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单词 plead
释义 plead verb¹ 1ask sb for sth in a very serious way恳求adverb | preposition adverb➤almost几乎是央求◆she was almost pleading with him.她几乎是在央求他。➤silently默默地请求▸➤successfully (especially bre) 成功地恳求◆she successfully pleaded their cause with the mayor.她请求市长支持他们的事业,结果如愿以偿。➤desperately拚命地求情◆the teacher was today desperately pleading for news of her son who has disappeared.老师今天迫切渴望得到她失踪了的儿子的消息。preposition➤for恳求⋯◆they pleaded for mercy.他们恳求宽恕。➤with恳求(某人)◆his eyes silently pleaded with her.他默默地用眼神恳求她。plead verb² 2say that you are guilty/not guilty认罪或不认罪phrases➤plead guilty, plead not guilty认罪/不认罪◆he pleaded not guilty to the murder.他不承认犯有谋杀罪。plead /pliːd/ (pleaded, pleaded; name also pled, pled) [intransitive] to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way乞求;恳求◆she pleaded with him not to go.她恳求他不要离开。◆i was forced to plead for my child's life.我被迫苦苦哀求给我的孩子一条生路。◆he pleaded to be allowed to see his mother one more time.他恳求准许他再看妈妈一眼。 ➡ see also plea → request note 辨析 beg or plead? plead can suggest a stronger, more urgent or more emotional request, especially one that affects your personal happiness or the safety of those you love. beg is often used by the person making the request, to emphasize how important it is, but plead is not used in this way. * plead 表示更强烈、更急迫或更恳切的请求,尤指关系到个人幸福或所爱之人的安危。beg 常指说话人为自己提出请求,以强调这一请求何其重要,但 plead 不这么用◆please don't do this, i'm begging you!请别这么做,我求求你了!◆please, i'm pleading with you! pleadverb [transitive] ◆they hired a top lawyer to plead their case.他们聘请了一名最好的律师帮他们陈述案情。pleadverb [transitive] ◆they hired a top lawyer to plead their case.他们聘请了一名最好的律师帮他们陈述案情。plead/pli:d ||; plid/verb1. [i] plead (with sb) (to do/for sth) to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way 恳求;请求: ◇she pleaded with him not to leave her. 她求他不要离开她。◇he pleaded for mercy. 他请求宽恕。 2. [i,t] to state in a court of law that you did or did not do a crime (在法庭上)认罪或不认罪: ◇the defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge of theft. 被告不承认偷窃的控罪。 3. [i,t] plead (sth) (for sb/sth) (used especially about a lawyer in a court of law) to support sb's case (尤指法庭上的律师)为(某人)辩护,抗辩: ◇he needs the very best lawyer to plead (his case) for him. 他需要最好的律师为他(的案件)辩护。 4. [t] to give sth as an excuse or explanation for sth 提出(某事物)作为借口或解释: ◇he pleaded family problems as the reason for his lack of concentration. 他以家庭问题作为他精神不集中的理由。 pleadsee ⇨ ask 11 plead /plid; pliːd/v pleaded or pled /plɛd; pled/ pleading 1. [i] to ask for something in an urgent and anxious way 恳求,请求:◇+ with amy pleaded with the stranger to help her. 爱美请求那位陌生人帮助她。 2. [i,t] law to officially say in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime 【法律】 答辩,抗辩:◇"how do you plead?" "not guilty." “你认罪吗?”“我不认罪。”




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