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单词 search
释义 search noun¹ 1an attempt to find sb/sth搜寻adjective | verb + search | search + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤exhaustive, extensive, painstaking, systematic, thorough无遗漏的/大范围的/不遗余力的/系统的/彻底的搜索▸➤major, massive, nationwide大搜索;大规模搜索;全国性大搜索▸➤desperate, frantic拚命的/疯狂的搜索▸➤constant持续不断的搜索➤random随机搜索◆random security searches随机安全搜查➤fruitless, futile无效果的/徒劳的搜索➤ongoing正在进行的搜索▸➤routine例行搜查◆police conducted a routine search of all the houses in the area.警方对本地区的所有住房进行了例行搜查。➤illegal, warrantless (both name) 非法/无证搜查◆the president could order warrantless searches for national security purposes.总统出于国家安全考虑可以下令进行无证搜查。➤police警方搜查▸➤house-to-house挨家挨户的搜查▸➤fingertip (bre) 地毯式搜索◆a team of police officers did a fingertip search of the area.一队警员对该地区进行了地毯式搜索。➤body, strip搜身;脱衣检查◆i was subjected to a body search by customs officials.我被海关关员搜身检查。verb + search➤begin, initiate, launch, mount, start开始搜索;展开搜寻◆the police immediately launched a nationwide search for the killer.警方立即在全国范围内展开了对杀人犯的搜捕。➤prompt, spark, trigger (all especially bre) 促使/导致/引发搜查◆his disappearance prompted a week-long search.他失踪后搜查行动持续了一个星期。➤carry out, conduct, do, make进行搜索;实施搜寻;寻找◆the search for the missing men was conducted in poor weather conditions.对失踪男子的搜寻是在恶劣天气条件下进行的。➤lead领导搜寻工作◆inspector binns is leading the search for the stolen paintings.宾斯巡官正带人搜寻被盗的油画。➤continue继续搜寻▸➤abandon, call off放弃/取消搜寻◆the search was called off when it began to get dark.天黑下来的时候搜索行动取消了。➤resume重新开始搜索➤narrow, widen缩小/扩大搜索范围search + noun➤operation搜寻行动◆the police mounted an extensive search operation.警方展开了一场大范围的搜索行动。➤area (name) 搜索区域◆to narrow the search area缩小搜索范围➤party, team搜索组;搜寻队◆they sent out a search party to look for her.他们派出搜索小组寻找她。➤warrant搜查证➤committee (name) 遴选委员会◆a search committee was established to help the president find his supreme court nominee.设立了遴选委员会帮助总统物色最高法院人选。➤firm (especially name) 猎头公司◆an executive search firm一家高管猎头公司preposition➤in search of寻找◆we're constantly in search of new talent.我们一直在寻求新人才。◆michael went off in search of another bottle of wine.迈克尔出去想再找一瓶酒来。➤search for对⋯搜寻◆the search for oil off the coast近海石油勘探phrases➤search and seizure (name) 搜查并没收◆the constitution forbids unreasonable searches and seizures.宪法禁止不合理搜查和没收财物。search noun² 2on a computer计算机adjective | verb + search | search + noun | preposition adjective➤quick, simple迅速的/普通的搜索◆a quick search on the internet在因特网上迅速搜索➤computer, database, internet, online, web计算机/数据库/因特网/在线/网络搜索◆i did an internet search for free music sites.我在因特网上搜索免费音乐网站。➤advanced, keyword高级/关键词搜索verb + search➤conduct, do, perform, run进行搜索;执行搜索➤narrow, refine减小范围搜索;缩小搜索范围◆you can refine a search using boolean parameters.你可以使用布尔参数缩小搜索范围。search + noun➤engine搜索引擎◆this is one of the fastest internet search engines.这是速度最快的因特网搜索引擎之一。➤box搜索栏◆type your domain name in the search box.在搜索栏内键入你的域名。➤features搜索功能◆a number of advanced search features are available.可以找到很多高级搜索功能。➤technology, tool搜索技术/工具➤query, term搜索请求/用语◆companies try to identify the most popular search terms.公司试图找到最流行的搜索用语。➤results搜索结果➤company搜索公司preposition➤search for搜索⋯search verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤carefully, systematically, thoroughly仔细地/系统地/彻底地搜查◆the area has been thoroughly searched.这个地区被彻底搜查了一番。