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单词 precisely
释义 preciselyadverb◆that's precisely what i meant.那恰恰是我的意思。preciselyadverb◆the meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely.会议 2 点整开始。preciselyadverb◆that's precisely what i meant.那恰恰是我的意思。preciselyadverb◆the meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely.会议 2 点整开始。precisely/prɪˈsaɪsli ||; prɪˈsaɪslɪ/adv1. exactly 正好;恰好: ◇the time is 10.03 precisely. 时间正好是10点零3分。 [syn] exactly 同义词为exactly 2. used to emphasize that sth is very true or obvious 确实;明确: ◇it's precisely because i care about you that i got so angry when you stayed out late. 就因为关心你,所以我才对你很晚还不回家感到如此生气。 3. (spoken 口语) (used for agreeing with a statement) yes, that is right (用于表示同意)对,正是如此: ◇‘so, if we don't book now, we probably won't get a flight?’ ‘precisely.’ “这么说,如果我们现在不预订机票,就很可能搭不上飞机?”“说得对。” preciselysee ⇨ exact/not exact 3,6 pre·cise·ly /prɪ`saɪslɪ; prɪˈsaɪsli/adv 1. exactly 精确地,确切地; 正好:◇that's precisely what i mean. 这正是我的意思。◇at precisely 4 o'clock 4 点正 2. spoken used to say that you agree completely with someone 【口】 完全对,正是[表示同意]:◇"so harris is responsible for the mistake." "precisely." “这么说来哈里斯该对这个错误负责了。”“没错。”




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