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单词 love
释义 love nounadjective | verb + love | love + verb | love + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤all-consuming, burning, deep, great, immense, intense, overwhelming, passionate, profound全身心投入的爱;炽热的爱;深深的爱;伟大的爱;巨大的爱;强烈的爱;奔涌的爱;深沉的爱◆her deep love for him她对他深深的爱➤tender温柔的爱➤genuine, perfect, pure, real, sheer, sincere, true真爱;纯粹的爱➤boundless, unconditional无限的爱;无条件的爱➤altruistic, selfless无私的爱➤abiding, enduring, eternal, everlasting, lasting, lifelong, undying持久的爱;长久的爱;永恒的爱◆he had an abiding love of the natural world.他对自然界有着一种恒久的热爱。◆you have my undying love.我永远爱你。➤steadfast, unfailing坚定不移的/历久不衰的热爱➤new-found新获之爱➤secret暗恋➤hopeless, unrequited没有希望的爱;没有回应的爱◆a sad tale of unrequited love令人悲伤的单恋故事➤doomed注定无果的爱➤forbidden被禁止的爱➤lost失去的爱◆soul survivors is a story of lost love.《骇过阴阳线》讲的是一个痛失至爱的故事。➤mutual, shared相互的爱;共同的爱➤free自由性爱◆they were into free love and avoided commitment.他们之间只是不言承诺的自由性爱关系。➤first最爱◆i like most sports but tennis is my first love.大多数运动我都喜欢,而网球是我的第一爱好。➤brotherly, familial, fatherly, maternal, parental, paternal, sisterly兄弟般的爱;家人之爱;父亲般的爱;母爱;父母的爱;父爱;姐妹般的爱➤puppy, teenage早恋;少年的爱➤marital, married夫妻之爱◆the poem is a celebration of married love.这首诗是对夫妻之爱的赞颂。➤courtly, platonic, romantic典雅爱情;柏拉图式的爱;浪漫的爱◆the cult of courtly love in the 12th century12 世纪对典雅爱情的崇尚➤erotic, physical, sexual性爱➤obsessive痴迷的爱➤heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, same-sex异性之爱;同性恋爱;女同性恋的爱情➤redemptive救赎的爱➤➤christian, divine, human基督之爱;神的爱;人的爱➤universal博爱verb + love➤feel, have感到爱;拥有爱◆she felt no love for him.她不爱他。◆he had a great love of life.他热爱生命。➤experience, know感受爱;了解爱◆he had never known true love until now.他直到现在才懂得什么是真爱。➤search for, seek寻找爱➤discover, find发现爱;找到爱◆at last she had found true love.她最终找到了真爱。➤rediscover, rekindle重新发现爱;重燃爱火➤receive得到爱◆from john, she received the love she had never received from her father.从约翰那里,她得到了从父亲那里从未得到过的爱。➤earn赢得爱◆she has earned the love and respect of many people.她已经赢得了许多人的爱戴和尊敬。➤develop养成爱◆he developed a lifelong love of music.他养成了对音乐的终身热爱。➤demonstrate, express, show体现爱;表达爱;表示爱➤prove证明爱◆he would do almost anything to prove his love for her.他几乎愿意做任何事情来证明自己对她的爱。➤hide隐藏爱◆i couldn't hide my love for her any longer.我再也掩藏不住对她的爱了。➤confess, declare, pledge, proclaim, profess承认爱;宣告爱;承诺爱;表明爱意◆they publicly declared their love for each other.他们公开宣布相爱。➤deserve值得爱◆i don't deserve his love.我配不上他的爱。➤doubt怀疑爱◆does she doubt my love for her?她怀疑我对她的爱吗?➤inspire, instil/instill激发爱;灌输爱➤cultivate, foster, nurture培养爱◆we want to foster a love of learning in all children.我们想要培养所有孩子热爱学习。➤celebrate祝贺爱情◆a party with family and friends to celebrate their love为祝贺他们相爱而举行的亲友聚会➤reciprocate, return回报爱◆he didn't return her love.他没有回报她的爱。➤share共同爱好◆they share a love of music.他们都爱好音乐。➤indulge放纵爱◆his wealth enabled him to indulge his love of fast cars.他的财富使他能够纵情于自己对速度快的汽车的喜爱。➤pursue追求爱◆it gave me the opportunity to pursue my love of music.这给了我追求音乐爱好的机会。➤give sb, send (sb)(向某人)致意◆bob sends his love.鲍勃向您问好。➤lavish, pour关怀备至;倾注爱◆they lavish love on selah, their cat.他们非常宠爱他们的猫咪西拉。➤be in, fall in喜爱;爱上◆he fell in love with one of his students.他爱上了自己的一个学生。➤fall out of不再爱▸➤make (= have sex) 做爱◆it was the first time they had made love.那是他们第一次做爱。◆he wanted to make love to her.