标题 | 卫生棉条联合创面修复抗菌敷料在ICU患者大便失禁相关性皮炎护理中的效果 |
范文 | 刘华丽 李毓龙 汪俊英 [摘要] 目的 探讨卫生棉条联合创面修复抗菌敷料在重症监护室(ICU)患者大便失禁相关性皮炎(IAD)护理中的效果。 方法 选择2017年10月—2018年12月四川省简阳市人民医院ICU大便失禁患者180例,采用随机数字表法分为三组,对照组(A、B组)和实验组(C组),各60例,A组应用卫生棉条塞肛治疗,B组应用创面修复抗菌敷料,C组同时给予A、B两组的治疗方法。持续护理1个月,比较三组间失禁相关性皮炎发生率、严重程度、护理费用、愈合时间和护理满意度。 结果 护理后,C组IAD发生率、严重程度、愈合时间及护理费用明显低于A、B组(P < 0.05),且C组未发生IAD患者费用明显低于A、B组(P < 0.05);C组总满意度明显高于A、B组(P < 0.05)。 结论 卫生棉条联合创面修复抗菌敷料对于ICU患者IAD护理效果显著,且能够明显降低护理费用,显著提高患者的护理满意度,值得在临床推广使用。 [关键词] 卫生棉条;创面修复抗菌敷料;大便失禁;失禁相关性皮炎 [中图分类号] R473.5? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)10(b)-0163-04 [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of tampon combined with wound repairing antibacterial dressing on the care of patients with incontinence-associated dermatitis in ICU. Methods From October 2017 to December 2018, 180 patients who met the criteria for fecal incontinence were selected from department of ICU in Jianyang Municipal People′s Hospital. The randomized number table method was used to divide the patients into three groups, the control group (group A, B) and the experimental group (group C), with 60 patients in each group. The group A was treated with tampon perforator anal therapy, the group B was treated with wound repairing antibacterial dressing, and the group C was given two treatments in the same period. The incidence, severity, nursing expenses, healing time, and nursing satisfaction of incontinent-associated dermatitis (IAD) were compared among the three groups after one month of continuous nursing care. Results After nursing, IAD incidence, severity, healing time and nursing expenses in group C were significantly lower than those in group A and B (P < 0.05), and the expenses of patients without IAD in group C were significantly lower than those in group A and B (P < 0.05). The total satisfaction degree in group C was significantly higher than that in group A and B (P < 0.05). Conclusion The tampon combined with wound repairing antibacterial dressing has a significant nursing effect on ICU patients with fecal incontinence related dermatitis which can significantly reduce the nursing cost of patients and improve the satisfaction of patients. It is worthy of clinical application. [Key words] Tampon; Wound repairing antibacterial dressing; Fecal incontinence; Incontinence-associated dermatitis 大便失禁是指肛管括约肌对于粪便及气体的排出失控,属于排便功能紊乱的一种[1]。失禁相关性皮炎(incontinence-associated dermatitis,IAD)是大便失禁引起的主要并發症之一[2],其通常是由于大便失禁所致外生殖器或会阴部周围皮肤接触粪便或者尿液所致[3],临床症状表现为水肿、发红和呈现为澄清渗出物大小疱[4-5]。严重危害着患者的身心健康,也是困扰患者及家属的一大难题。重症监护室(intensive care unit,ICU)患者大便IAD的护理显得尤为重要。卫生棉条为棉质的圆柱体,其主要成分主要是人造纤维及棉。现已经广泛应用于大便IAD的预防之中[6]。创面修复抗菌敷料作为复方银离子抗菌敷料,主要是由去离子水、银离子、稳定剂和明胶等组成。能够起到清洁杀菌和促进愈合作用,且对皮肤无致敏无刺激,使用较为安全[7]。近年来报道创面修复抗菌敷料在ICU患者大便IAD护理效果较好[8-9],但在临床护理实践中发现单一使用创面修复抗菌敷料达不到预期的疗效,本研究采用卫生棉条联合创面修复抗菌敷料应用于ICU患者大便IAD护理,现报道如下: 综上所述,卫生棉条联合创面修复抗菌敷料对于ICU患者大便IAD护理效果显著且能够明显降低患者的护理费用,显著提高患者的护理满意度,值得在临床推广使用。 [参考文献] [1]? 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