraʊnd/ [singular noun] the land, not the air - use this to talk about planes and birds 地面[相对于空中而言,尤用于谈论飞机和鸟] our plane was flying only 100 feet above the ground. 我们的飞机正在距地面只有100英尺的空中飞行。 spectators watched in horror as the aircraft plunged to the ground. 旁观者惊恐地看着飞机栽到地面。 ashore /əˈʃɔːʳ/ [adverb] if you go ashore, you go on to the land from a boat or the sea. if you spend time ashore, you spend time on land before returning to your boat 在岸上;向岸上 most of the other passengers had gone ashore. 其他乘客中大多数都上岸了。 people were returning to their cabins after a day ashore. 人们在岸上待了一天之后,都回船舱去了。be washed ashore be pushed onto the land by the sea 被冲到岸上 two bodies were washed ashore last night. 昨晚有两具尸体被冲到岸上。5. the substance that forms the surface of the land 组成土地表面的物质 earth /ɜːʳθ/ [uncountable noun] the brown substance that the ground is made up of 泥土,土壤[指土地的构成物质] outside, the sun beat down on the red baked earth of provence. 外面,烈日烤晒着普罗旺斯干焦的红土。 thousands of tons of earth were moved to build the dam. 无数吨泥土被运去修筑水坝。 soil /sɔɪl/ [uncountable noun] the earth that plants grow in [种植物的]土,土壤,泥土 roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil. 玫瑰在排水良好、稍有酸性的土壤里长得最好。fertile soil soil that plants grow well in 肥沃的土壤 parsley should have a deep, moist, fertile soil for ideal growth. 西芹最好在湿润肥厚的土壤里种植。 dirt /dɜːʳt/ [uncountable noun] american loose dry earth 【美】泥土,松土 the kids were playing in the yard, digging in the dirt. 孩子们正在院子里挖泥土玩。6. land at the edge of water 水边的地 the coast /ðə ˈkəʊst/ [singular noun] the part of a country that is close to the sea - use this when you are talking about a country or a large part of a country 海岸;沿海地区[用于谈论一个国家或其很大的一部分] driving along the californian coast, from san francisco to la 驱车在加利福尼亚的海岸上行驶,从圣弗朗西斯科到洛杉矶on the coast on land that is close to the sea 在沿海地区 a little house on the coast of brittany 布里塔尼海岸上的一幢小屋off the coast in the sea but close to the land 在近海的 they discovered oil off the northern coast of scotland. 他们在苏格兰北海岸附近发现了石油。the coast of the ship slowly made its way along the west coast of africa. 那艘船沿着非洲的西海岸缓缓行驶。 the shore /ðə ˈʃɔːʳ/ [singular noun] the land along the edge of the sea or along the edge of a lake 海岸,海滨;湖岸,湖滨 we could see a boat about a mile from the shore. 我们看到离岸一英里的地方有艘船。the shore of/the shores of a small town on the shores of lake ontario 安大略湖的一个湖滨小镇 beach /biːtʃ/ [countable noun] an area of sand at the edge of the sea - use this especially to talk about a place where you go to relax and enjoy yourself 海滩,沙滩[尤用于指去轻松一下的地方] the area has miles of unspoiled sandy beaches.. 那个地区有连绵数英里的原始沙滩。the beach by nine o'clock the beach was already crowded with people. 到9点钟的时候,沙滩上已经挤满了人。 let's go to the beach tomorrow. 我们明天去沙滩吧。 the seaside /ðə ˈsiːsaɪd/ [singular noun] british a place at the edge of the sea - use this especially to talk about somewhere where you go for a holiday or to enjoy yourself 【英】海滨[尤用于指度假或游玩的地方] when i was little we used to go to the seaside most weekends. 我小时候,我们大多数周末都去海滨。 by the sea british /by the ocean american /baɪ ðə ˈsiː, baɪ ði ˈəʊʃən/ on land next to the sea 在海边;海边的 we bought a small cottage by the sea. 我们在海边买了一幢小屋。 walking by the ocean in the early morning 清晨在海边漫步 coastline /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ [countable noun] the edge of the land next to the sea - use this especially to talk about a long length of this land or the shape it makes, for example as seen from the air [尤指从空中鸟瞰的]海岸线 the road follows the rugged coastline of northern france for nearly 100 miles. 这条路就在法国北部崎岖不平的海岸线上,全长近100英里。 environmentalists are concerned about possible damage to some of the most beautiful stretches of welsh coastline. 环保主义者担心威尔士最漂亮的几段海岸线可能会被破坏。 far below us, we could just see the coastline of argentina dimly outlined. 在很远的下面,我们只看到阿根廷海岸线若隐若现的轮廓。




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