他想和她做爱。➤consummate圆房完婚love + verb➤bloom, blossom, grow爱之花盛开;爱滋长◆love blossomed between the two of them.二人之间开出了爱情之花。➤die, fade爱消失;爱情凋谢➤prevail爱获胜◆can true love prevail?真爱能够战胜一切吗?love + noun➤affair风流韵事➤triangle三角恋爱➤life爱情生活➤interest, object爱慕对象◆she plays his love interest in the film.她在影片中扮演他爱慕的对象。➤rival (especially bre) 情敌➤rat (bre, informal) 爱情骗子➤slave爱情的奴隶➤letter, note情书;传情纸条➤token爱情信物➤ballad, poem, poetry, scene, song, story爱情歌谣;情诗;爱情诗歌;爱情戏;爱情歌曲;爱情故事➤potion, spell春药;爱情的魔咒➤nest爱巢preposition➤for love, out of love因为爱◆i did it for love!我是因为爱才这样做的!➤in love在恋爱中◆we are very much in love.我们正在热恋。➤love between⋯之间的爱◆the love between parent and child父母与孩子之间的爱➤love for对⋯的爱◆he did not know how to express his love for her.他不知道如何表达对她的爱。➤love of⋯的爱好◆she had a great love of painting.她酷爱绘画。phrases➤an act of love爱的行为▸➤deeply in love, madly in love, passionately in love爱得很深/疯狂/热烈◆i was madly in love with her.我疯狂地爱着她。➤desperately in love, head over heels in love, hopelessly in love爱得不顾一切/神魂颠倒/不能自拔◆they fell head over heels in love.他们相爱了,爱得神魂颠倒。➤love at first sight一见钟情◆do you believe in love at first sight?你相信一见钟情吗?➤love conquers all爱情无敌◆in his music dramas, love conquers all.在他的音乐剧里,爱情征服一切。➤the love of sb's life某人一生的爱人◆she was the love of his life.她是他一生的爱人。love verbadverb➤dearly, deeply, passionately, really, very much深深地爱;热烈地爱;非常爱◆he loved his wife dearly.他深爱他的妻子。➤absolutely, totally (informal, especially name) 特别爱◆i absolutely love your shoes!我太爱你这双鞋了!➤genuinely, really, truly真正地爱;确实爱➤simply就是喜爱◆she simply loved being involved.她就是喜欢涉身其中。➤unconditionally无条件地爱◆he wanted to be unconditionally loved.他希望有人能无条件地爱他。➤secretly偷偷地爱➤universally普遍都爱◆flowers are universally loved.人人都爱花。➤personally个人喜爱◆i personally love the song.我个人喜欢这首歌。love noun 1➤fall madly in love with sb疯狂地爱上某人➤a mother's love for her children母亲对孩子的爱love ♦︎ desire ♦︎ passion ♦︎ romance ♦︎ lust ♦︎ attraction ♦︎ crush ♦︎ infatuationthese are all words for a strong feeling of liking sb in a romantic or sexual way.这些词均表示爱情或爱欲。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆love / desire / passion / lust / attraction / infatuation for sb◆love / passion / romance / attraction between a and b◆to kiss sb, look at sb, etc. with love / desire / passion◆sexual / physical / mutual love / desire / passion / lust / attraction◆great love / desire / passion / romance◆overwhelming love / desire / passion / attraction◆to be consumed with desire / passion / lust◆to find love / romance◆love / desire / passion / attraction grows◆love / desire / passion dies■ love [uncountable] a strong feeling of caring about sb and being sexually attracted to them爱情;恋爱◆we're in love!我们相爱了!◆she was madly / deeply in love with him.她和他疯狂地/深深地相爱了。◆they fell in love with each other.他们彼此相爱了。◆it was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met).那是一见钟情。◆at last she had found true love.最终她找到了真爱。◆a love song / story爱情歌曲/故事 ➡ see also in love → in love ■ desire [countable, uncountable] a strong wish to have sex with sb情欲;肉欲;性欲◆she felt a surge of love and desire for him.她对他骤生爱意和欲望。◆he felt he was nothing more to her than an object of desire.他觉得对她来说自己不过是个性欲对象而已。■ passion [uncountable] a very strong feeling of sexual love(尤指两性间)强烈的爱◆his passion for her made him blind to everything else.他钟情于她,到了不顾一切的地步。