标题 | 解析文本特性 还原课堂本真 |
范文 | 谢丽茜 【教材分析】 本课是基于译林出版社《牛津初中英语》(2012年版)7A Unit 8 fashion的阅读课时。教师通过课前制定导学单,在小组合作学习共同体的推进下,以课前自主独立学习和小组互助学习相结合的形式,让学生熟读课文,小组内部自学有关介绍服饰的一系列单词,适当查阅课外生词,增加词汇量,培养学生自主探究的学习能力。要求学生能把握主持人文稿的特点,即有开场白和结束语,文本主体部分介绍模特时所运用的时态为现在进行时。鉴于本单元主题是“时尚”,教师引导学生树立正确的时尚观也成为必要的情感教育。 【学习目标】 Knowledge aims: 1.To learn different kinds of words about clothes by students themselves. 2.To imitate models and hosts to introduce one's own clothes and others clothes. Ability aims: 1.To understand the feature of the text, a hosts script. 2.To know the feature of a hosts script, having the opening words and the closing words as well as the present continuous tense. Moral aim: To set up students right values about “fashion”. 【教学重难点】 1.To apply different kinds of words about clothes to describe others dressing freely and confidently. 2.To make up the opening words and the closing words for an activity. 【教学准备】 教师准备: 1.将班级学生分成七组,每组设定正副组长,采取师徒结对“一对一”的形式进行课堂内外活动。每周根据小组内得分情况评比“美丽小组”,根据个人得分情况评比“美丽个人”,设定各种物质、精神奖励以激发学生的积极性,增强集体意识。 2.搜集课文中五个模特的服饰图片以及头像,彩色打印并裁剪好。彩色打印有关服饰的五个方面(名称、颜色、材质、特征、配饰)的思维导图。 3.准备金色羽毛面具、话筒、红色地毯以及若干红包(内含一定金额)。 4.准备学生走秀时的背景音乐,精心制作PPT,提前调试电脑设备。 学生准备: 1.充分发挥小組作用,自主预习有关服饰五个方面的单词。然后组长带领组员整合大家收集的单词,一起学习,并提前写在教师下发的圆形彩纸上,为上课做好准备。 2.学生自带服装配饰,如帽子、墨镜、围巾、面具等,为课堂服务。 【教学工具】 PPT,电脑,事先准备的各种直观教具。 【教学过程】 Lead-in T: Which festival is coming? S1: The Spring Festival. T: Are you happy at the Spring Festival? Why or why not? S2: Yes, we are happy. Because we can get red packets. S3: Yes. Because our parents get new clothes ready for us. 教师呈现一个关于春节的简短PPT动画,提出的问题贴近生活实际,学生有话可说,课堂氛围一下活跃起来。教师即时点评、鼓励,可以让学生得到更多的成就感和自信。 T: Look at the picture. Where are the students in the picture from? Are they happy at the Spring Festival? If not, what can we do to help them? S1: They are the students in poor areas. They are not happy. Because they are poor. S2: We can give them some clothes to help them. S3: We can give them our money to help them. T: How about giving a fashion show to collect money to help them? Is it a good idea? S: Yes. 教师继续呈现一张来自贫困地区儿童的照片,再次追问这些孩子能否开心过春节,大多数学生的回答是否定的。那么如何帮助他们呢?这是个发散性问题,很多学生的回答停留在“捐助东西”的层面,而教师引导他们举办时装秀来“集资”,呼吁身边人共同参与。导入部分自然流畅,又增加了“助人为乐”的情感教育。在平时的课堂中,情感教育的渗透尤为重要,教师应有意识地关注学生良好品德的塑造和正确价值观的培养。 Activity 1 Pre-show T: What do we need most to have a fashion show ? S: Clothes. T: Great! We have these parts about clothes including styles/names, colors, materials, features, accessories. Now, which group would like to show the words you collected to us? 该部分为导学案的课前预习部分。教师让小组内某成员把该组整理的彩色圆圈内的单词贴在黑板上,并上台“领学”,带着全班同学学习该组收集的单词。接下来,其他小组补充该组没整理到的单词,使自学部分更充实完善。教师应注意培养学生的思维能力和自主探究能力,可利用思维导图把服饰的单词分成五大类,让学生自己去判断、寻找单词的所属类别,同时,利用小组合作机制互助检查,归纳整理。学生学习能力的培养在于正确运用有效的学习策略,教师可以给个“扶手”或“梯子”,放手让学生去参与、探究。实践证明,学生完成得非常好,他们归类的服饰单词涵盖了本单元出现的所有生词,并适当扩充了课外单词,也增强了学生大胆、果敢上讲台表达的自信心。 Activity 2 While-show 1. Prediction T: The title of the passage is the fashion show, can you guess what we can see at the fashion show? S: Models and clothes. T: Excellent! The title is very important. It can help us know something about the passage. 教师向学生强调标题的重要性,看标题预测文本内容可以培养学生的想象力、思维能力,从而逐步完成创新能力的培养。 2. Skimming T: Now please go through the passage quickly and answer the questions. How many models are there in the fashion show? Who are they? S: There are five models. They are Millie, Simon, Amy, Daniel and Sandy. T: In the passage, where do you find them? 學生能够很快回答出文中涉及的五位模特及名字,但对第二个问题,似乎不太明白教师的意图。教师随即带领学生标出每段段首第一句话,然后呈现阅读技巧:一般而言,每段的段首第一句即为该段中心句。阅读策略的培养需要在平时教学中点滴渗透。 3. The feature of the passage T: Is the passage a story? Is it a novel like《Gullivers travel》? S: No. T: Whats the feature of the passage? You can answer it in Chinese. S: 主持稿。 T: Terrific. It is a hosts script. Whats the feature of a hosts script? We can find out the opening words and closing words in the passage. T: Our school is having a sports meeting. If you are a host, what will you say about the opening words? S: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our sports meeting. I am...from Class 11, Grade 7. Today we are going to enjoy different kinds of exciting games. Now, lets wish our team good luck. T: What will you say about the closing words ? S: Thats all for todays sports meeting. Thanks for coming. 