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单词 private
释义 private /praɪvət/ adjective1. [usually before noun] owned, managed or provided by an individual person or an independent company, rather than by the state 私立的;私营的;民营的◆a private law firm 私人律师事务所◆ private medical insurance 私人医疗保险◆there is no shortage of private funding for biotechnology. 不缺乏支持生物技术的私人资金。 opp public  ➡  private company 2. [usually before noun] working or acting for yourself rather than for the state or for an organization or a company 个体的;私人的;独立的◆a group of private investors got together to buy the company. 一群私人投资者一起买下了这家公司。◆as a private it consultant he could earn ten times what he made as an employee. 作为一名私人信息技术顾问,他赚的钱是当雇员时的十倍。3.belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use 私有的;私用的;自用的◆this car park is private. 这个停车场是私人的。◆a number of their clients have their own private jets. 他们的多位客户拥有自己的私人飞机。◆the share documents were found among her private papers. 在她的私人文件中找到了共享文件。 opp public (commerce 商业; finance 金融) [only before noun] sold only to particular people or organizations; not offered to the public in general to buy 私人的;非公开的◆a private sale of $1.25 billion of shares 非公开出售 12.5 亿元的股票 opp public 5.intended for or involving a particular person or group of people; not for people in general to attend or know about 私人的;秘密的◆the council held a private meeting this morning. 理事会今天上午举行了一个秘密会议。◆the letter was marked ‘private’. 这封信标有“亲启”字样。 opp public 6. [usually before noun] not connected with your work or official position 与工作(或官职)无关的;私人的;个人的◆you should not make private calls from the office. 你不应该从办公室打私人电话。◆she had some private business to attend to. 她有些私事要处理。 syn personal ▸ privately adverb◆one in three rented properties is privately owned. 出租房产中有三分之一是私有的。◆a privately funded organization 私人出资的机构◆can we speak privately? 我们可以私下谈谈吗? ●go private ●take a company private (finance 金融) if a company whose shares are sold on the stock market goes private, it becomes independent by buying back shares from shareholders; to make a company independent in this way 公司下市(上市公司的下市意味着这家公司通过从股东手中购回股票开始独立经营)◆a plan for the public utility companies to go private 公共事业公司下市的计划☞ privateprivate [usually before noun] belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use私有的;私用的;自用的◆the sign said, 'private property. keep out.'标牌上写着:“私人土地,禁止入内。”◆those are my father's private papers.那些都是我父亲的私人文件。◆the hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.这家旅馆有 110 间客房,各有独立卫生间。 opp public → common  ➡ see also privacy → privacy note 辨析 personal or private? personal things, details, etc. actually belong to a particular individual person and not any other individual person. private things belong to a particular person or group, or are for them to use; they are not for people in general. personal property usually consists of small items that belong to a particular person; private property is land that belongs to a particular person or group of people. * personal 描述物品、资料等时指这些东西实际上归特定的某个人而非任何其他个人所有。private 描述物品时指此物归特定的个人或集体所有,或归他们私用,而非公用。personal property 通常指归特定的个人所有的小物件,private property 指归特定的个人或群体所有的地产。privateintended for or involving a particular person or group of people, not for people in general; that you do not want other people to know about; not connected with your work or official position私人的;隐秘的;与工作(或公职)无关的◆you shouldn't listen in on other people's private conversations.你不该偷听别人的私人谈话。◆they were sharing a private joke.他们在说外人听不懂的笑话。◆she was scared of revealing her private thoughts and feelings.她害怕流露个人的想法和情感。