➤actively积极搜查◆actively searching for something to keep the conversation going为使谈话继续积极寻找话题➤desperately, frantically拚命地/疯狂地搜寻▸➤fruitlessly, in vain, unsuccessfully, vainly徒劳地搜索;不成功地搜寻▸➤aimlessly, blindly无目的地/盲目地搜寻◆for the rest of the morning he searched aimlessly through the town.上午余下的时间里,他在镇上漫无目标地四处搜寻。➤constantly不断寻找▸➤around四处寻找◆i searched around for a thick stick.我四处搜寻,想找根粗点儿的棍子。➤online在线搜索◆you can also search online for a job.你也可以在网上找工作。preposition➤among在⋯中搜寻◆we searched among the rocks for crabs.我们在礁石之间找螃蟹。➤for寻找⋯◆they are still searching for the missing child.他们仍在寻找那个失踪的孩子。➤in在⋯里搜寻◆he searched in his pocket and found a few coins.他在口袋里摸来摸去,找到了几枚硬币。➤through翻遍⋯◆i searched through a drawer for my passport.我为找护照把抽屉翻了个遍。phrases➤search far and wide, search sth from top to bottom到处/彻底搜寻◆we searched the house from top to bottom.我们把屋子上上下下找了个遍。➤search high and low搜遍各个角落◆i have searched high and low and cannot find them.我到处都找遍了,但还是找不到他们。 search nounsearch ♦︎ pursuit ♦︎ quest ♦︎ hunt ♦︎ lookthese are all words for an act of looking for or trying to find sb/sth.这些词均表示寻找、搜寻。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a search / quest / hunt / look for sb / sth◆in search / pursuit / quest of sth◆the search / hunt is on (for sb / sth)◆a / an / the successful / relentless / endless search / pursuit / quest◆a major / massive / nationwide / police search / hunt◆to begin / launch / help in a search / quest / hunt◆to abandon / be involved in the search / pursuit / hunt◆to be engaged in the search / pursuit / quest◆to mount / lead / join (in) / call off a search / hunt■ search [countable] an act of trying to find sb/sth, especially by looking carefully for them/it(尤指仔细的)搜索,搜寻,搜查,查找◆after a long search for the murder weapon, the police found a knife.警方用了很长时间搜寻杀人凶器,最后终于找到一把刀。◆detectives carried out a thorough search of the building.侦探们对那栋大楼进行了彻底搜查。◆she went into the kitchen in search of (= looking for) a drink.她进了厨房,想找点饮料。  ➡ see also search → look verb 2 ■ pursuit /pəsjuːt; name pərsuːt/ [uncountable] (written) the act of trying to find or achieve sth, especially a goal, an achievement or a quality such as happiness(尤指对目标、成就或幸福等的)追求,追寻◆she travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.她在世界各地游历,追寻自己的梦想。◆the purpose of the award is to encourage the pursuit of excellence.设立这项奖励是为了鼓励大家追求卓越。 ➡ see also pursue → seek ■ quest [countable] (written) the pursuit of sth, especially over a long period of time, and especially sth that is valuable for spiritual reasons or reasons of honour, not for material gain(尤指精神或荣誉方面,而非物质上的)追求,追寻,探索◆the team will continue its quest for olympic gold this afternoon.今天下午,这个队将继续争夺奥运金牌。◆this is an important stage in their quest for the truth.这是他们追求真理过程中的一个重要阶段。◆the initiative aims to foster the province's quest to reinforce its distinct cultural identity.该倡议旨在激励全省追求其独特的文化身分。note 辨析 pursuit or quest?in some cases you can use either word.在有些情况下这两个词可以通用◆he set off in pursuit / quest of adventure.他动身去探险了。however, pursuit is the word used when sb is trying to achieve a particular goal or objective, especially when this is connected with making money or personal fulfilment.