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单词 packing
释义 packing nounverb + packing | packing + noun | phrases verb + packing➤do整理行装◆when shall we do the packing?我们什么时候收拾行李?➤finish收拾完行装◆she finished her packing and zipped up the bag.她收拾好东西,把包上的拉链拉好。packing + noun➤case (bre) 装货箱phrases➤postage and packing (bre) (postage and handling in name) 邮资和包装◆all prices include postage and packing.所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。 packing /pækɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] 1.the act of packing goods for delivery or sale 包装;打包;装箱◆the system prints out labels for use in packing and shipping. 这套系统可以打印用于包装及运输的标签。◆meat received from the packing plant 从肉品加工厂收到的肉类◆returned items must be accompanied by the original packing slip. 退货必须附上原包装单。⨁ a packing factory / plant / station肉品加工厂 ⨁ a packing company / group包装公司/集团 2.material used for wrapping around delicate objects in order to protect them, especially before sending them somewhere 包装材料;包装用品◆(bre) the price includes postage and packing. 这价格包含了邮费和包装材料费。◆shredded paper is used as packing material. 碎纸被用作包装材料。  ➡  packaging ◇ postage and packing ☞ packingpacking/ˈpækɪŋ ||; ˈpækɪŋ/noun[u] 1. the act of putting your clothes, possessions, etc into boxes or cases in order to take or send them somewhere 装箱;打包;收拾行李: ◇we're going on holiday tomorrow so i'll do my packing tonight. 我们明天要去度假,因此今晚我要收拾行李。 2. (brit 英) soft material that you use to stop things from being damaged or broken when you are sending them somewhere 包装衬垫: ◇the price of the book includes postage and packing. 这本书的价格包括邮资及包装材料。 pack·ing /`pækɪŋ; ˈpækɪŋ/n [u] 1. when you put things into cases or boxes in order to send or take them somewhere 包装,装箱,收拾行李:◇i'll have to do my packing this evening. 今晚我得收拾行李了。 2. paper, plastic, cloth etc used to protect things when you pack them 包装材料[纸、塑料、布等]




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