◆the media are obsessed with the star's private life.媒体热衷于那个明星的私生活。opp public → famous  ➡ see also privacy → privacy ▸ privately adverb◆can we speak privately?我们可以单独谈谈吗?private¹/ˈpraɪvət ||; ˈpraɪvɪt/adj1. belonging to or intended for one particular person or group and not to be shared by others 私有的;私人(用)的;专用的: ◇this is private property. you may not park here. 这是私人产业,你不可以在这里停放车辆。◇a private letter/conversation 私人信件╱谈话 2. not connected with work or business 与工作或业务无关的;个人的;私人的: ◇he never discusses his private life with his colleagues at work. 他从来不与同事谈论自己的私生活。 3. owned, done or organized by a person or company, and not by the government 私立的;私营的;民办的;民营的: ◇a private hospital/school (= you pay to go there) 私立医院╱学校◇a private detective (= one who is not in the police) 私家侦探 ☞look at public. 参看public。 4. with no one else present 没有其他人在场的;私下的;单独的: ◇i would like a private interview with the personnel manager. 我想私下与人事部经理见面。 5. not wanting to share thoughts and feelings with other people 不喜欢跟别人谈论思想和感情的;孤僻的: ◇he's a very private person. 他是个很不愿意谈论私事的人。 6. (used about classes, lessons, etc) given by a teacher to one student or a small group for payment (指办班、授课等)由一名老师向个别学生讲授的,自行开班授课的: ◇claire gives private english lessons at her house. 克莱尔在家里给学生上英语课。 ➔privately adv private²/ˈpraɪvət ||; ˈpraɪvɪt/noun [c] a soldier of the lowest level 列兵;二等兵 in private with no one else present 没有其他人在场;私下;单独: ◇may i speak to you in private? 我可以单独跟你谈谈吗? privateprivate and personal1 private thoughts and feelings2 private conversations and letters3 not connected with work or public life4 when you are alone and other people cannot hear or see you5 unwilling to talk to other people about yourself6 what you say to tell someone that something is privateprivate/non-government7 not controlled by the government8 to make a public company or organization privaterelated wordsoppositepublic,see alsosecret,1. private thoughts and feelings 个人的想法和感情 private /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət/ [adjective] not for other people to know about 自己的;个人的;私人的 we all have our private dreams, fantasies and secrets. 我们都有自己的梦、幻想和秘密。 guy had to obey his superiors, no matter what his private thoughts on the matter. 不管自己对这件事的个人想法如何,盖伊必须听从主管的。 brian had an irritating habit of saying, ‘it'll be fine!’, whenever she mentioned any of her private fears. 布赖恩有个讨厌的习惯,她一提到自己害怕的事,就会说“会没事的!”keep something private clarence refused to comment on the state of his marriage, saying, it ‘is a private matter which we'd like to keep private.’ 克拉伦斯拒绝对自己的婚姻状态发表意见,称这“是件私事,我们不想公开。” privately [adverb] simon seemed confident, but privately he grew increasingly anxious. 西蒙看上去很有信心,但私下里他越来越焦虑。 secret /ˈsiːkrɪt, ˈsiːkrət/ [adjective] your secret thoughts and feelings are ones that you never show and never tell anyone else about 暗地里的,秘而不宣的 i had a secret ambition to return to politics. 我私下里有抱负要重返政界。secret hopes/fears/desires etc psychologists say that dreams can reveal our secret desires. 心理学家认为,梦能揭示我们内心的欲望。 williams’ diaries reveal all his secret hopes and fears. 威廉斯的日记揭露了他内心所有的希望和恐惧。 secretly [adverb] she said nothing, though she secretly admired his courage. 尽管她暗地里很钦佩他的勇气,她还是什么也没说。 intimate /ˈɪntɪmət, ˈɪntəmət/ [adjective] very private, and usually concerned with your relationships, sexual feelings etc 个人的;隐秘的[通常有关男女关系、性方面等] some people see nothing wrong with appearing on a tv show, and revealing their most intimate thoughts. 有些人认为上电视坦陈自己最隐秘的思想没什么不妥。 they held hands, walked along the beach, and shared intimate secrets. 他们手拉着手走在沙滩上,互诉彼此的隐私。