标题 | Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 听说课教学设计与反思 |
范文 | 于莉 一、教材分析 外研社《英語》(新标准)每册教材共7个模块,其中6个教学模块,1个复习模块。每个教学模块均围绕1个话题展开,涵盖了听、说、读、写4项基本技能。 本课选自高二年级上学期所使用的第五册第二模块。该模块通过介绍不同职业的特征及其对人类社会的贡献,培养学生正确的择业观。 二、学情分析 本节课授课对象是高二学生,具有一定的英语基础,多数学生具有用英语讨论所给话题,发表自己见解的能力,但课堂上学生不愿张口表达,缺乏积极性和主动性,需老师进行积极的引导和调动。 三、教学目标 1.通过听本模块的听力材料,使学生听懂Job Interview的内容,识别本模块所学词汇和结构并获取信息。 2.通过角色扮演进行Job Interview的模拟活动,鼓励学生大胆表达,培养学生说的能力。 3.通过听说练习,使学生进一步了解自己的特长,对自己未来职业的选择有一个规划,培养学生正确的择业观。 四、教学过程 ●Step 1 Leading-in Teachers activity: Encourage the students to list some words about the job. Students activity: Brainstorming: use what they have learned to write down as many words as possible. Teachers activity: Encourage the students to discuss what questions will be raised in the job interview. Students activity: Work in groups: share the questions with each other. Purpose of the design: To know something about the listening topic. ●Step 2 Pre-listening Teachers activity: Tell the students that they will hear two persons are talking in a job interview, and ask the students to write questions Claire could ask the manger. Students activity: Individual work: predict the questions and write them down. Purpose of the design: To develop the students ability to predict. ●Step 3 While-listening Teachers activity: Global listening: 1. Ask the students to listen to Part 1 and say what job Claire is applying for. 2. Ask the students to listen to Part 2 and check if Claire ask their questions. Selective listening:1. Ask the students to listen to Part 1 and complete the form in Activity 3 on page 16. 2. Ask the students to listen to Part 2 and tick who asks the questions (Activity 4 on page 16). Students activity: Individual work: 1. Answer the questions. 2. Check with each other if their prediction is right. Purpose of the design: 1. To get the main idea. 2. To know the detailed information. ●Step 4 Post-listening Teachers activity: Ask the students what factors will be considered while looking for a job. Encourage them to think about as many factors as they can. Students activity: Work in groups: list as many factors as they can. Purpose of the design: To prepare for listening. ●Step 5 Speaking Teachers activity: Encourage the students to work in groups (manager, job hunters) to apply for a job using the above factors and role-play this situation. Students activity: Work in groups: choose the job they prefer and do the role-play. Purpose of the design: To know how to apply for a job. ●Step 6 Assignment Teachers activity: Write a composition.Write to one of their friends to make suggestions about the job interview. Students activity: Make suggestions according to what they have learned. Purpose of the design: To use what they have learned in written English. 反思: 1.《普通高中英語课程标准》指出:高中英语教学应该着重培养学生在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力,用英语获取和处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力以及批判性思维能力。英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化意识、学习能力。其中语言能力包括使用英语口语和书面语进行表达的能力及通过语言建构交际角色和人际关系的能力。英语听、说教学恰是培养学生的英语语言交际能力。在听力教学中,学生会输入大量的单词和地道的表达,感受真实的语言环境。在说的过程中,学生对之前所输入的语言进行处理和加工,使语言输出准确、有效。听说能力是相辅相成、相互促进的,因此,在说的教学中,我们常常设置与听力材料相似的语境,培养学生的语言运用能力和思维品质。 2.本节课是听说课,通过听一段工作面试的对话,使学生在真实的语境中感知面试语言。通过分组对话练习,模拟面试情景,使学生切身融入到真实语境中,增加语境的连续性,以听促说,以说带听。 3.在分组进行模拟面试时,学生的参与度并不高,积极参与该活动的还是平时教学中表现积极活跃的那些同学,如何让学生全员参与这一活动呢?除了设计学生感兴趣的话题之外,我认为可以在分组形式上进行改变,以教室内学生自然组为单位(两竖排为一组),3至5分钟之后,两竖排中一排的学生不动,另一排第一位学生的座位调至最后一位,其余学生的座位依次前移,每隔3至5分钟,该排学生的座位轮换一次。依此类推,每隔一段时间,学生所面对的交谈对象就发生了变化,交谈内容相应地也会做出改变,随之而来的就是角色的转换。这样几轮下来,每名学生都会认真倾听对方的谈话内容,并积极应答,真正做到全员参与,提高听说综合能力。 |
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