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标题 Recovered Patients Donate Plasma希望的传递



    Spokesmen from National Health Commission of the People's Repubic of China andMinistry of Science and Techndogy of the People's Republic of China on Feb 17th urgedpatients who have recovered from the novel coronavirus to donate blood so that plasmacan be 1) extracted to treat others who are critically ill. 2)Plasma from patients who haverecovered from a spell of pneumonia 3)triggered by COVID-19 contains antibodies thatcan help reduce the virus load in critically ill patients.

    "I would like to make a call to all cured patients to donate their plasma so thatthey can bring hope to critically ill patients," said Guo Yanhong, who is the SupenisionCommissioner of the Medical Administration Bureau of NHC.

    Eleven patients at a hospital in Wuhan received plasma4)infusions last week. One patient (among them) has alreadybeen 5)discharged, one is able to get off the bed and walkand the others are all recovering. The call comes daysafter state-owned medical products maker reportedsuccessful results from its 6)trial at Wuhan First People's

    1) extract ['ekstraekt]v.提取

    2)plasma ['plaenzma]n.血漿

    3) trigger ['triga(r)]v.触发


    5) discharge [dis'tfa:d3i]v.出院 6)trial ['traial]n.试验Hospital. China National Biotec Group Co said in a post on its official WeChat accountthat severely ill patients receiving plasma infusions improved within 24 hours. Clinicalstudies have shown that infusing plasma from recovered patients is safe and effective.

    Exploring the use of plasma as a treatment for the novel coronavirus was important,but 7)cautioned it needed to be done with safety. It is a very important area of discovery.Plasma had proven effective in saving lives when 8)combating a range of differentdiseases.It is a very valid way to explore 9) therapeutics, especially when we don't havevaccines and we don't have specific anti-virals. Plasma-based treatments could bedifficult to scale up to reach large numbers of patients, and stressed the need to carefullyfollow safety 10) protocols. With blood products you can also transmit other diseases, sothe protocol is very important.

    Blood donors will 11)undergo a test to ensure that they are not carrying the virus,said Wang Guiqiang, chief physician at Peking University First Hospital. "Only plasmais taken, not all the blood," he said. "Other components of the blood including red bloodcells and platelets will be infused back into the donors."

    Across the country, there have been 544 recovered patients donating plasma thathas been made into plasma products used on 245 patients, according to authorities.

    The Chinese Red Cross Society has established a special fund to award eachplasma donor 3,000 yuan, according to its website. Despite the cash award, manypeople are 12)reluctant to donate plasma soon after recoveryas they worry it will hurt their health and cause themto be infected with COVID-19 again.

    But the worry is unnecessary.Recovered patients will not be infected

    7) caution ['ko:fn]v.警告

    8) combat ['kombaet]V.與……战斗

    9) therapeutics [,eera'pju:tiks]n.疗法

    10) protocol ['praotakol]n.协议;礼仪

    11) undergo [,Anda'gau]V.经历;遭受

    12) reluctant [rl'lAktant] adj.不情愿的again for years, but the effectiveness of the anti-bodies in their plasma would decline six monthsafter recovery, so it calling for more recoveredpatients to donate plasma within three monthsafter recovery when the effectiveness of the anti-bodies is high.

    Strict processing procedures may also bea reason for the slow 13)provision of plasmaproducts. It takes at least a week from collectingplasma to preparing the products that can beused on COVID-19 patients. The testing forplasma is quite strict. "We will do many virustests on the plasma of recovered patients, such as AIDS, hepatitis B, and syphilis, toensure that the plasma is completely safe before being used for treatment," the personsaid, noting there is also a blood type match requirement. Recovered patients arerequired to undergo a 14-day 14)quarantine and take a test to confirm they have turnednegative for the virus before they can donate plasma. On average, 400 milliliters ofdonated plasma can save two or three patients in serious condition.

    A good sign is more and more recovered patients are donating plasma.

    "All the medical staff have sacrificed a lot to treat patients like me, I also want tocontribute a Iittle," a recovered COVID-19 patient surnamed Yin said."All for one andone for all," Yin went to the hospital for a further check on Monday and was told thathe was in a good, recovered condition. "After learning that my condition is good fordonation, I decided to donate my plasma."

    Another recovered COVID-19 patient surnamed Wang also thanked all the medicalstaff and said that he hoped his donated plasma could help other patients. Wang and Yineach donated 200 milliliters of plasma on Tuesday.

    With the effort of all the highly empathetic Chinese people, we have the confidencein the 15)resolutely victory of the battle against the novel coronavirus.

    13) provision [pra'vi3n]n.供应;准备

    14) quarantine ['kworanti:n]n.隔离

    15) resolutely ['rezalu:tli] adv.坚决地


















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