intimate details you do not expect to see the most intimate details of your marriage splashed across the pages of the newspapers. 人们不想在报纸的显眼位置看到自己婚姻中最隐秘的细节。 personal /ˈpɜːʳsənəl/ [adjective] your personal thoughts and feelings are ones that you feel deeply, and do not usually tell other people about [想法、感情]个人的,私人的 i'm not going to tell you that - it's personal! 我不会告诉你那件事的一—那是私事!personal feelings/thoughts/problems she felt her problems were too personal to talk about. 她觉得自己的问题过于私人,不宜谈论。 in those days it was socially unacceptable for men to cry in public, or to express their personal feelings. 当时,男人在公开场合哭泣或表达个人情感不为社会所接受。 innermost /ˈɪnəʳməʊst/ [adjective only before noun] innermost feelings/thoughts/secrets/desires etc feelings, thoughts etc that are very important to you, but that you do not like to talk to other people about 内心深处的感情/思想/秘密/欲望等 he's not the kind of person to reveal his innermost secrets, even to his closest friends. 他不是那种会吐露自己内心最深处秘密的人,甚至在最亲密的朋友面前也不会。 she works with emotionally disturbed people, teaching them to express their innermost feelings through poetry. 她与情感受困扰的人打交道,教他们用诗歌来表达内心深处的感情。2. private conversations and letters 私人对话和信件 private /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət/ [adjective] between yourself and another person, and not to be listened to or seen by anyone else 私下的;私人的 he keeps his private papers locked away in the top drawer of his desk. 他把私人文件锁存在书桌的最上层抽屉里。 you shouldn't be listening to a private conversation! 你不应去听别人私下里的谈话! the book contains extracts from his diary and private letters. 这本书包含了他日记和私人信件的节选。 personal /ˈpɜːʳsənəl/ [adjective] personal letters and papers concern only yourself and are not for other people to read 私人的,个人的 i'm sorry but my diary is personal. i don't let anyone else read it. 对不起,日记是私人物品,我不允许别人阅读。 there was a letter on sarah's desk marked ‘personal’. 萨拉的桌子上有一封注有“私人”字样的信。 intimate /ˈɪntɪmət, ˈɪntəmət/ [adjective] intimate conversations etc are very private and usually concerned with your relationships, sexual feelings etc [谈话]个人的;私下的;隐秘的 some of the author's intimate correspondence was published after her death. 那位作者去世后,部分私人信件被出版。 i saw that brian was having an intimate conversation with an attractive young woman, and so i left quietly. 我看见布赖恩与一名漂亮的年轻女子在窃窃私语,于是静静地离开了。3. not connected with work or public life 与工作或公共生活无关的 private/personal /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət, ˈpɜːʳsənəl/ [adjective] use this about things that are not connected with your work, which only concern you, your family, or close friends 个人的,私人的 the senator's relationship with her family is a private matter - why put it on the front page of the post? 那位参议员同她家人的关系是私事—为什么要把这搬到《邮报》的头版上去?private/personal life the newspapers are full of stories about the private lives of famous people. 报纸上充斥着名人私生活的逸事闲闻。 she had worked with bill for 5 years, but she knew nothing of his personal life. 她和比尔共事了五年,对他的私生活却一无所知。personal relationship dave was very successful in business, but always had problems in his personal relationships. 戴夫事业有成,但在私人感情上总是出现问题。[personal call/phone call/letter if you must make personal phone calls at work, please keep them short. 如果你工作时非得打私人电话不可,就请简短些。personal problem there are counsellors at the college to help students with personal problems. 大学里有辅导员帮助学生解决个人问题。 domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ [adjective] concerning your life at home, especially with your family, and not your business or work 家庭的 domestic problems are affecting his work. 家庭问题影响了他的工作。 history books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors. 