申贝贝    摘? 要:不斷地反思教学,教师在总结教学过程的方法心得的同时,加强与课程教师、学生的交流获得反馈。使教学得到优化,从而让教师更好地驾驭课堂,学生更好地提高学习效率。 关键词:教学反思;课堂教学;教学方法 中图分类号:G712? ? ? ?文献标志码:A? ? ? ? ?文章编号:2096-000X(2020)25-0193-04 Abstract: Continuous reflection on teaching, teachers in summary of the teaching process, while strengthening exchanges with teachers and students to get feedback. The teaching is optimized, so that teachers can better control the classroom, and students can better improve learning efficiency. Keywords: teaching reflection; classroom teaching; teaching method |