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单词 precinct
释义 precinct noun¹ 1 (bre) commercial area where cars cannot go区域adjective➤shopping商业区◆the £1.3-million redevelopment of the shopping precinct花费 130 万英镑重建的购物区➤pedestrian步行区➤town-centre城镇中心区precinct noun² 2 (name) police district; a police station警察管区;警察局adjective | precinct + noun adjective➤police警察管区◆he was handcuffed and taken down to the police precinct.他被戴上手铐,带到了辖区警察局。➤17th, 102nd, etc.第 17 区、第 102 区等➤local当地分局◆i went down to my local precinct to make a report.我去当地的警察分局作了报告。precinct + noun➤house警察分局的房子◆he wrote yesterday from a police precinct house in new orleans.他昨天在新奥尔良警察分局的房子里写的。➤commander警区指挥官◆the former queens precinct commander has slashed crime.前王后区警方指挥官抨击了犯罪。precinct noun³ 3 (name) part of a town or city for elections选区adjective | verb + precinct | precinct + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤key, targeted关键/目标选区◆campaigners walked door-to-door in targeted precincts.竞选者们在目标选区进行了挨门挨户的走访。➤democratic, republican民主党/共和党选区➤african-american, hispanic, etc.非裔美国人、西班牙裔等选区verb + precinct➤walk巡查选区◆did you walk your precinct on the day of the vote?选举日那天你在你的选区巡查过了吗?➤target选定目标区◆republicans have targeted precincts throughout the country.共和党人在全国各地都选定了目标选区。precinct + noun➤caucus选区党团◆a number of issues will be discussed at the precinct caucus.许多问题要在选区党团进行讨论。➤captain, chairman, committeeman选区领队/主席/委员会委员◆the precinct captains were able to round up 6 000 volunteers.选区领队们能聚集起 6,000 名志愿者。➤returns选区的统计◆the precinct returns show that the support received by both men was remarkable.选区的统计显示,两人都得到了显著的支持。preposition➤in precinct在选区里◆you can register to vote in your precinct by showing proof of residence.你只要出示居住证明就可以在你的选区登记投票。phrases➤the precinct level选区层面◆we're literally organizing leadership down to the precinct level.实际上我们把指导工作都组织到了选区。precinct noun⁴ 4area around a building建筑物周边的围地adjective | verb + precinct | preposition adjective➤sacred圣地◆the sacred precinct of apollo阿波罗的圣地➤inner, outer内围地;外围地➤abbey, castle, palace, shrine, temple, etc.修道院、城堡、宫殿、神殿、寺庙等的周围区域verb + precinct➤enter进入院落◆it was forbidden to enter the temple precincts.禁止进入寺庙院落。preposition➤in precinct在⋯地域里◆the event was held in the precincts of the parish church.该行动是在教区教堂周围举行的。➤within precinct在⋯专用区内◆he took up residence in chambers within the precinct of a monastery.他在一个修道院院落内的寝室里住了下来。 precinct /priːsɪŋkt/ noun [countable] (bre) a commercial area in a town where cars cannot go 步行商业区◆a shopping precinct 购物区◆a pedestrian precinct 步行区☞ precinctprecinct /priːsɪŋkt/ [countable, usually plural] (formal) the area around a place or building, sometimes enclosed by a wall(建筑物等的)外围,围墙内区域◆the school uses many of the splendid medieval buildings in the cathedral precincts.那所学校占用了大教堂周围许多壮观的中世纪建筑。precinct/ˈpri:sɪŋkt ||; ˈprisɪŋkt/noun1. [c] (brit 英) a special area of shops in a town where cars are not allowed 城镇中禁止汽车驶入的商业区: ◇a shopping precinct 购物区 2. [c] (us 美) a part of a town that has its own police station (有警察分局的)辖区,管区 3. precincts [pl] (formal 正式) the area near or around a building (建筑物的)周围地区: ◇the hospital and its precincts 医院及其附近地区 precinctsee ⇨ area 2 ⇨ shop/store 4 pre·cinct /`prisɪŋkt; ˈpriːsɪŋkt/n [c] 1. shopping/pedestrian precinct bre an area with shops in a town where cars are not allowed 【英】 商业区/行人专用区 2. ame a part of a city that has its own police force, local government etc 【美】 [城镇中拥有自己的警队、地方政府等的]分区:◇the 12th precinct 第 12 分区




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