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单词 pathetic
释义 pathetic /pəθetɪk/ making you feel pity or sadness可怜的;可悲的;令人怜惜的◆the starving children were a pathetic sight.那些饥饿的孩子样子很可怜。pathetic /pəθetɪk/ (informal, disapproving) (of a person or their attempt to do sth) weak, useless or not successful, often in a way that makes other people not respect them(人或其做某事的尝试)无力的,无效的,不成功的(常导致他人瞧不起)◆that was an absolutely pathetic excuse.那是个极其牵强的借口。◆i know it sounds pathetic, but i can't ride a bike.我知道这听上去显得我很不济,但我真不会骑自行车。◆you're pathetic!你真窝囊!▸ pathetically adverb◆his attempt to fool the guard was pathetically unconvincing.他企图欺骗门卫,但毫不足信。pathetic/pəˈθetɪk ||; pəˈθɛtɪk/adj1. causing you to feel pity or sadness 引起怜悯的;可怜的;可悲的: ◇the pathetic cries of the hungry children 饥饿儿童可怜的哭声 2. (informal 非正式) very bad, weak or useless 差劲的;软弱的;无用的: ◇what a pathetic performance! the team deserved to lose. 多么差劲的表现!这支球队输得活该。 ➔pathetically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv patheticsee ⇨ sympathize 7 pa·thet·ic /pə`θɛtɪk; pəˈθetɪk/adj 1. making you feel sadness or sympathy 悲哀的,可怜的:◇the pathetic sight of refugee children 难民儿童的悲惨景象◇stop being so pathetic! 别这么可怜兮兮的! 2. informal very bad, useless, or weak 【非正式】 糟糕的,差劲的:◇vicky made a pathetic attempt to apologize. 维奇很不像样地试图道歉。 ☞ pathetic




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