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单词 volume
释义 volume noun¹ 1amount of space容积adjective | verb + volume | preposition adjective➤total总体容积◆the total volume of the containers集装箱的总容量➤interior, internal内容积verb + volume➤calculate, measure计算/测量容积preposition➤by volume按体积◆they sell screws and nails by volume.他们按体积出售螺丝钉和钉子。➤in volume容量为◆two gallons in volume容积为 2 加仑volume noun² 2quantity of sth数量adjective | verb + volume | volume + verb adjective➤sheer大量◆the sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.创作的小说数量之巨令人吃惊。➤considerable, enormous, great, heavy, high, huge, large, substantial, vast相当大的数量;庞大的数额;巨大的数量➤increased增加量➤increasing日益增长的数量▸➤low, small低额;小额➤decreased, reduced减少量➤overall总量➤production, sales生产量;销售量➤traffic交通量verb + volume➤increase增加数额▸➤decrease, reduce减少数额;降低份额▸➤double in, grow in, increase in, rise in数额加倍/增长/增加/上升◆sales have doubled in volume.销售额翻了一番。➤decrease in, fall in数量下降➤determine, estimate确定/估计数量volume + verb➤double, grow, increase, rise数量加倍;数额增加;数额上升◆sales volume has doubled since 1999.销售额自 1999 年以来翻了一番。➤decrease, fall数额减少;数量下降➤exceed sth数量超过⋯volume noun³ 3strength of sound that sth makes音量adjective | verb + volume | volume + noun | preposition adjective➤high, loud高音量▸➤full, maximum最高/最大音量▸➤low低音量verb + volume➤increase, turn up提高/调高音量▸➤decrease, lower, turn down降低音量;调低音量▸➤grow in, increase in, rise in音量升高▸➤decrease in, fall in音量降低volume + noun➤control, dial, knob, setting音量控制器/标度盘/旋钮/挡位◆the volume control on the television电视机上的音量控制键preposition➤at... volume以⋯音量◆the car stereo was on at full volume.汽车里的立体声音响开到了最大音量。➤volume on⋯的音量◆the volume on the stereo立体声音响的音量volume noun⁴ 4book图书adjective | ... of volumes | verb + volume | preposition | phrases adjective➤bound, leather-bound精装本;皮面书◆a library full of bound volumes满是精装本的图书馆➤companion图书的姊妹篇◆a companion volume to the one on african wildlife那本非洲野生动植物图书的姊妹篇➤rare珍本◆only a library would have this rare volume.只有图书馆才可能有这种珍本。➤huge, large, massive, substantial, thick大部头的书;厚重的书▸➤slender, slim, small单薄的书➤handsome精美的书▸➤dusty落满尘埃的图书▸➤old旧书▸➤single单卷▸➤separate分册➤edited编辑过的书➤published已出版的书➤first, second, etc.第一卷、第二卷等➤final终卷➤forthcoming即将出版的书... of volumes➤series系列丛书verb + volume➤edit, illustrate, publish, write编辑图书;给图书加插图;出版图书;写书➤read读书preposition➤in a/the volume一套⋯卷◆her poems are now available in a single volume.她写的诗现在出了单卷本。➤volume of一册⋯◆a volume of short stories短篇小说卷➤volume on⋯卷◆a volume on ancient history古代历史卷phrases➤run to five, several, etc. volumes达到 5 卷、数卷等◆the encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes.这套百科全书卷帙浩繁,达 20 卷之多。volume /vɒljuːm; name vɑːl-; -jəm/ noun1. [uncountable, countable] the amount of space that an object or a substance fills; the amount of space that a container has 体积;容量◆liquid fuels are sold by volume. 液体燃料按容积出售。◆the barrel has a volume of ten cubic metres. 这个桶的容量为十立方米。2. [countable, uncountable] the amount of sth 额;量◆the volume of trade between the two countries decreased last year. 去年两国间的贸易额下降了。◆sales have doubled in volume over the last two years. 过去的两年里销售额翻了一番。◆volume sales increased by 15% last year. 去年销售额增长了 15%。◆dvd equipment has sold in high volumes. dvd 设备销量很大。⨁ an enormous / a high / low / huge / large / substantial volume (of sth)大量/少量/大量(的某物) 3. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) [uncountable, countable] the total number of shares bought and sold on a stock exchange on a particular day 交易量;成交量◆an average daily trading volume of 100 000 shares 日均 10 万股的交易量⨁ (a) brisk / heavy / light / low / strong volume (of sth)(某股的)活跃/大量/少量/低迷/强劲的成交 ●in volumein large quantities 大量的;大宗的◆we're a small business and can't afford to buy supplies in volume. 我们是家小企业,不能大宗采购物资。