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标题 招商手册的词汇特征及其翻译策略


    【摘 要】本文探讨了商务英语翻译策略和词汇特征,以招商手册的翻译为实例。从普通词汇、专业术语和缩略语以及名词性结构等方面结合实例提出了此类翻译的方法和策略,希望为同类型的翻译有借鉴作用。


    中图分类号:H159 文献标志码:A 文章编号:11007-0125(2018)15-0219-02



    Donghai County is the first batch of national opening coastal counties, and it is one of the top 100 counties in China,at the intersection of national strategy of "One Belt and One Road”, and it is the first county on the “Silk Road Economic Area”. In addition, Donghai County is located in the intersection of “coastal development zone”, “Spark Industrial Zone of North Jiangsu” and “East Longhai Industrial Zone”. The land area of Donghai County is 2037 square kilometers with a total population of about 1.2 million, and it is in the warm temperate semi-humid climate zone with ample sunshine and four distinctive seasons. The average annual sunshine duration is 2400 hours, with 913 mm of the average annual rainfall , and 255 days of annual frost free period .

    这里基本都是普通词汇,按照字面对应翻译即可。这段里面有一些固定搭配,例如“一带一路” 、“沿海开发带” 、“苏北星火产业带” 、 “沿东陇海产业带”,可以参照通行的译法"One Belt and One Road”, “coastal development zone”, “Spark Industrial Zone of North Jiangsu”, “coastal development zone”。需要指出的是“四季分明”不能直译为 “four seasons”,因为强调“分明”,应该译为 “four distinctive seasons”为宜。




    “West Double Lake Lily theme park” is a typical representative of flower city, and Flower Expo has been held successfully for many years in Donghai County. Donghai County devotes itself to building a city named “flower capital of East China with happiness Donghai”.

    这里的“福如东海”,因为镶嵌了地名东海县,形成了双关语,所以不能直译为 “Immense happiness as East Sea”,而采用当地人都耳熟能详的 “happiness Donghai”为宜。


    Jiangsu Donghai High-tech Zone will support enterprises with "Nine connections and one land smoothness", which includes park road , power supply, water supply, gas pipeline supply and other ancillary facilities will be completed by each passing days, and it is accompanied by beautifying the environment, landscaping, and lighting promotion.

    “九通一平”指的是通气、通电(电力、电信)、通水(雨水、自来水和污水)、通网(光纤网、有线网)和土地平整。“九通”共通之处在于“通连、接通”,故用名词化 “connections”比介词的 “through”更準确。“绿化”显然不仅是植树造林,应该是景观设计,landscaping 比gardening或forestation更准确。“亮化”指“灯光工程”,应该是 lighting promotion不是brightening.

    例3:境内有大贤庄旧石器文化遗址、房山的摩崖石刻、羽山的殛鲧(Ji Gun)泉、曲阳的汉代古城遗址、温泉伊湾的汉代古墓群等,为东海史册增添了光辉的一页

    There are some famous scenic spots, such as DaXianZhuang Paleolithic cultural sites, lithoglyphs of Fangshan, JiGun spring of Yu Mountain, the Han Dynasty legacy treasures of Quyang city, and Yi Wan Han Dynasty tomb group of WenQuan Town, all of these famous scenic spots become the glorious page of Donghai County History.

    这里的“石刻”一词是多义词,有石刻碑文 stone inscription、石刻造像stone carving和石刻雕像stone sculpture等含义,而拉丁词根的lithoglyph更贴切、简洁反映了“悬崖石刻”的含义。


    Donghai County had successfully held dozens of festivals like the Donghai China Crystal Festival, Donghai China Flower Expo, Donghai Hot Spring Festival, Huangchuan Strawberry Festival, ShiLiangHe Grape Festival, and so on The one-day sightseeing route of Donghai is opening and improving continuously, and the reputation of Donghai tourism has been greatly improved.

    “温泉蜜语文化节”是为了宣传广告效果增加了“蜜语”,为突出主旨可以不译,结合上下文,译为Donghai Hot Spring Festival较为合适。




    the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) report: preparation and environmental approval time of 2 months.

    “环评报告”即为“环境影响力评估报告”,是许多企业建立之前向环保部门申请的一份手续。缩略词EIA的 翻译简单明了。其他的缩略词还有高新区high-tech zone,电子商务e-commerce,世界手工艺理事会WCC(World Crafts Council)等等。




    Jiangsu Donghai high-tech zone devotes to creating world-class silicon material industry production base in the developing strategy of “ecological priority, group promoting, core leading, and multivariate cooperation”.

    这里的“优先、推进、引领和协同”全部用名词性结构的priority , promoting , leading, cooperation避免了冗长的并列句结构,省时省力。


    Insisting on high-tech support, high investment construction, and high grade development, Jiangsu Donghai high-tech zone has formed a number of outstanding industrial investment services platform after years of operation.

    这里的名词性结构high-tech support, high investment construction, and high grade development较好地对应了汉语句式的排比结构。


    [1]Nida, Eugene A. and Charles R Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation [M].Leiden: E.J.Brill,1969.

    [2]錢瑗.实用英语文体学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2006.





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