标题 | Keep Smart Online明智的上网方式 |
范文 | Have you ever got too close to someone you didnt know online, behaved differently from how you would in real life, or sent something personal, via text or email which has become public? These are the 3 main ways you can get into difficulty online. This guide written by Childnet will help you to KEEP SMART and use the Net positively. 你是否在网上跟你并不认识的人关系太近?在网上表现得跟平时生活中判若两人?抑或用伊妹儿或者文本文档给人发送信息,随即成为了公共信息?这是你上网时惹上麻烦的三种主要方式。以下指南由“儿童网”编写,有助于保持明智的上网方式,正确使用因特网。 Keep it online: Keep online friendships online by withholding personal contact details, like mobile number, home address, or anything which gives away your location. If you are being pressurized, log off, or block the person. 网络事网络毕:网络交友仅限网络交往,不应告知手机号、家庭住址或其他涉及个人住址的详细个人信息。如遭强行索要以上信息,即刻挂线,或者屏蔽该人。 Dont be afraid to say NO ! If someone has made you feel afraid, make sure you save the conversation and show an adult. Avoid talking about things which make you feel uncomfortable. 不必害怕说“不”:如网上有人让你感到害怕,保留通话记录,给成年人看看。绝不谈论可能给你带来麻烦的事。 Keep in mind ...: that its easy to be persuaded to do things online that you wouldnt normally do. Jenny is a 13-year -old who met a woman on IM who told her she could be a model. Jenny really trusted her and sent her a picture of herself using a webcam, she was tricked into giving out her home address. However, the woman turned out to be a man and he went to her house and assaulted her. Although Jenny is OK now, she wishes that she had told her parents sooner. Tell someone, as soon as you feel uncomfortable; dont wait until its too late. 切记:在网上容易为人所动,做出一些常理难料的事。13岁的珍妮在“即时通讯”聊天室遇到个“女人”,说珍妮可以做模特。珍妮信以为真,用网络视频发去了自己的照片,还被骗走了家庭住址。结果,网上的“女人”实际上是个男的,他跑到珍妮的家里图谋不轨。如今珍妮已经没事了,她后悔没有早点告诉父母网上的这些事。一旦上网有异常,一定要告诉周围人,等到出事就太迟了。 Keep it legal: Be aware of the legal consequences of your online activities. Illegal activities include, downloading copyrighted music or film and harassing others online. You are not anonymous online, and things can get traced back to you, so its as well to know the law and how it affects you. The youngest person to be sued for downloading music was 12 years old! 注意合法性:上网也要注意法律后果。私自下载有版权的音乐和电影以及在网上侮辱他人均属违法行为。你可以在网上隐姓埋名,但仍可以被搜索得到,所以你得懂法,知道自己的行为后果。非法下载音乐者被起诉的最小年龄可只有12岁! Keep it in its place: Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. If you feel that you have to meet, then for your own safety you must tell your parent or carer and take them with you—at least on the first visit. Make sure you arrange any meeting during the day and in a public place. 行事要有分寸:与仅在网上联系过的人见面存在相当的风险。如果你觉得"非见面不可"的话,出于安全考虑你得告诉父母或监护人,让他们一同前往——至少初次见面得这样。见面应安排在白天和公共场所进行。 |
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