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标题 柯萨奇病毒A6感染致足月新生儿NEC、肠穿孔一例




    【摘要】新生儿肠道病毒感染以隐匿感染为主,症状不典型,但可发生严重并发症,甚至导致死亡,可引起新生儿病房暴发性感染。该文报道1例因感染柯萨奇病毒(CV)A6导致坏死性小肠结肠炎、肠穿孔、感染性休克的新生儿。患儿为女性,因皮肤黄染及排血便而入院,结合临床表现及完善相关检查后考虑为坏死性小肠结肠炎、败血症。经予积极综合治疗后,包括禁食、胃肠减压、扩容、抗感染、输注血液制品等,患儿于住院第28 日痊愈并出院。患儿出院后大便逆转录PCR结果回报:住院第2日、第23日大便 CV A6均阳性,遂补充诊断为新生儿CV感染。新生儿败血症需重视肠道病毒感染可能,及时进行病原学检测十分重要。


    Necrotizing enterocolitis and intestinal perforation in a term infant caused by Coxsackievirus A6: a case report Lin Hanni, Li Guanming, Zhang Airun, Weng Lijian, Fang Xiaoyi. Department of Neonatology, the Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107, China

    Corresponding author, Fang Xiaoyi, E-mail: judyfangxy@ 126. com

    【Abstract】Neonatal enterovirus (EV) is mainly manifested with occult infection and atypical symptoms. However, it may cause severe complications, and even death. It can also lead to the outbreak of nosocomial infection in the neonatal ward. In this article, one female case of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, intestinal perforation and septic shock caused by Coxsackievirus (CV) A6 infection was reported. She was admitted to hospital due to yellow skin and bloody stool. The possibility of necrotizing enterocolitis and septicemia was considered according to clinical manifestations combined with relevant examinations. After active and comprehensive treatment including fasting, gastrointestinal decompression, volume expansion, anti-infection, and infusion of blood products, the neonate was cured and discharged. At the 2nd and 23rd d after hospitalization, RT-PCR revealed the stool samples were positive for CV A6. Hence, she was diagnosed with neonatal CV infection. The possibility of EV infection should be considered for neonatal septicemia. It is of significance to deliver detection of the pathogen.

    【Key words】Enterovirus;Coxsackievirus;Newborn;Septic shock;Intestinal perforation;

    Necrotizing enterocolitis

    腸道病毒(EV)是单股正链RNA病毒,属于微小RNA病毒科,是婴幼儿感染常见病毒[1]。EV型别众多,包括:①人脊髓灰质炎病毒1 ~ 3型;②人柯萨奇病毒(CV),A组(CVA)1 ~ 22型和24型,CV A23型为埃可病毒9型,CV A6可引起手足口病,B组(CVB)1 ~ 6型;③致肠细胞病变人孤儿病毒(ECHO),即埃可病毒1 ~ 9、11 ~ 21、24 ~ 27、29 ~ 33共29个血清型,E22型、23型分别是副肠孤病毒1型和2型;④新型EV 68 ~ 72型,其中1971年分出的EV D70型可引起急性出血性结膜炎,EV A71型可引起手足口病,EV A72型为甲型肝炎病毒[2]。新生儿可通过胎盘、产道或生后获得性感染EV,并可因母亲、医护人员或新生儿间交叉感染在新生儿病房引起EV暴发流行[3]。新生儿感染多由CV和ECHO引起,虽然大多数患儿出现的是非典型或轻微的临床症状,但也有发生危及生命的感染可能而导致预后不良[4-5]。在本文中,笔者报道1例因感染CV A6而引发坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)的新生儿病例,以引起临床医师对新生儿EV感染的重视,加强管理。






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