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单词 grunt
释义 grunt nounadjective | verb + grunt | preposition adjective➤little, slight, small, soft微弱的咕哝;轻声的咕哝▸➤low低声的咕哝▸➤non-committal态度不明朗的咕哝◆he gave a non-committal grunt in reply.他似是而非地咕哝着应了一声。➤loud大声的咕哝➤angry, annoyed, frustrated, etc.生气的、厌烦的、沮丧的等咕哝verb + grunt➤give, let out发出哼哼声▸➤hear听到咕哝声preposition➤with a grunt带着咕哝声◆he lifted the heavy box with a grunt.他哼了一声搬起了那只沉重的箱子。➤grunt of因⋯而发出的哼哼声◆a grunt of pain痛苦的呻吟  ➡ note at sound grunt verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤loudly大声咕哝➤softly轻声咕哝➤angrily生气地咕哝▸➤merely, only只是咕哝了几声◆he merely grunted at her and nodded his head.他只对她咕哝了几句,点了点头。preposition➤at对着⋯咕哝◆his father grunted at him as he left the room.他离开房间时,父亲对他咕哝了几句。➤in咕哝作为⋯◆she asked him a question and he grunted in reply.她问了他一个问题,他咕哝了几声算是回答了她。◆he grunted in pain.他痛苦地呻吟着。➤with因⋯咕哝◆she stirred the soup, grunting with satisfaction.她搅着汤,发出满意的咕哝声。phrases➤grunt and groan咕噜◆grunting and groaning, they heaved the wardrobe up the stairs.他们吭哧吭哧地把衣橱抬上了楼。 grunt verbgrunt ♦︎ snort ♦︎ croak ♦︎ rasp ♦︎ squawkthese words all mean to say sth or make a sound in a way that shows how you are feeling.这些词均表示带情绪地说话或作声。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to grunt / snort / croak / squawk at sb / sth◆to grunt / snort / croak / squawk in / with surprise, pain, etc.◆a voice croaks / rasps◆to grunt / squawk loudly◆to grunt / snort softly◆to croak / rasp hoarsely■ grunt [intransitive, transitive] to make a short low sound in your throat, especially to show that you are in pain, annoyed or not interested; to say sth using this sound(尤指表示痛苦、恼怒或不感兴趣)发出哼声,咕哝,嘟哝着说◆he pulled harder on the rope, grunting and groaning with the effort.他使出更大的力气拉绳子,用力时呼哧呼哧的。◆when i told her what had happened she just grunted and turned back to her book.我告诉她出了什么事,她只哼了一声就又看起书来。◆he grunted something about being late and rushed out.他嘟哝着说要迟到了便冲了出去。▸ grunt noun [countable] ◆with a grunt of effort he lifted the cases.他哼了一声使劲把那些箱子抬了起来。■ snort [intransitive, transitive] to make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused; to say sth using this sound(表示气愤或被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼,哼声说◆he snorted with laughter at the idea.他对这个想法嗤之以鼻。◆'you!' he snorted contemptuously.“你!”他轻蔑地哼声说道。▸ snort noun [countable] ◆she gave a snort of disgust.她厌恶地哼了一声。■ croak [intransitive, transitive] to speak or say sth with a low harsh voice低沉沙哑地说◆i had a sore throat and could only croak.我喉咙疼,只能哑着嗓子说话。◆he managed to croak a greeting.他勉强用沙哑的嗓音打了招呼。▸ croak noun [countable] ◆her voice came out in a croak.她声音低哑。■ rasp /rɑːsp; name ræsp/ [intransitive, transitive] to say sth in an unpleasant harsh voice用刺耳的声音说◆he rasped out some instructions.他粗声大气地发出指令。◆'where have you been?' she rasped.“你去哪儿了?”她厉声问道。▸ rasp noun [singular] ◆there was a rasp of impatience in his voice.他的声音粗声粗气,有些不耐烦。■ squawk [transitive, intransitive] to speak or make a noise in a loud, sharp voice because you are angry or surprised尖声高叫;怒声叫嚷;吃惊地尖声说话◆'you did what?!' she squawked.“你干了什么?!”她惊叫道。▸ squawk noun [countable] ◆the man gave a little squawk of indignation.那个男人愤怒地小声尖叫了一声。grunt [intransitive, transitive] to make a short low sound in your throat, especially to show that you are in pain, annoyed or not interested; to say sth using this sound(尤指表示痛苦、恼怒或不感兴趣)发出哼声,咕哝,嘟哝着说◆he pulled harder on the rope, grunting and groaning with the effort.他使出更大的力气拉绳子,用力时呼哧呼哧的。◆when i told her what had happened she just grunted and turned back to her book.我告诉她出了什么事,她只哼了一声就又看起书来。◆he grunted something about being late and rushed out.他嘟哝着说要迟到了便冲了出去。▸ grunt noun [countable] ◆with a grunt of effort he lifted the cases.他哼了一声使劲把那些箱子抬了起来。gruntnoun [countable] ◆with a grunt of effort he lifted the cases.他哼了一声使劲把那些箱子抬了起来。gruntnoun [countable] ◆with a grunt of effort he lifted the cases.他哼了一声使劲把那些箱子抬了起来。grunt/grʌnt ||; grʌnt/verb [i,t] to make a short low sound in the throat. people grunt when they do not like sth or are not interested and do not want to talk (表示厌恶或不感兴趣)咕哝,嘟哝: ◇i tried to find out her opinion but she just grunted when i asked her. 我想问她的意见,但她只哼了一声,什么也不说。 grunt noun [c]gruntsee ⇨ say 8 grunt /grʌnt; ɡrʌnt/v 1. [i,t] to make short sounds, especially because you do not want to talk [尤因不愿意说话而]哼了一声,嘟哝着说:◇she just grunted hello and kept walking. 她只是哼了一声打了个招呼,就继续走她的路。 2. [i] if a pig grunts, it makes short low sounds [猪]发出咕噜声 gruntn [c]




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