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单词 path
释义 path noun¹ 1way across land穿过土地的路adjective | verb + path | path + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤long长长的小路▸➤narrow狭窄的小径▸➤steep陡直的小路▸➤winding弯弯曲曲的小路➤cobblestone, dirt, gravel, paved, rocky石子路;土路;铺平的路➤wooded林间小路➤cliff, coast, coastal (all especially bre) 悬崖上的小路;海边小径▸➤forest, garden, woodland (especially bre) 森林中的小路;花园小路;林中小径▸➤pedestrian, public (especially bre) 人行道;公共通道▸➤bike, cycle (bre) 自行车专用道▸➤bridle马道verb + path➤follow, take顺着小径走;走小路◆follow this path for about 100 yards, and it's on your right.沿着这条小路走大约 100 码,它就在你右边。➤go along, go down, go up沿着小径走▸➤climb沿着小路攀登▸➤keep on, keep to, stay on沿着小路继续走;不偏离小路▸➤leave, stray from, stray off离开小路;偏离小路➤retrace返回原来的路径◆they retraced the path they had taken earlier that day.他们折回到他们那天早些时候走的小路。➤clear, make开出小路◆a path was cleared through the jungle.在丛林中开辟出一条小路。path + verb➤go, run小路通(向);小路伸展◆that path goes down to the river.那条小路通到河边。➤descend (especially bre) 小路下斜➤follow sth小路沿着⋯◆the path follows the stream for quite a way.小路顺着小溪伸延了很远。➤branch off, leave sth小路岔开;小路离开⋯◆the path left the river bank and wound its way into the woods.小路从河边岔开,蜿蜒曲折通向树林深处。➤divide, fork小路分开/分岔▸➤go to sth, lead (to) sth小路通往⋯◆where does this path lead?这条小路通向哪里?➤wind, zigzag小路向前蜿蜒伸展;小路呈之字形向前伸展◆then the path zigzags steeply uphill for a while.接着有一阵,小路很陡,曲曲折折地向山上延伸。➤be marked (sth)小路标着(⋯)◆the path is clearly marked.这条小路的路标很清楚。➤narrow, widen小路变窄/变宽preposition➤along a/the path, down a/the path, up a/the path沿着小路◆the children ran along the path.孩子们沿着小路奔跑。➤on a/the path在小路上◆i think we're on the path we used yesterday.我想我们现在正走在昨天走过的小路上。➤path along, path beside, path by沿着⋯/⋯旁的小径◆the path along the canal沿着运河的小路➤path for用于⋯的小路◆a path for cyclists自行车专用道➤path from从⋯开始的小路◆the path from the hotel to the beach从旅馆到海滩的小路➤path through穿过⋯的小路◆i took the path through the park.我走穿过公园的小路。➤path to通往⋯的小路phrases➤off the beaten path (= not in a place that most people go to) (name) 偏僻◆the museum is located well off the beaten path.这家博物馆位置很偏僻。path noun² 2line of movement行动路线adjective | verb + path | preposition | phrases adjective➤correct, right正确的路线▸➤flight飞行路线◆the pilot was instructed to change his flight path.飞行员接到了改变飞行路线的指示。➤direct直接路径◆the building was in the direct path of the missile.该建筑位于导弹弹道上。➤circular, straight圆形/直线路线◆the object continued in its circular path.物体继续沿圆形轨迹运行。verb + path➤steer开出通路◆he steered a path through the crowd.他从人群中开出一条路。➤trace追踪路线◆scientists can trace the path of the tornado.科学家们可以追踪龙卷风的行进路线。➤block, obstruct, stand in堵塞路线;阻挡路线◆you're standing in my path!你挡了我的道!➤cross偶遇;碰面◆a peacock crossed our path.我们路遇一只孔雀。preposition➤across sth's path穿过⋯的路线◆the car pulled right across the path of another vehicle.这辆车正好驶过另一辆车的车道。➤in sth's path, into sth's path在⋯的路线;进入⋯的路线◆she stepped into the path of an oncoming car.有一辆轿车恰好朝行进中的她驶来。➤out of sth's path离开⋯的路线◆i managed to jump out of the path of the bike just in time.我及时跳开,躲过了驶来的自行车。➤path through穿过⋯的路线◆footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow.脚印在雪地上留下了一条对角线。➤path to到⋯去的路线◆he moved quickly to block her path to the door.他迅速拦住她到门口的路。