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标题 Analyze the Limitations of Study the Oral Feedback in Second Language Classroom

    Tang Rongman

    ◆Abstract:For decades now, there is a growing number of study on the classroom feedback in L2 classroom, this essay aims at analyzing the limitations of studying the oral feedback.

    ◆Key words:Limitations; Oral Feedback; L2 Classroom

    Currently,theres a growing number of studies about the oral feedback use in EFL classroom. Some limitations of these researches need to be pointed out. Firstly, some sample sizes were relatively small. In order to address on some general conclusion, the investigation into teachers feedback should be enlarged in the number of participants as well as the diversity of the level in secondary school. Secondly, the possible observer effect on teachers actual practices or even students performances should be acknowledged (Labov,1972). Furthermore, some before-class interviews conducted could make teachers know the topic of the research, this may have impact on their feedback practices.

    Due to the triangular design of these researches, although it was hope to minimize the researchers effect, it can hardly be avoided. Thirdly, when studying the effectiveness of each type of feedback, the students efficient language output should further be counted. Finally, due to the time and technique limitation, only teachers aspect was studied in detail. It would be useful to add the student-student interaction into the study of the effect of teachers feedback, as classroom interaction is a complex topic, which could be affected by teachers and students. And the participants could be presented the results analyzed from the classroom observation, as to gain a deeper insight into the reasons related to the observed discrepancies between practices and beliefs. However, this was not part of the scope of the present studies.


    [1]Labov,W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.







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