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单词 street
释义 street nounadjective | verb + street | street + verb | street + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤broad, wide宽阔的街道▸➤narrow狭窄的街道▸➤bustling, busy, congested, crowded熙熙攘攘的/繁忙的/拥堵的/拥挤的街道▸➤pedestrian, pedestrianized (bre) 步行街◆it really irritates me when people ride bicycles in pedestrian streets.看到有人在步行街骑自行车,我会很恼火。➤deserted, desolate, empty, lonely, quiet空无一人的/冷清的/空荡荡的/寂寥的/宁静的街道▸➤noisy喧闹的街道▸➤dark, darkened黑暗的街道▸➤bright, well-lit明亮的街道▸➤dim, dimly lit, gloomy昏暗的街道▸➤winding弯弯曲曲的街道▸➤steep坡度大的街道▸➤cobbled, cobblestone, paved铺有卵石的街道;铺过路面的街道▸➤unpaved路面未铺砌的街道▸➤clean干净的街道▸➤dirty, dusty, filthy, muddy肮脏的/尘土飞扬的/污秽的/泥泞的街道➤rainy雨天的街道➤flooded被水淹没的街道▸➤dangerous, mean, unsafe危险的街道;贫街陋巷;不安全的街道◆he grew up on the mean streets of one of the city's toughest areas.他在城市中治安最差的一个地区的陋巷中长大。➤leafy, tree-lined绿叶满目的/绿树成荫的街道▸➤one-way, two-way单向通行的/双向通行的街道▸➤dead-end (especially name) 死路▸➤main, principal主要街道▸➤back (usually backstreet) , side偏僻小巷;小街◆a rundown house in the backstreets of cairo开罗偏僻小巷里一座破败的房屋◆a bar in a side street off the champs-Élysées离香榭丽舍大街不远的一条小巷里的酒吧➤city, village (especially bre) 城市/乡村街道▸➤right正确的街道▸➤wrong错误的街道◆you've taken the wrong street.你走错路了。➤shopping (especially bre) 商业街◆the town's main shopping street该镇主要的商业街➤high, main (name) (市镇商业区的)大街;主要街道◆sales on the uk high street are in decline.英国商业街的销售额在下降。◆high-street retailers商业大街上的零售商◆he works at a small store on main street.他在商业大街上的一家小商店里工作。➤downtown, residential, suburban, urban闹市区/居民区/郊区/城区街道verb + street➤go along, go down, go up, take, turn down, turn into, turn up沿着⋯街道走;走⋯街道;转向⋯街道◆take the second street on the right after the bridge.过了桥之后走右边第二条街。◆we turned down a dead-end street by mistake.我们误进了一条死路。➤cross横穿街道▸➤block, block off, clog, clog up (bre) 堵塞街道➤cordon off (especially bre) 封锁街道▸➤patrol在街道上巡逻◆the police have been patrolling the streets in this area since the murder.自谋杀案发生以后,警察一直在这个地区的街道上巡逻。➤stroll, stroll down, stroll through在街上闲逛➤walk, walk down走在街上▸➤cruise, prowl, roam, wander在街上漫步/徘徊/游荡/闲逛◆gangs roamed the streets at night.夜晚,一帮帮混混儿在街上游荡。➤crowd, fill, flood, line, pack, throng塞满街道;挤满街道;排在街道两旁◆spectators lined the streets.观众在街道两旁排列等候。➤clear清理街道◆police were told to clear the streets of drug dealers before the olympics.警察受命在奥运会前清除街上的毒贩。➤litter乱丢在街上◆dead bodies littered the streets.街上死尸遍地。➤widen拓宽街道street + verb➤go, lead, run街道通(向);街道延伸▸➤bend, curve, turn街道偏转;街道拐弯▸➤be lined with sth沿街有⋯◆streets lined with cafes咖啡馆林立的街道➤be packed with sb, teem with sth街道上挤满了⋯/到处都是⋯◆the streets were packed with people shopping.街上挤满了购物的人群。◆the streets are teeming with traffic.街上车来车往。➤be named sth, be named after sb/sth街道取名为⋯/以⋯命名◆mozart is remembered by a street named after him.为纪念莫扎特,一条街道以他的名字命名。street + noun➤corner街角▸➤map, plan街道地图/平面图▸➤layout, pattern街道布局◆the dense street pattern of the old town老镇密集的街道布局➤name, number, sign街道名称/门牌号码/标牌◆most street names were changed under the new regime.在新政权下多数街名都改了。◆the houses had no street numbers on.这些房子没有门牌号。➤lamp, light, lighting路灯;街道照明➤crime, gang街头犯罪/流氓团伙➤punk, thug (both especially name) 街头混混儿/恶棍▸➤people (especially name) 流落街头的人▸➤attack, battle, brawl, fight, fighting, robbery, violence街头袭击;巷战;街头斗殴;街头抢劫;街头暴力◆he suffered extensive injuries in a street attack.他在一起街头袭击事件中多处受伤。◆street fighting between police and stone-throwing youths警察与投掷石块的青年之间的巷战➤demonstration, protest街头示威/抗议▸➤fair, festival, party, procession街头集市/庆祝活动/聚会/游行▸➤cleaner, sweeper街道清洁工▸➤door (especially bre) 街门◆there were photographers outside the street door so she used a back entrance.临街的门外有人拍照,所以她走了后门。➤market街头市场▸➤entertainer, entertainment, musician, performer, theatre/theater街头艺人/表演/音乐家/演员/戏剧▸➤dealer, pedlar/peddler, seller, trader, vendor (especially name) 摊贩;街头小贩▸➤hustler (especially name) 街头骗子◆tourists need to be wary of street hustlers near the station.游客要警惕车站附近的街头骗子。➤selling, trading (bre) 街头贩卖/交易◆people engaged in informal street selling街上的无证商贩◆he pleaded guilty to illegal street trading.他承认自己非法在街头贩卖东西。➤cred, credibility (both informal) (城市前卫青年认同的)街头声望◆his spell in prison gained him a lot of street cred.他的铁窗生涯使他赢得了极高的街头声望。➤smarts (name, informal) , wisdom城市生活的头脑/智慧➤clothes, culture, fashion, slang街头衣着/文化/时尚/俚语◆the street culture of working-class youth工薪阶层青年的街头文化➤life街头生活➤scene街景◆a painting of a typical parisian street scene描绘典型的巴黎街景的油画➤collection (bre) 街头募捐◆the charity is having a street collection in aid of the local hospital.