◆they kissed with passion.他们狂热地亲吻。▸ passionate adjective◆passionate love / feelings狂热的爱;热切的感情◆a passionate kiss / embrace / affair / lover狂热的吻/拥抱/私情/情侣note 辨析 love, desire or passion? love is a very general word and can be used in any context. it can sometimes refer to sex. * love 含义很宽泛,可用于任何语境,有时可指性行为◆physical / sexual love性爱◆to make love (= to have sex) 做爱but it is more often to do with feelings and the way these make you behave.但它更多指爱的情感和爱的表达◆romantic love浪漫爱情 desire and passion are stronger words, and are much more to do with physical love and sex. * desire 和 passion 语气较强,且更多指性爱与性行为◆to burn with / be filled with desire / passion欲火攻心both desire and passion can mean the feeling of wanting to have sex, but only passion can refer to the act of having sex. * desire 和 passion 都可表示性欲,但只有 passion 可指性行为◆a night of passion激情之夜■ romance [uncountable] the feeling of being in love and the kind of behaviour that goes with this feeling恋爱;爱情◆how can you put the romance back into your marriage?怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满浪漫爱意呢?◆people find romance in strange places.人们往往能在陌生的地方找到爱情。 ➡ see also romance → relationship 2 ▸ romantic adjective◆a romantic candlelit dinner浪漫的烛光晚餐◆romantic stories / fiction / comedy爱情故事/小说/喜剧■ lust [uncountable] (often disapproving) very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved(尤指无爱的)强烈性欲;色欲;淫欲◆their affair was driven by pure lust.他们私通纯粹是受淫欲的驱使。■ attraction [uncountable, singular] a feeling of liking sb, especially in a sexual way(尤指两性间的)爱慕,吸引◆sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love.坠入爱河多半是出于性吸引。◆she felt an immediate attraction for him.她对他顿生爱慕之情。 ➡ see also be attracted to sb → attracted to sb ■ crush [countable] a strong feeling of love, that usually does not last very long(短暂的)热恋,迷恋◆it's only a schoolgirl crush, it'll pass.这不过是女学生的一时迷恋而已,会过去的。◆i had a huge crush on her when i was younger.我年轻时对她爱慕至极。ⓘ a crush is usually a feeling that a young person has, often for sb older or for sb that they know they cannot have a relationship with. * crush 通常指年轻人对年长者的爱慕之情,或是明知爱慕的对象是可望而不可即的。  ➡ see also have a crush on sb → attracted to sb ■ infatuation /ɪnfætʃueɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a strong feeling of love or attraction for sb, especially when this is unreasonable or does not last long(尤指不理性的或短暂的)热恋,痴迷◆it isn't love, it's just a passing infatuation.那不是爱情,只不过是一时的痴迷。◆my infatuation with her continued to grow.我对她的爱恋与日俱增。ⓘ you can also talk about infatuation with an activity or a thing. * infatuation 也可指对某种活动或事情的痴迷◆the current infatuation with popular culture时下对流行文化的痴迷  ➡ see also infatuated → in love love noun 2➤fall madly in love with sb疯狂地爱上某人➤a mother's love for her children母亲对孩子的爱love ♦︎ affection ♦︎ tenderness ♦︎ attachment ♦︎ devotion ♦︎ likingthese are all words for the feeling you have when you like and care about sb very much.这些词均表示对某人的喜爱、疼爱、关爱。