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标题 Disadvantages of using advanced technology for learning English as a foreign language.

    Abstract:The use of advam:ed tec:hnology in teac:hing Fglish as a foreign language .ay im:rease student en-thusiasi and strengthen the interac:tion between teac:hers and students.Nowadays, iost Chinese universitystudents study Inglish via advam:ed teclmology such as digital learning platfor.s.

    Keywords:advam;ed tec;hnology,;advantages;disadvantages,;lnglish



    文章编号:1005-5312 (2020) 09-0201 -01

    The advantages of a multimedia computer in Englishclassroom teaching in high-tech environment make upfor the shortcomings that teachers cannot give eachstudent timely and meticulous individual guidance intraditional English classroom teaching. This is alsohelpful to create a relaxed and pleasant classroom atmosphere, stimulate students' interest in learning,cultivate students' abilitv to learn independently,make students' learning much simpler, and make teach-ers' teaching easier. For example, to learn "nice tomeet you", you can use a computer to make small animals or people that students like, and then have a10eautiful background, so that students can meet manyfriends on their way to school, and call with them,"good morning", "morning!", "goodbye" and so on. Atthis time, the students are completel attracted tothe animation scene, and the intuitive and beautifulanimation and pure English pronunciation will make thestudents feel relaxed, in pleasant and harmonious atmosphere, and learn new knowledge. The use of Information Technology therefore has an important influencein English teaching. Cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies means foreign language studying in China has entered a newstage of intelligence and perception. Multimedia in-formation technology has loecome an inseparalole part ofcollege English teaching. The application of multimedia network technology provides more time and loroaderspace for college students to learn English. Furthermore, multimedia technology can make dry texts moreinteresting and dynamic thus stimulating students' in-terest in English learning and improving students'initiative. At the same time, students can tailor con-tent to meet their own learning requirements. The useof advanced technology can integrate a variety of English learning materials to adjust and optimise theprogress of English learning. In addition, throughthis new teaching model, students can also be attracted to join the English learning activities, so thatEnglish classroom teaching can develop relationshipsand friendships between teachers and students. Teach-ers can also introduce different forms of teachingcontent through multimedia to help students improvetheir learning.

    Using advanced technology to teach English as aforeign language also poses many other problems. To bespecific, the spread of incorrect and unsuitable in-formation from the internet would lead people to goastray, especially universitv students whose outlookon life, world outlook and values have not yet beenshaped. Students might be morallv corrupted by exposure to unsuitable values. The Internet will spreadinformation that is bad for college students. In addition, the interactive, anonVmous and unrestrictedcharacteristics of new media make it easy for collegestudents to receive false information during the pro cess of using new media. These are the challenges whenusing advanced technology for the learning of Englishas a foreign language (Zou, 2019) .詐者简介:党维俐(1995-),女,青海人,硕士,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学,研究方向:对外国际英语教学。





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