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单词 loudspeaker
释义 loudspeaker nounloudspeaker + verb | loudspeaker + noun | preposition loudspeaker + verb➤announce sth, broadcast sth喇叭宣布⋯/广播⋯◆loudspeakers broadcast the football results.喇叭广播了足球赛结果。➤blare (sth)喇叭高声播放(⋯)◆loudspeakers blared militant songs.喇叭里高声放着激昂的歌曲。loudspeaker + noun➤announcement喇叭里传来的通知➤system扩音系统preposition➤from a/the loudspeaker从扩音器里◆christmas songs blared from loudspeakers.响亮的圣诞歌曲声从喇叭里传了出来。➤over a/the loudspeaker通过扩音器◆we heard the news over the loudspeaker.我们通过扩音器听到了新闻。➤through a/the loudspeaker利用喇叭◆a woman was addressing the crowd through a loudspeaker.一位女士正通过喇叭向人群讲话。loudspeaker/ˌlaʊdˈspi:kə(r) ||; ˈlaυdˈspikɚ/noun[c] 1. (also speaker) the part of a radio, cd player, etc which the sound comes out of (收音机、唱机等的)扬声器,喇叭 2. a piece of electrical equipment for speaking, playing music, etc to a lot of people 扩音器;扬声器;喇叭 loud·speak·er /`lad`spikə; ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə/n [c]a piece of equipment that makes sound louder 扩音器,喇叭




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