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达喜爱的程度liking ○ love ○ affection ○ tenderness ○ attachment ○ devotionpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆love / affection / tenderness / liking for sb◆attachment / devotion to sb◆affection / tenderness towards sb◆love / affection / tenderness / devotion between a and b◆to do sth with love / affection / tenderness / devotion◆genuine / real love / affection / tenderness / devotion◆great / mutual love / affection / tenderness / devotion / liking◆deep love / affection / attachment / devotion◆undying / eternal love / devotion◆to show love / affection / tenderness / devotion◆to feel love / affection / tenderness / an attachment◆to have love / affection / an attachment / a liking◆to develop an affection / an attachment / a liking for sb◆a feeling of love / affection / tenderness / attachment / devotion■ love [uncountable] the feeling of caring about sb very much, especially a family member or friend(尤指对家人或朋友的)爱,关爱◆people say there is nothing greater than a mother's love for her children.人们说母亲对孩子的爱是最伟大的爱。◆he seems incapable of love.他好像不懂得爱人。◆bob sends his love.鲍勃向你问好。 opp hatred , hate → hatred ■ affection [uncountable, singular] the feeling of caring about sb very much, often sb who depends on you喜爱,关爱(对象常为依赖自己的人)◆children need lots of love and affection.孩子需要很多的疼爱与关怀。◆open displays of affection always embarrassed her.公开表露关爱之情总使她觉得不好意思。◆he'll be remembered with genuine affection.人们将深切地怀念他。note 辨析 love or affection? love is the most general word in this group and can describe anything from quite a mild feeling to a very strong one. * love 在本组词中含义最宽泛,既可指稍微喜欢也可指强烈的爱。compare比较◆bob sends his love.鲍勃向你问好。◆bob sends his best wishes / regards.鲍勃向你表示最诚挚的祝愿/问候。 love is slightly stronger here but not very much.这里 love 语气稍强,但也不是很强烈。compare比较◆there is nothing greater than a mother's love for her children.母亲对孩子的爱是最伟大的爱。◆there is nothing greater than a mother's affection for her children. affection is not as strong as love in this case. it is a gentle feeling, often shown in the way sb talks to, looks at or touches sb else.在这种情况下,affection 不如 love 强烈。affection 表达的感情较温和,常通过讲话、眼神或抚摸的动作体现出来◆she spoke / treated him / looked at him / hugged him with great affection.她用非常慈爱的语气说话;她非常慈爱地对待/看着/搂着他。 affection is typically felt by an adult for sb younger or much older than them, especially sb who depends on them in some way. * affection 通常指成年人对比自己年少或年老,特别是依赖自己的人,所怀有的感情。■ tenderness [uncountable] the kind and gentle way in which you show your love or affection for sb和善;温柔;亲切◆she spoke with loving tenderness.她说话时语气温柔亲切。◆there was tenderness in his face as he looked at her.他看着她,脸上露出温柔的表情。■ attachment [countable] a feeling of love for sb, especially one which makes you not want to leave them依恋;爱慕◆the children have a strong attachment to their parents.孩子对父母有着很深的依恋。◆prisoners can develop attachments to their warders.囚犯对看守会产生依恋。■ devotion /dɪvəʊʃn; name dɪvoʊʃn/ [uncountable, singular] great love, care and support for sb挚爱;关爱;关怀◆his devotion to his wife and family is touching.他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。◆he cared for his mother with great devotion.他深爱着自己的母亲。ⓘ devotion is the strongest word in this group. it suggests a feeling that is complete and does not change. * devotion 在本组词中语气最强,透露出一种纯粹且长久的感情◆her total / undying / lifelong devotion to her husband她对丈夫全心/永恒/一生的爱  ➡ see also devotion → devote ■ liking [singular, uncountable] the feeling that you like sb喜欢;好感◆she had taken a liking to him on their first meeting.她第一次见到他就对他产生了好感。◆they have little liking for each other.他们不怎么喜欢彼此。 