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单词 splash
释义 splash noun¹ 1sound; amount of liquid声音;一定量的液体adjective | verb + splash | preposition adjective➤big, huge, large溅起的一大片▸➤little, small溅出的一小块▸➤loud扑通一声巨响▸➤soft哗啦一声轻响verb + splash➤make (often figurative) 引起轰动◆she intended to make a big splash with her wedding.她打算把婚礼的声势搞得大一些。➤hear听到溅泼声preposition➤splash of⋯的溅泼声◆a splash of cold water in the face泼到脸上的冷水➤with a splash扑通一声◆she jumped into the pool with a splash.她扑通一声跳入池中。splash noun² 2area of colour/color, light, etc.色彩;光亮adjective | phrases adjective➤bold, bright醒目的/明亮的斑点◆a bold splash of red醒目的红斑phrases➤a splash of colour/color色斑◆window boxes of tulips added a splash of colour / color to the street.窗台上一盒盒的郁金香为街道增添了一抹色彩。➤a splash of light光斑splash verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤happily欢快地溅泼着水◆the baby was splashing happily in the bathtub.宝宝在浴盆中欢快地泼着水。➤about, around啪啦啪啦地溅水◆the children were splashing around in the river.孩子们在河里啪啦啪啦地玩水。preposition➤against溅在⋯上◆rain splashed against the window.雨点拍打在窗户上。➤on, onto泼在⋯上;泼到⋯上◆she splashed some water onto the stain.她往污渍上泼了点儿水。➤over洒溅到⋯上◆she splashed some water over her boots to clean them.擦靴子之前她先在上面洒了点儿水。➤through溅泼着走过◆they splashed through the puddles.他们哗啦哗啦地蹚过水坑。➤with溅了⋯◆her clean clothes were all splashed with mud.她的干净衣服溅得到处是泥。phrases➤be splashed across the front page, be splashed on the cover以大篇幅刊登在头版/封面◆the next day his exploits were splashed across the front page.第二天他的英勇事迹便浓墨重彩地在头版刊登了出来。splash [countable] a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth; the mark that this makes溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍◆there were dark splashes of mud on her skirt.她的裙子上有溅上的黑泥点。 ➡ see also splash → spray verb splash [transitive] to make sb/sth wet by making a liquid fall on them/it把(液体)泼在⋯上;使(液体)溅在⋯上◆he splashed cold water on his face.他把冷水泼到自己脸上。◆my clothes were splashed with mud.我的衣服上溅满了泥。◆stop splashing me!别往我身上泼水了! ➡ see also splash → drop noun splash¹/splæʃ ||; splæʃ/verb [i,t] (used about a liquid) to fall or to make liquid fall noisily or fly in drops onto a person or thing (指液体)(使)飞溅,溅湿: ◇rain splashed against the windows. 雨水溅到窗户上。◇the children were splashing each other with water. 孩子们互相泼水。◇be careful not to splash paint onto the floor. 小心别把油漆泼到地板上。 splash out (on sth) (brit 英) (informal 非正式) to spend money on sth that is expensive and that you do not really need 挥霍(金钱)splash²/splæʃ ||; splæʃ/noun[c] 1. the sound of liquid hitting sth or of sth hitting liquid (液体的)溅泼声: ◇paul jumped into the pool with a big splash. 保罗扑通一声跳进游泳池。 2. a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth 溅起的液体: ◇splashes of oil on the cooker 溅在炉具上的油渍 ☞picture at ripple 见ripple插图 3. a small bright area of colour 鲜艳的色斑: ◇flowers add a splash of colour to a room. 花朵能使房间增添一点色彩。 splashsee ⇨ sound 14 ⇨ wet 4☞ splash¹☞ splash²




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