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标题 三焦点人工晶状体植入术后长期临床观察

    杨兴华 袁超群 夏颖



    【摘要】目的观察三焦点人工晶状体(IOL)植入术后长期疗效。方法选取行三焦点IOL植入术的患者30例(50只眼),于术后6个月及12个月分别测试及随访。比较术后6、12个月视力情况、离焦曲线、后发性白内障、问卷调查结果。结果术后6个月远视力(0.038±0.06),中间视力(O.112±0.063),近视力(0.078±0.058);术后12个月远视力(0.040±0.049),中间视力(0.108±0.06),近视力(0.060±0.053)。术后12个月与6个月远、中、近视力比较差异均无统计学意义(F=0.03、0.106、2.596,P>0.05)。术后6、12个月患者离焦曲线均在0.0 D处为最高峰,在+1.0 D-2.5 D离焦范围内平缓且处于较高值,视力均>0.2LogMAR。所有患者中仅一眼术后8个月时发生较明显后囊膜混浊,并行YAG激光切开治疗,激光后视力恢复至术后3个月水平。所有患者中有2只眼出现光晕,但不影响其日常生活,未见其他不适。



    DOI: 10.14163/j .cnki.1 1-5547/r.2020.19.014

    Long-term clinical observation after trifocal intraocular lens implantation

    YANG Xing-hua. YUANChao-qun, XIA Ying. Department of Oplzthalmology, Jiangsu Hospiial of Traditional Chinese Mededicine, Nanjing210029. China

    【Abstract】Objective To observe the long-term efficacy of trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.Methods

    A total of 30 patients (50 involved eyes) with trifocal IOL implantation in our hospital were testedand followed-up for 6 and 12 months after surgery. The visual acuity. defocusing curve, post-cataract andquestionnaire survey results 6 and 12 months after surgery were compared. Results 6 months after surgery, thefar vision. intermediate vision and near vision were (0.038±0.06). (0.112±0.063) and (0.078±0.058). which were.(0.040±0.049). (0.108±0.06) and(0.060±0.053)12 months after surgery. There was no statistically significantdifference in far. intermediate and near vision between 12 months and 6 months after surgery (F=0.03,0.106, 2.596.P>0.05). 6 and 12 months after surgery, the defocusing curve of the patients was the highest at 0.0 D, and thedefocusing curve was gentle and high in the range of +l.O D to-2.5 D. and the visual acuity was > 0.2 LogMAR. Inall patients, only I eye had significant posterior capsule opacification 8 months postoperatively. After YAC laserincision. the visual acuity recovered to 3 months postoperatively. Halo appeared in 2 eyes of all patients, but it didnot affect their daily life, and no other discomfort was found. Conclusion Trifocal IOL implantation implantationcan provide good whole course vision for a long time, and patients have higher subjective satisfaction and bettervisual quality.

    【Key words】Trifocal: Intraocular lens; Visual qualitv: Defocus curve

    目前白內障手术不仅仅是复明手术,而是一种屈光性手术。手术后获得清晰、舒适、持久的全程视力及良好的视觉质量是医患共同目标。近年来随着人们生活质量提高,中距离视力越来越受到关注,以往的IOL在中距离视力方面显得不够。ATLISA tri 839MP三焦点IOLf德国Carl ZEISS公司)的光学区在近距离增加+3.33 D,中距离补充+1.66 D,可以明显改善中间视力[1-3],为医患双方提供更多的选择。本研究拟探讨术后长期疗效。

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