在这一环节,教师旨在让学生感知文本的特殊之处,带领学生再次解析主持稿的特点:开场白和结束语。其后,教师创设另外一个语境,挑战学生能力:如果学校开运动会,你是主持人,会说怎样的开场白和结束语?由于思考时间有限,同时,学生的应变和发散能力有所欠缺,教师随即呈现参考答案,让学生感知语言魅力。对于结束语,学生则异口同声、脱口而出。教学环节的巧妙设计应该建立在正确解读文本特点的基础上,增强学生的语篇感。 4. Scanning 教师让学生小组合作完成关于五位模特的细节特征的表格,培养学生查找细节信息的能力。 T: Next,please match the models with their right clothes. Work in your groups and put them together as quickly as you can. When you finish, come to the front and stick them onto the blackboard. 教师让学生在填完表格进一步了解模特信息的基础上进行小组合作,即快速又准确地匹配出各个模特所穿的服装,第一个完成的小组将结果贴在黑板上。此游戏环节增加了课堂的趣味性,活跃了气氛,充分调动了学生的积极性。 5. Retell T: Retell the script with the help of the pictures on the blackboard. The sentences for each group member are as follows. The group leader assign tasks. S1(主持人开场白):Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our fashion show. I am... from Taicang No.1 Middle School. Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes. S2: Look at Millie. She is wearing.... S3: Here comes Simon. He is wearing.... S4: Now Amy and Daniel are coming. Amy is wearing... S5: Look! Here comes Sandy. She is wearing... S6(主持人结束语): Thats all for todays show. Thanks for listening. 此环节进行了两个小组的展示,增强了小组团结合作的意识,锻炼了学生的口头表达能力。 Activity 3 Post-show T: In order to collect money for the students in poor areas, now lets hold our own fashion show. Please look at the rules below: (1)It should include color, material, feature, styles and accessories, not only names of the clothes. (2)The first student says the opening words and introduces his/her fashion first, then walks in the middle of the classroom as a model. (3)When the first student walks on the stage, the second student is the host. He/She introduces the first students clothes. (4)Then the second student walks as a model, the third student begins to introduce the second student. (5)All the members in a group take turns to be models and hosts. (6)The last student says the closing words. (7)Other groups watch them carefully. After the show, other groups need to make comments. 既然本篇文章是時装秀,何不在教室里来个现场的班级时装秀呢?教师把教室中间的小组移到两边,中间留出一条道,走秀时配以背景音乐,主持人手持话筒,既增强了仪式感,又不至于让背景音乐干扰主持人,使学生听不清表述。学生兴趣高涨,走秀时提前佩戴好配饰,边说边演,自编模特动作,课堂氛围达到高潮。教师依托学生“爱玩”的天性,运用情景教学法,根据文本特性,联系生活实际,把时装秀在课堂上生动还原,让学生在“做”中“学”,达到事半功倍的效果。 T: Which group is better? S: Tian Jingyus group. T: OK. Here are the presents for your show. (The teacher gives five red packets to the group members, and asks them to open it. The Students are happy when they find some money in the red packets.) T: Now, you have money. What are you going to do with the money? S1: Buy snacks. S2: Buy books and pens. T: Dont forget to give the money to the children in poor areas. So please give the money back to me. 在两小组展示完各自的时装秀后,教师设计了一个“小把戏”,为表现较好的组员发了红包奖励,并要求他们将奖金捐给贫困地区儿童。情感教育再次渗透,学生心悦诚服。 Discussion: Whats fashion in your eyes? T (Shows Students some pictures): Are they fashionable? Are their clothes and hair fit for us? S: No. T: What do you think of fashion? Should we buy expensive famous brands? S: No. T: We should buy useful things, not too expensive. T: Should we spend money on something we dont need? S: No. T: We should spend money on something we need. We should wear clean clothes and right clothes at the right place. Remember that fashion is to be yourself. Its not the true beauty to pursue external beauty but inner beauty. 教师应帮助学生养成节约、简朴的优良品质,树立正确的时尚价值观,即真正的美在于追求内在美而非外在美。 【课后作业】 Write down your groups fashion show. 【教學反思】 在这节课中,教师着眼于文本的特殊性,精心创设情境,课前充分准备,利用各种教具的辅助作用,在课堂上开展了生动的时装秀表演。兴趣是最好的老师,当学生感兴趣并愿意参与时,课堂气氛自然能够轻易调动起来。教师的教学设计立足于文本,由易到难,环环相扣,强调了文本解读的重要性。教师利用小组合作机制,注重培养学生合作探究的能力。教学设计中多处渗透情感教育及学生发散性思维能力的培养。教师给予学生充分的小组合作展示机会,让其积极主动地参与课堂,努力自信地展现自我,真正实现了学生的主体地位。 (作者单位:江苏省太仓市第一中学) |
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