opp dislike → hatred love verb  ➡ see also the entry for like verb 另见 like 动词词条love ♦︎ like ♦︎ be fond of sb ♦︎ adore ♦︎ be devoted to sb ♦︎ care for sb ♦︎ idolize ♦︎ dote on/upon sbthese words all mean to have feelings of love or affection for sb.这些词均表示爱、关爱或喜欢某人。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达爱的程度like ○ be fond of ○ love ○ care for sb ○ adore ○ be devoted to sb ○ idolize ○ dote on/upon sbpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to love / like / be fond of / adore / be devoted to / care for / dote on your children◆to love / like / be fond of / adore / be devoted to / care for your / sb's husband / wife / mother / father◆to really love / like / adore / care for / idolize / dote on sb◆to be really / genuinely fond of / devoted to sb◆to love / like / care for sb very much◆to love / care for sb deeply◆to clearly / obviously love / adore / idolize / dote on sb■ love [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have strong feelings of affection for sb爱;深爱◆i love。◆if you love each other, why not get married?要是你们俩彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢?◆he had become a well-loved and respected member of the team.他已成为一名深受爱戴的队员。◆relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.亲属需要时间来痛悼他们失去的亲人。 opp hate , loathe , detest → hate  ➡ see also lovable → sweet ■ like [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to find sb pleasant and enjoy being with them喜欢;喜爱◆she's nice. i like her.她人很好,我喜欢她。◆he never did like me much, did he?他从来没有怎么喜欢过我,对吗? opp dislike → hate  ➡ see also likeable → nice 2 ■ be fond of sb -->idiomto feel affection for sb, especially sb you have known for a long time喜爱(相识已久的人)◆over the years, i have grown quite fond of him.经过这么多年,我已经喜欢上他了。■ adore /ədɔːr/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to love sb very much深爱;爱慕◆it's obvious that she adores him.她显然深深地爱着他。 opp loathe → hate  ➡ see also adorable → sweet ■ be devoted to sb -->idiomto love sb very much and be loyal to them挚爱;专情于◆they are devoted to their children.他们深爱着自己的孩子。■ care for sb -->phrasal verb (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to love sb, especially in a way that is based on strong affection or a feeling of wanting to protect them, rather than sex深深地爱,非常喜欢(尤指出于爱护之心)◆he cared for her more than she realized.他对她的爱比她意识到的更为深切。ⓘ care for is often used when sb has not told anyone about their feelings or is just starting to be aware of them. it is also used when sb wishes that sb loved them, or doubts that sb does. * care for 常用于尚未把喜爱之情告诉别人或感情产生之初,也用于希望或怀疑某人在爱慕自己的情况◆what if he realized she was beginning to care for him?要是他意识到她正开始喜欢上他会怎么样?◆if he really cared for you, he wouldn't behave like that.要是他真的在乎你,他就不会那样做了。 ➡ see also care for sb → look after sb ■ idolize (bre also idolise) /aɪdəlaɪz/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to admire or love sb very much and think that they are perfect崇拜;热爱◆he longed to be a pop star, idolized by millions of fans.他渴望成为流行音乐明星,受到数百万歌迷的崇拜。 ➡ see also idol → hero ■ dote on sb-->■ dote upon sb -->phrasal verb (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to feel and show great love for sb, ignoring their faults溺爱;宠爱;过分喜爱◆he dotes on his children.他溺爱他的孩子。