不过,pursuit 用于指某人试图达到某一特定目的或目标,特别是与赚钱或实现个人抱负有关的目标◆the pursuit of wealth / profit / self-interest / a career / love / happiness对财富/利润/私利/事业/爱情/幸福的追求a quest is usually more spiritual, often for some universal quality that can never be completely grasped. * quest 更多指精神层面的追求,常指探求那些无法完全掌握的普遍特质◆to be on an endless / a spiritual quest致力于无休止的/精神的追求◆the quest for truth / knowledge / perfection对真理/知识/完美的追求note that pursuit is uncountable and you talk about the pursuit of sth; quest is countable and you talk about a quest for sth. both words can be used in the pattern in pursuit/quest of sth.注意 pursuit 为不可数名词,可以说 the pursuit of sth ; quest 为可数名词,可以说 a quest for sth。两者都可用于 in pursuit/quest of sth 结构。■ hunt [countable, usually singular] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) an act of looking for sb/sth that is difficult to find搜索,搜寻,寻找(难找的人或物)◆the hunt is on for a suitable candidate.正在物色合适的人选。◆police forces in five counties are now involved in the murder hunt.现在动员了五个县的警力追捕这名杀人犯。 ➡ see also hunt → look verb 2 ■ look [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) an act of trying to find sb/sth查找◆i had a look for websites on egyptian music.我查找过有关埃及音乐的网站。◆we've had a good look around downstairs, but can't find your keys.我们在楼下仔细找过了,可是没找到你的钥匙。  ➡ see also look → look verb 2 search [intransitive, transitive] to look carefully to try to find sb/sth; to examine a particular place when trying to find sb/sth; (especially of the police) to examine sb's clothes, etc. in order to find sth that they may be hiding搜索;搜寻;查找;(尤指警察)搜身◆she searched in vain for her passport.她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。◆the customs officers searched through her bag.海关官员搜遍了她的行李。◆i found out more about the company by searching online.我在网上搜索到了更多有关这家公司的信息。◆firefighters searched the building for survivors.消防队员在大楼里搜寻幸存者。◆visitors are regularly searched as they enter the building.参观者进入大楼时要接受例行的搜查。 ➡ see also search → search noun search [countable] an act of trying to find sb/sth, especially by looking carefully for them/it(尤指仔细的)搜索,搜寻,搜查,查找◆after a long search for the murder weapon, the police found a knife.警方用了很长时间搜寻杀人凶器,最后终于找到一把刀。◆detectives carried out a thorough search of the building.侦探们对那栋大楼进行了彻底搜查。◆she went into the kitchen in search of (= looking for) a drink.她进了厨房,想找点饮料。  ➡ see also search → look verb 2 search¹/sɜ:tʃ ||; sɝtʃ/verb [i,t] search (sb/sth) (for sb/sth);search (through sth) (for sth) to examine sb/sth carefully because you are looking for sth; to look for sth that is missing 搜查;搜索;搜寻 · ◇the men were arrested and searched for drugs. 那几个男子被逮捕并搜身,看看是否带有毒品。◇were your bags searched at the airport? 你的包在机场被搜查了吗?◇they are still searching for the missing child. 他们仍然在搜寻那个失踪的儿童。◇she searched through the papers on the desk, looking for the letter. 她翻遍桌子上的文件,寻找那封信。◇i started searching the web for interesting sites. 我开始了在万维网上搜寻有趣的网站。 search²/sɜ:tʃ ||; sɝtʃ/noun1. [c,u] an act of trying to find sb/sth, especially by looking carefully for him/her/it 搜寻;搜查;搜索: ◇the search for the missing boy 搜寻那个失踪的儿童◇she walked round for hours in search of (= looking for) her missing dog. 她到处转了几个小时,寻找她那条失踪的狗。 2. [c] (computing计算机技术) an act of looking for information in a computer database or network 查找;搜索;检索: ◇to do a search on the internet 在因特网上查找◇a search engine(= a program that does searches) 检索引擎 searchsee ⇨ computers/internet/email 4 ⇨ look for 3,5,6,7     • • •• ⇨ in search of• ⇨ strip search☞ search¹☞ search²




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