phrases➤everything in sb's/sth's path所经之处的一切◆the tornado destroyed everything in its path.龙卷风所经之处一切尽毁。path noun³ 3way of achieving sth实现的办法adjective | verb + path | preposition | phrases adjective➤well-trodden, well-worn常用的方法;陈腐的做法◆her education followed the usual well-worn path of rich youngsters in the 1930s.她接受的教育沿袭了 20 世纪 30 年代富家子弟一成不变的模式。➤clear, direct, straight清晰的/直接的/坦率的路线◆she saw the plan as a direct path to her goals.她认为这个计划是实现她目标的直接路径。➤chosen选择的道路➤different, divergent不同的道路;岔路◆the two friends followed divergent paths in life.这两个朋友走了不同的人生道路。➤career职业发展途径➤spiritual心灵之旅◆the challenge of staying on his spiritual path while surrounded by temptation在诱惑中继续心灵之旅的挑战➤evolutionary进化之路◆the evolutionary path that humans have followed人类遵循的进化道路verb + path➤choose, find选择方法;找到路径◆everyone has to find their own path in life.每个人都要找到自己的生活方式。➤follow, pursue, tread, walk遵循⋯做法;追求⋯方式◆can a person who has walked a path of evil all his life really change?一生走在邪恶道路上的人真的能改变吗?➤blaze, carve, carve out, chart, forge开拓道路;开辟道路;规划道路◆he aimed to forge a new path between traditional left-wing and right-wing politics.他的目标是在传统的左翼和右翼政治之间另辟蹊径。➤deviate from偏离路径➤clear, ease, smooth清理/平整/弄平道路◆this cleared the path for them to marry.这清除了他们结婚道路上的障碍。preposition➤on a/the path在道路上◆his feet were now firmly on the path to success.他发现已经稳稳踏上成功之路。➤path of⋯的路途◆the path of true love is never easy.真爱无坦途。➤path to通往⋯的路径◆the path to happiness幸福之路phrases➤cross paths (with sb)(= meet sb in the course of your life, work, etc.) (与某人)相逢◆i hope to cross paths with him again some day.我希望有朝一日与他再度相逢。➤obstacles in sb/sth's path⋯道路上的障碍◆i don't want to put obstacles in your path.我不想阻碍你的前程。 path nounpath ♦︎ trail ♦︎ pavement ♦︎ sidewalk ♦︎ track ♦︎ footpaththese are all words for a long narrow piece of land that forms a route for people to walk on.这些词均表示小路、小径。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a path / trail / track / footpath through sth◆a path / trail / track / footpath to sth◆a long path / trail / track◆a narrow path / pavement / sidewalk / track◆a dusty pavement / trail / track◆a muddy path / trail / track / footpath◆to follow a path / trail / track / footpath◆to keep to the path / pavement / sidewalk◆to leave the path / track◆to step off / mount the pavement / sidewalk◆a path / track forks / divides◆a path / trail / track / footpath leads to sth■ path [countable] a long narrow piece of ground for people to walk along, either built or made by the action of people walking小路;小径◆a garden path花园小径◆they took the cliff path as far as the lighthouse.他们顺着悬崖边的小路一直走到灯塔。◆they have cleared a path (= made one by cutting down plants) through the forest.他们在森林里开出一条小路。◆he walked down the garden path to the front gate.他沿着花园小径来到前门。■ trail [countable] a path through the countryside, often a very long route or a path that has been made for a particular purpose(乡间绵延的、有特定用途的)小路,小径◆we set off to walk the trail that winds along the colorado river.我们沿着科罗拉多河边蜿蜒的小路出发了。◆they have made a new nature trail (= a path where you can see interesting plants and animals) through the woods.他们在树林里开出了一条新的观景小径。