历史书籍里对于我们祖先家庭生活方面的事记载得不多。 it can be difficult for people with domestic responsibilities to work late at night. 承担着家庭责任的人工作至深夜是有困难的。4. when you are alone and other people cannot hear or see you 单独一个人,别人无法听见或看见 privacy /ˈprɪvəsi, ˈpraɪ-ǁˈpraɪ-/ [uncountable noun] when you are able to be alone, and not be heard or seen by other people 独处;隐私;私生活 the problem with open plan offices is that you don't have any privacy. 开放式办公室的问题是根本没有私人空间。 the condo was beautiful, and they had plenty of privacy, with a hot tub in a little private garden. 那套公寓很漂亮,他们有足够的私人空间,小小的私家花园里有浴缸可以洗热水澡。respect somebody's privacy let someone have some privacy 尊重某人的隐私 the press has been asked to respect the privacy of the royal family during this very difficult time. 在这十分困难的时候,报界被要求尊重皇室的隐私。invade somebody's privacy to upset or annoy someone by not allowing them to have privacy 侵犯某人的隐私 her husband's colleagues kept coming to the house, invading her privacy, and expecting food and drinks. 她丈夫的同事老是来家里,侵犯她的私生活,还要吃要喝的。in the privacy of your own room/home etc in a place where you can have some privacy 在自己的房间里/家里等 i waited until i was in the privacy of my own room before i opened the letter. 我一直进了自己的房间才把信拆开。 private /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət/ [adjective] a private place is one in which you can be alone without anyone hearing you or seeing what you are doing [地方]幽僻的 i've got something to tell you. can we go somewhere private? 我有些事要告诉你。能不能找个清静无人的地方? the garden's very private - it's not overlooked by anyone. 这个花园十分幽僻—没人能够看到。 in private /ɪn ˈpraɪvə̇t/ [adverb] if you do something in private, you do it when other people are not present 秘密地,私下地 can i speak to you in private for a minute? 能不能单独与你谈一分钟?5. unwilling to talk to other people about yourself 不愿与他人谈论自己的 private /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət/ [adjective only before noun] a private person is one who likes being alone and does not talk much about their thoughts or feelings [喜欢]独自一人的,孤僻的;不喜欢谈论私事的 lou's a very private person - i don't know anything about her family. 卢极不喜欢谈论私事—我对她的家庭一无所知。 brando is a private man who almost never gives interviews to the press. 白兰度不喜欢谈论私事,他几乎从不接受记者的采访。 keep yourself to yourself british /keep to yourself american /kiːp jɔːʳˌself tə jɔːʳˈself, ˌkiːp tə jɔːʳˈself/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] to not spend much time with other people and not talk much with other people, especially about your personal feelings or opinions 不大与人交际,离群索居 mrs jackson, a widow who kept herself to herself, lived in the flat above. 杰克逊太太是个离群索居的寡妇,她住在上面的套房里。 until he got used to his new school, davy kept to himself and almost never spoke to the other children. 戴维习惯新学校以前,一个人独处,几乎从不与其他孩子说话。6. what you say to tell someone that something is private 告诉别人某事是私事的说法 it's none of your business/that's my business /ɪts ˌnʌn əv jɔːʳ ˈbɪznə̇s, ðæts ˈmaɪ ˌbɪznə̇s/ use this to tell someone, who has asked you about something private, that you think they have no right to ask you 这不关你的事[用于别人询问本人认为其无权询问的私事时] ‘i don't care what you think, and anyway it's none of your business,’ she said rather rudely. “我不介意你怎么想,反正这不关你的事,”她相当粗鲁地说。 ‘where did you get the money?’ ‘that's my business.’ “你从哪里弄到这笔钱的?”“那是我自己的事。it's none of your business what/where/how etc it's none of your business how much i earn. 我挣多少钱不关你的事。 mind your own business /ˌmaɪnd jɔːr əʊn ˈbɪznə̇s/ say this when someone is asking questions about your private life that you do not want to answer 不要多管闲事[用于别人询问本人不愿回答的私生活方面的问题时] ‘where did you sleep last night?’ ‘mind your own business.’ “昨天夜里你睡哪儿?”“别多管闲事。” i wish you'd stop interfering and mind your own business. 希望你别再插手,管好你自己吧。7. not controlled by the government 不受政府控制的 private /ˈpraɪvɪt, ˈpraɪvət/ [adjective usually before noun] a private school, hospital etc is not one that is owned by the government and that you must pay money to use 私立的,私营的 private hospitals can afford to pay much higher salaries than state-run hospitals. 私立医院支付得起比国营医院高得多的薪水。 the government plans to sell part of the railway network to private investors. 政府计划将部分铁路网出售给私人投资者。 do you think the teaching in private schools is better than in state schools? 你认为私立学校的教学比州立学校的好吗? privately [adverb] privately educated 在私立学校接受教育的 at a private school journalists flew in on a privately chartered plane. 记者乘坐私人包机来。 commercial /kəˈmɜːʳʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] commercial tv/radio/channel a television or radio company that gets its money from advertising 商业电视台/电台/频道 most european countries have a mixture of commercial and state-run television. 多数的欧洲国家里,商业电视台和国营电视台共同存在。 denmark's first commercial channel went on air on june 1, 1987. 丹麦首个商业频道于1987年6月1日开播。 the most popular commercial radio station in london 伦敦最受欢迎的商业电台 independent /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt◂, ˌɪndəˈpendənt◂/ [adjective] not owned or paid for by the government 独立的;私营的 robin worked for one of the largest independent television companies. 罗宾在一家最大的独立电视广播公司里工作。 local companies and industries have been helping independent schools by providing buildings and equipment. 本地公司和工业一直在帮助私立学校建造大楼和购买设备。 the private sector /ðə ˈpraɪvə̇t ˌsektəʳ/ [noun phrase] all the industries and services that are not owned or paid for by the government 私有部门;私营部门 the government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems. 政府现在正求助于私营部门,寻求解决该国交通问题的其他方法。private sector spending/housing/finance etc private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment. 目前,私营部门提供的住房对低收入家庭来说太贵了。 private enterprise/free enterprise /ˌpraɪvɪt ˈentəʳpraɪz, ˌpraɪvət ˈentəʳpraɪz, ˌfriː ˈentəʳpraɪz/ [uncountable noun] the economic system in which industries, factories etc are owned and controlled by private companies and not by the government 私有企业;私营企业;自由企业制 sweden has always had a mixture of private enterprise and state control in its economy. 私营企业与国家调控一直共存于瑞典经济中。 margaret thatcher tried to encourage private enterprise by selling off britain's nationalized industries. 玛格丽特·撒切尔试图通过出售英国的国有化企业来鼓励私人企业。 even in the united states, free enterprise is subject to government controls. 即使在美国,自由企业制也要受政府的管制。8. to make a public company or organization private 使国有公司或组织变为私有 privatize /ˈpraɪvɪtaɪz, ˈpraɪvətaɪz/ [transitive verb] if a government privatizes a government-controlled industry, service, or company, it sells it to private owners, who then manage it for their own profit [国家]使私有化 hungary has been very keen to privatize its major industries, following the democratic reforms of 1988. 匈牙利在1988年的民主改革后,急于使本国的主要产业私有化。 employees of the strathtay bus company, which has been privatized, are concerned that drivers are about to be made redundant. 斯特拉斯泰公共汽车公司已私有化,其员工担心司机会遭解雇。 privatized [adjective] the government plans to introduce a privatized health system. 政府打算引入私立医疗保健制度。 privatization /ˌpraɪvɪtaɪˈzeɪʃən, ˌpraɪvətaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-tə-/ [uncountable noun] the recent privatization of bus services has led to escalating prices. 最近公共汽车服务的私有化已经导致票价上涨。☞ private¹☞ private²




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