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单词 owl
释义 owl nounadjective | owl + verb | owl + noun adjective➤barn, spotted, etc.仓鸮、斑林鸮等▸➤stuffed猫头鹰标本▸➤wise (often figurative) 聪明人◆he's a wise old owl.他是个聪明的老家伙。➤night (figurative) 夜猫子◆i was a night owl when i was younger, but these days i'd rather go to bed early.我年轻时是个夜猫子,近来却更愿早早就寝。owl + verb➤fly猫头鹰飞翔▸➤hoot, screech猫头鹰鸣叫/尖叫▸➤catch sth, prey on sth猫头鹰抓住⋯/捕食⋯◆owls prey on small rodents.猫头鹰捕食小型啮齿动物。➤nest, perch, roost猫头鹰筑巢/栖息/归巢owl + noun➤pellet食丸(猫头鹰回吐的小球状难消化物)owl/aʊl ||; aυl/noun [c] a bird with large eyes that hunts small animals at night 猫头鹰 owl• ⇨ night owl owl /al; aʊl/n [c]a bird that hunts at night and has large eyes and a loud call 猫头鹰→ see also 另见 night owl




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