■ pavement [countable] (bre) a flat, raised part at the side of a road for people to walk on(马路边的)人行道◆a parked car was blocking the pavement.一辆车停在人行道上挡住了路。◆a bus mounted the pavement and hit her.一辆公共汽车开上人行道,把她撞了。■ sidewalk [countable] (name) a pavement(马路边的)人行道◆the crowd filled the church and spilled onto the sidewalk outside.人群挤满了教堂,进不去的人留在外边的人行道上。◆we stopped for coffee at a sidewalk cafe.我们停下来,在路边的咖啡馆喝了杯咖啡。■ track [countable] (especially bre) a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but has been made by the action of people, animals or vehicles travelling along the same route many times(人、动物踩踏出或车辆碾出来的)小道,小径◆the path joins a farm track (= one used by tractors) near a barn.小路连着谷仓旁的拖拉机道。ⓘ this meaning of track is mainly used in british english; in american english tracks is usually just used to mean the marks that sb/sth has left behind. * track 的这一意义主要用于英式英语;在美式英语中,tracks 通常仅表示足迹、踪迹、车辙等。  ➡ see also track → trail ■ footpath /fʊtpɑːθ; name >fʊtpæθ/ [countable] (especially bre) a path for people to walk along, especially in the country(尤指乡间的)人行小道◆follow the marked footpath.顺着有标记的小路走。◆a public footpath (= one that everyone has the right to use) crosses his land.一条公共人行小道穿过他的土地。path [countable] a plan of action or the series of actions sb takes to achieve sth行动计划;达成目标的途径◆there is no clear career path in this field.这个领域里没有清晰的职业规划。◆the party seemed to be on the path to assured victory.该党似乎走上了必胜的道路。◆power sharing is a difficult path to tread.实行分权是一条难走的道路。◆everyone has to find their own path in life.每个人都必须找到自己的人生道路。path [countable] a long narrow piece of ground for people to walk along, either built or made by the action of people walking小路;小径◆a garden path花园小径◆they took the cliff path as far as the lighthouse.他们顺着悬崖边的小路一直走到灯塔。◆they have cleared a path (= made one by cutting down plants) through the forest.他们在森林里开出一条小路。◆he walked down the garden path to the front gate.他沿着花园小径来到前门。path [countable] a line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as they move路线;道路◆the diagram shows the path of the satellite between 10.20 and 10.34.图表显示这颗卫星在 10:20 和 10:34 之间的轨迹。◆the avalanche destroyed everything in its path.雪崩所到之处一切尽毁。path/pɑ:θ; us pæθ ||; pæθ/noun[c] 1. a way across a piece of land that is made by or used by people walking 小路;小径;步道: ◇the garden path 花园小径 pathway is similar in meaning there was a narrow pathway leading down the cliff.look also at footpath. pathway与path的意义相近:there was a narrow pathway leading down the cliff.有一条狭窄的小径顺悬崖而下。另参看footpath。 2. the line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as he/she/it moves 路线;路径: ◇he threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle. 他突然扑倒在一辆驶来的汽车前面。 ☞look at flight path. 参看flight path。 ☞picture at diffract 见diffract插图 ☞ path☞ road/path path /pæθ; pɑːθ/n [c] plural paths /pæðz; pɑːðz/ 1. a track across an area of land that people walk along 小径,小路:◇a path through the woods 林间小径 2. the space in front of you as you move forward 通道:◇the police cleared a path through the crowd. 警察从人群中开出一条通道。 3. the direction or line along which something moves 路线; 轨迹:◇the path of the moon 月亮的运行轨道 ☞ path☞ path




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