◆the types of bikes that sell in volume 畅销型自行车 high volume ◇ sales volume ☞ volumevolume [countable] (formal) a book书◆she published her first book, a slim volume of poetry, at the age of sixteen.她十六岁时出版了第一本书 - 一本薄薄的诗集。ⓘ volume can be used in formal contexts when you are considering the size of a book or the number of books. * volume 可以用在正式的语境中,指书的厚薄、套书的册数或藏书的数量◆a slim / thick volume薄薄的/厚厚的一册◆a library of over 50 000 volumes藏书 5 万多册的图书馆it is not used in more general contexts. * volume 不用在较为笼统的语境中◆his desk was covered with piles of volumes. ◆the volume has received some terrible reviews.  ➡ see also volume → chaptervolume [countable] a book, especially one that is part of a series of books(尤指成套书籍的)一卷,一册◆the encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes.这套百科全书是大部头,共有 20 卷。note 辨析 issue, edition or volume? issue is usually used to talk about magazines and journals; edition is usually used to talk about newspapers. academic journals usually publish several issues each year; all the issues for one year are considered to belong to one volume of the journal. * issue 通常指杂志期刊,edition 通常指报纸。issue 可指学术期刊的每一期,volume 指全年各期的合订本。  ➡ see also volume → bookvolume [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the amount or number of sth量;额◆we had to work hard to keep up with the sheer volume (= large amount) of business.我们必须努力工作才能应付这么大的工作量。◆new roads are being built to cope with the high volumes of traffic.正在修建新的道路以应付巨大的交通流量。◆sales volumes fell 0.2% in june.6 月份的销售额下降了 0.2%。ⓘ volume is used to talk about how much/many there is/are of sth. in this meaning, it is not possible to say a volume of sth without qualifying it, either with an adjective or a clause. * volume 用于指某物有多少。表达此义时,短语 a volume of sth 中的 volume 必须有形容词或从句来作限定语◆he managed to get through a considerable volume of work.他设法处理完大量的工作。◆we were attracting a volume of business that, frankly, we could not handle.我们吸引来大量业务,但坦率地讲,我们根本无力应付。volume [uncountable, countable] the amount of space that an object or substance fills; the amount of space that a container has体积;容积;容量◆how do you measure the volume of a gas?怎样计量气体的体积呢?◆what volume of water would be needed to fill the aquarium?装满这个鱼缸需要多少立方的水?◆in the experiment, lighted candles were put under jars of different volumes.实验中,用不同容量的罐子把一些点燃的蜡烛扣住。volume [uncountable] the amount of sound that is produced by sth, especially electronic equipment such as radios and televisions(尤指收音机和电视等电器的)音量,响度◆she turned down the volume on the car stereo.她调低了汽车音响的音量。◆make sure the volume control is in the middle between the 'low' and 'high' settings.确保音量调节器设定在“高”、“低”档的中间。volume/ˈvɒlju:m; us -jəm ||; -jəm/noun1. [uc] (abbr vol.) the amount of space that sth contains or fills 体积;容积: ◇what is the volume of this sphere? 这个球体的体积是多少? ☞look at area (2). 参看area(2)。 2. [c,u] the large quantity or amount of sth 大量: ◇the sheer volume (= the large amount) of traffic on the roads 道路的巨大交通流量◇i've got volumes of work to get through. 我有大量工作要完成。 3. [u] [sing] how loud a sound is 音量;声量: ◇to turn the volume on a radio up/down 调高╱调低收音机的音量◇a low/high volume 音量低╱高 4. [c] (abbr vol.) a book, especially one of a set or series (尤指一套书或丛书的)册,辑,卷,集: ◇the dictionary comes in three volumes. 这部词典分三卷出版。 volumesee ⇨ amount 1 ⇨ loud 6 ⇨ size 2     • • •• ⇨ at full blast/at full volume vol·ume /`vɑljəm; ˈvɒljuːm/n 1. [u] the amount of sound produced by a television, radio etc 音量:◇can you turn down the volume on the tv? 把电视机的音量调低点好吗? 2. [c,u] the total amount of something 量,总量:◇an increase in the volume of traffic 交通流量的上升 3. [c] a book, especially one that is part of a series of books [书的]卷,册:◇a 12 volume set of poetry 一套十二册的诗集 4. [u] the amount of space that an object contains or that a substance fills 体积; 容积 ☞ volume




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