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标题 TST联合经肛门闭式修补术治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突的创新运用

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    [摘要] 目的 研究 TST 联合经肛门闭式修补术治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突的临床疗效。方法 方便选取 2012 年 1 月—2017 年 1 月该院收治的直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突患者 128 例,分为治疗组和对照组各 64 例,对比临床效果。结果 治疗组排便不尽改善96.8%,排便困难改善96.8% ,手助排便改善100.0%,肛门坠胀改善93.7%,会阴冲击感改善96.8%,临床症状改善情况优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.278 4、3.627 2、2.876 3、7.253 2、7.558 6,P<0.05),治疗组治疗显效率93.8%,对照组46.9% ,治疗组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=33.684 2,P<0.05)。结论 TST 联合经肛门闭式修补术治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突,取得较好的临床疗效,并且在防治术后并发症及远期疗效方面存在优势, 具有重要的临床价值。

    [关键词] TST;经肛门闭式修补术;直肠粘膜内脱垂;直肠前突

    [中图分类号] R657? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)09(a)-0063-03

    [Abstract] Objective To study the clinical efficacy of TST combined with transanal closed repair for rectal mucosal prolapse combined with rectocele. Methods The rectal mucosa prolapse in this hospital from January 2012 to January 2017 was convenient selected.128 patients with rectocele were divided into treatment group and control group, 64 cases each, comparing clinical effects. Results The defecation of the treatment group improved 96.8%, the difficulty of defecation improved by 96.8%, the hand-assisted defecation improved by 100.0%, the anal bulge improved by 93.7%, the perineal impact improved by 96.8%, the clinical symptoms improved better than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(χ2=10.278 4, 3.627 2, 2.876 3, 7.253 2, 7.558 6, P<0.05), the treatment efficiency was 93.8% in the treatment group and 46.9% in the control group. The treatment group was superior to the control group, ,the difference was statistically significant(χ2=33.684 2, P<0.05). Conclusion TST combined with transanal closed repair for rectal mucosal prolapse combined with rectocele protrusion has achieved good clinical efficacy, and has advantages in prevention and treatment of postoperative complications and long-term efficacy, and has important clinical value.

    [Key words] TST; Transanal closed repair; Rectal mucosal prolapse; Rectocele

    日常臨床工作中常遇到不少女性排便障碍患者同时患有直肠粘膜内脱垂和直肠前突,临床症状以排便困难、排便不尽感、肛门坠胀、会阴冲击感、手助排便等为主。直肠前突就是直肠前壁向前膨出,其深度≥6 mm,指排便时直肠前壁突入阴道内,形成囊袋状,是出口梗阻型便秘的一个主要原因[1]。近年来随着微创手术的广泛普及和不断改进,治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂和直肠前突的手术方式也多种多样,以往曾采用 PPH 手术治疗[2],该研究于2012年1月—2017年1月方便选取直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突患者 128 例,采用 TST(选择性吻合器痔上粘膜切除术)联合经肛门闭式修补术治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突, 取得较好的临床疗效,现报道如下。

    1? 资料与方法

    1.1? 一般资料

    方便选取该院收治的住院直肠粘膜内脱垂合并直肠前突患者 128 例,分为 TST 联合治疗组和 PPH 对照组各 64 例,均为已婚女性, 治疗组中年龄 25~72 岁,平均 (46.3±12.32)岁,病程 6 个月~21 年,平均 (7.50±3.23) 年,排便周期(3.1±2.7)d;对照组中年龄 24~76 岁,平均(45.6±10.96 )岁,病程 5 个月~15 年,平均(6.33±3.74)年,排便周期(3.3±2.6)d。研究所选病例经过伦理委员会批准,患者及家属签署知情同意书。两组一般资料经统计学比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。





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