这家慈善机构正在街头募捐,以帮助当地医院。➤child, kid (informal) , urchin街头流浪儿◆a charity set up to house street children为收留街头流浪儿而建立的慈善机构➤boy, girl街头男孩;妓女▸➤hustler (informal, especially name) , prostitute街头男妓/妓女▸➤price, value街头黑市价◆drugs with a street value of £5 million街头黑市价值达 500 万英镑的毒品preposition➤across a/the street马路对面◆he could see her across the street.他能看见马路对面的她。➤along a/the street沿着街道◆they walked along the street.他们沿着街道步行。➤down a/the street, up a/the street在街道那头/这头◆a band was playing a little way down the street.一个乐队正在街上不远处演奏。◆she lives just up the street here.她就住在街这边。➤in a/the street在街上◆she parks her car in the street.她把车停在了街上。◆a couple were arguing out in the street.一对夫妇在街上争吵。◆we live in barker street. (bre) 我们住在巴克大街。➤into a/the street进入街道◆she stepped out into the street.她迈步走到街上。◆he turned into a side street. (bre) 他拐进了一条小巷。➤off a/the street街边上◆a club just off william street就在威廉大街边上的俱乐部◆a plan to keep teenagers off the streets不让青少年流落街头的计划➤on a/the street在街头◆people dealing drugs on the street街头毒品贩子◆i was living on 10th street off hudson. (name) 我住在哈得孙河附近的第十大街上。➤on the streets, out on the streets在街头◆thousands of people were out on the streets for the protest.数千人走上街头表示抗议。➤onto a/the street到街头◆she was thrown onto the street.她被赶到大街上。◆he turned onto a side street. (name) 他拐到一条小巷里。➤through the streets穿过街道◆he wandered through the streets of calcutta.他漫步在加尔各答的大街上。phrases➤above street level, at street level, below street level(楼层)与街面齐平;在街面以上;在街面以下➤the end of the street, the top of the street街道尽头▸➤the other side of the street街道的另一边▸➤the street on the left, the street on the right左边的/右边的街道➤hit the streets (= start to be available or seen in public) 开始出售;被公开◆her shocking autobiography is about to hit the streets.她那本惊人的自传即将公开出版。➤take to the streets走上街头◆argentinians took to the streets in protest.阿根廷人走上街头表示抗议。street [countable] a public road in a city or town that has houses and buildings on one or both sides大街;街道◆i met him by chance in the street.我在街上与他偶遇。◆i walked up the street as far as the post office.我沿街一直走到了邮局。◆it's a medieval town, with narrow cobbled streets.这是一个有着狭窄鹅卵石街道的中世纪小镇。◆ (bre) there are several banks in the high street (= the main street in a town).商业区大街上有几家银行。street/stri:t ||; strit/noun[c] 1. a road in a town, village or city that has shops, houses, etc on one or both sides 街道: ◇to walk along / down the street 在街上走◇to cross the street 横越街道◇i met karen in the street this morning. 今天早上我在街上遇见卡伦。◇a narrow street 狭长的街道◇a street map of rome 罗马街道图 ☞look at the note at road. 参看road的注释。 2. street(abbr st) [sing] used in the names of streets (用于街名): ◇64 high street 高街64号◇the post office is in sheep street. 邮局在希普街。 the man in the street→man¹streets ahead (of sb/sth)(informal 非正式) much better than sb/sth 远胜过(某人或某物) (right) up your street(informal 非正式) (used about an activity, subject, etc) exactly right for you because you know a lot about it, like it very much, etc (指活动、主题等)正是某人所擅长,正合某人的口味 streetsee ⇨ road/path 1     • • •• ⇨ back street• ⇨ cul-de-sac/dead end/dead end street• ⇨ high street• ⇨ side street• ⇨ the man/woman in the street street /strit; striːt/n [c] 1. a road in a town or city with houses, shops etc on one or both sides 街,街道:◇what street do you live on? 你住在哪一条街上?◇the corner of main street and 4th avenue 大街和第四大道交叉的街角 2. streets ahead bre informal much better than someone or something else 【英,非正式】 比…好得多:◇the scandinavian countries are streets ahead when it comes to welfare services. 斯堪的纳维亚各国在福利服务上远远超过其他国家。 3. be right up your street informal to be the kind of subject that you are very interested in, or the kind of job that you are very suitable for 【非正式】 [主题]正合某人兴趣; [工作]正好适合某人→ see also 另见 the man in the street (man¹)usage note 用法说明: street and 和 roada street is in a town or city and usually has shops and buildings. street 在镇上或城里,两边多有商店和建筑:◇narrow winding streets 弯弯曲曲的狭窄街道a road can either be in the town or the country, and usually leads to another town or another part of a town. road 在镇上或乡间,一般通往另一个城镇或镇上的另一个地区:◇the main road to the north 通往北方的要道◇take the second road on the left. 走左边第二条路。 ☞ street




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