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标题 高三英语试卷完型填空讲评策略教学案例



    《普通高中英语课程标准》提出了: “教师要在教学中整合课程内容”,“通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等语言学习活动,引导学生探究意义,学习语言,发展思维,运用策略,培养英语学科核心素养”。高三的英语试卷讲评是高三的常态。有针对性地试卷讲评直接决定了学生的学习效果,为学生学习策略的调整以及后期有针对性地查漏补缺起到了很好的引领作用。目前,对于高三英语试卷完型填空讲评,还存在如下现状:1.学生参与的主动性不强,教师占主动,从头帮学生翻译到底,忽略学生的主体地位;2.重点不突出,方法不得当,忽略文本,而只注重答案解析,不能从文本语境给予学生策略指导,忽略学生的文本解读能力;3.无针对性的及时训练与巩固,不少教师在讲解完完型填空后,不能做到引导学生进行及时的拓展与巩固训练。












    After this class,students will be able to:

    (1)have a better understanding of some useful expressions and master the skills in working out the problems.

    (2)improve their skills in dealing with the cloze test by analyze the passage.

    (3)improve their abilities to analyze the problems and solve the problems.


    In this class, cloze test are more important. Students are expected to grasp the context and find the answer quickly. What'? more, students can learn more strategies of doing cloze test.


    (1)Improve students'? abilities to find the answer quickly.

    (2)Develop their abilities to think in English and communicate with others in English.



    As Ryan Lee Cox was waiting to pay for this coffee order at an Indiana, US fast food drive-through, he decided to try something he' d seen on a TV news show——he paid for the coffee order of the driver in the car behind. The small 36 made the young businessperson feel 37, so he shared his experience on Face book.

    …… their delinquent school lunch accounts. Sometimes because of 39. economic hardship, the accounts fall into 40. negative balance and the kids suffer. He got the idea after hearing that a Utah student was 41 lunch. So the following week Ryan visited his nephew' s school 42 and asked if he could give some help, and 43 $100.

    …a non-profit called Feed the kids, Inc., which 53 offers a website…… for people to start 54 for specific school or set up repeated payment to 55 a student.

    36. A. gesture B. reaction C. proposal D. request

    37. A. awkward B. annoyed C. great D. inspired

    41.A. curiosity B. paid C. required D. denied

    42. A. cafeteria B. facility C. dormitory D. website

    43. A. handed out B. handed in C. handed over D. handed on

    54. A. campaigns B. recreations C. ambitions D. profits

    55. A. defend B. educate C. sponsor D. encourage


    (1)What is the style of this passage?

    (2)What is the theme about?


    一般来说,文章的第一句话就是能帮助你继续阅读的线索。因此第36题就需要查找前面的信息。通过查找,能发现关键性的短语? paid for the coffee order of the driver in the car behind,这是表明态度的语句,故用gesture。37题学生的错误点依然在于对前后文信息的查找能力不够,文中try something, shared his experience on Face book,恰恰说明作者感觉是great,才去尝试,才去分享,要明确双方之间为因果关系。41题信息来源于上文的economic hardship故选denied。54题依据a non-profit called Feed the kids可以得出A, 55题依据set up与payment信息可以选出C。教会学生联系上下文快速查找相关信息是完型填空的策略之一。


    1. How many scores can you usually get in a cloze test?

    2. What' s the difficulty in doing a cloze test?



    (1)Do you know why it is called “Cloze” ?

    (2)How should we solve the problems in the Cloze


    Task 1: Play a game.

    (1)Please work in groups.

    (2)Try to find out the best answers to the sentences.

    (3)Match the sentences with the strategies.


    Task 2:let' s DIY.

    (1)Suppose you were an expert, set some blanks? for the passages below using the strategies learnt in this class.

    (2)Discuss with your group members.


    Task 3. Further exploration and Extensive reading.

    T: Here is a cloze test and we can have a try by using the strategies learnt in this class. After finishing this, I will ask you give your answer….

    通过问题导入本课的重点——如何做好完型,并用“完型为什么叫完型”来激发学生的思考与探索。小组探讨总结出做好完型填空的方法,通过活动给出三个任务:Task1:小组游戏的形式找出答案并给出所用的相应方法;Task 2:通过与同伴合作探讨的形式,让自己作为专家,用本节课所学的方法来出题,增强了学生的主人翁意识;Task3: 用实际操练的形式来对完型进行探索与拓展性训练。给出一篇延伸性文本,让学生在固定的时间里有意识地运用本节课的方法来进行巩固训练。通过任务,调动同学们的积极性,逐步完成對完型填空解题策略的掌握与强化。


    《英语课程标准》提出了“在主题探究活动的设计上,要注意激发学生参与活动的兴趣,调动学生已有的基于该主题的经验,帮助学生建构和完善新的知识结构,深化对该主题的理解和认识”。因此试卷讲评课在解决问题,巩固已有知识,努力构建知识结构,生成解题能力的同时,更需要激发学生的学习兴趣,运用有效的课堂教学策略,让学生在合作探索的过程中培养他们英语学科的思维品质,提高他们应用语言的综合能力。由于班级学生英语底子薄弱,英语学习主动性不够,面对薄弱的教学对象,与其面面俱到地讲授,不如精益求精地凝练,充分利用好课堂的有限时间,有针对性地上好高质量的试卷讲评课。本次讲评,笔者不断变换教学方式,通过给出任务、小组游戏、小组合作、实际操练等,让学生变被动为主动,积极探究,掌握解题思路与技巧,有助于学生思维品质和语言运用能力的培养。本节课课堂比较紧凑,环环相扣,重点比较突出,但依然还有不足之处, 比如,课堂可以适当多点留白给学生进一步反思、消化与总结。






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