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单词 resurgence
释义 resurgence /rɪsɜːdʒəns; name -sɜːrdʒ-/ noun [singular; uncountable] the return and growth of an activity that had stopped 复苏;复兴◆recent economic data shows a resurgence in consumer confidence. 最近的经济数据显示消费者信心重新建立起来了。◆there has been a resurgence of interest in health-related holidays. 人们对与健康有关的度假再次表现出兴趣。 syn revival ▸ resurgent adjective [usually before noun] ☞ resurgenceresurgence/rɪˈsɜ:dʒəns ||; rɪˈsɝdʒəns/noun [c] [usu.sing] (formal 正式) the return and growth of an activity that had stopped 复苏;复兴: ◇a resurgence of interest in the artist's work 对那美术家的作品兴趣重生 re·sur·gence /rɪ`sɜdʒəns; rɪˈsɜːdʒəns/n [singular 单数,u]when something starts to happen a lot again, or a lot of people have the same feeling again 复苏; 再起:◇a resurgence of racial violence 种族暴力的再起




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