note 辨析 idolize or dote on sb?young people often idolize a famous person such as a pop star or football player, or a person in authority, such as a teacher or parent. parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. may dote on children in their family. * idolize 常用于年轻人崇拜流行音乐明星或足球运动员之类的名人,或者像老师或家长这样的权威人士; dote on 则用于长辈等宠爱家里的孩子。love[countable] a person that you love心爱的人;亲爱的◆take care, my love.保重,我的爱人。◆he was the love of my life (= the person i loved most).他是我一生中最爱的人。love [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to like or enjoy sth very much喜欢;喜爱;热爱◆i just love it when you bring me presents!我就喜欢你送我礼物!◆he loved the way she smiled.他喜欢她微笑的样子。◆my dad loves going to football games.我父亲爱去看足球赛。◆ (especially name) i love to go out dancing.我喜欢出去跳舞。◆ (informal) i'm loving every minute of this.我喜欢这样的每一分钟。◆ (ironic) you're going to love this. they've changed their minds again.真够烦人的,他们又改变主意了。opp hate → hate  ➡ see also love → taste 1 , lover → fan love [uncountable] a strong feeling of caring about sb and being sexually attracted to them爱情;恋爱◆we're in love!我们相爱了!◆she was madly / deeply in love with him.她和他疯狂地/深深地相爱了。◆they fell in love with each other.他们彼此相爱了。◆it was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met).那是一见钟情。◆at last she had found true love.最终她找到了真爱。◆a love song / story爱情歌曲/故事 ➡ see also in love → in love love [uncountable] the feeling of caring about sb very much, especially a family member or friend(尤指对家人或朋友的)爱,关爱◆people say there is nothing greater than a mother's love for her children.人们说母亲对孩子的爱是最伟大的爱。◆he seems incapable of love.他好像不懂得爱人。◆bob sends his love.鲍勃向你问好。 opp hatred , hate → hatred love [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have strong feelings of affection for sb爱;深爱◆i love。◆if you love each other, why not get married?要是你们俩彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢?◆he had become a well-loved and respected member of the team.他已成为一名深受爱戴的队员。◆relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.亲属需要时间来痛悼他们失去的亲人。 opp hate , loathe , detest → hate  ➡ see also lovable → sweet love [uncountable, singular] (approving) the strong feeling of enjoyment that a thing or activity gives you喜好;喜爱◆i fell in love with the house.我喜欢上了这房子。◆they share a love of classical music.他们都喜爱古典音乐。 ➡ see also love → like verb love¹/lʌv ||; lʌv/noun1. [u] a strong feeling that you have when you like sb/sth very much 爱;爱情;热爱: ◇a mother's love for her children 母亲对孩子的爱◇to fall in lovewith sb 爱上(某人)◇it was love at first sight. they got married two months after they met! 这是一见钟情。他们相识两个月就结婚了!◇he's madly in love with her. 他狂热地爱着她。◇a love song/story 情歌;爱情故事 2. [u] [sing] a strong feeling of interest in or enjoyment of sth 喜爱;爱好: ◇a love of adventure/nature/sport 爱好冒险╱大自然╱运动 3. [c] a person, a thing or an activity that you like very much 十分喜欢的人、事或活动: ◇his great love was always music. 他向来很喜欢音乐。◇who was your first love? 谁是你的初恋情人? 4. [c] (brit 英) (informal 非正式) used as a friendly way of speaking to sb, often sb you do not know (用作对别人的友善称呼语,常对不认识的人): ◇‘hello, love. what can i do for you?’ “你好,有什么要我帮忙吗?” often written luv. 常写作luv。 5. [u] (used in tennis) a score of zero (用于网球比赛)零分: ◇the score is forty-love. 比分是四十比零。 give/send sb your love to give/send sb a friendly message 向(某人)问好或问候: ◇give maria my love when you next see her. 你下次见到玛丽亚的时候,请代我向她问好。 (lots of) love (from) used at the end of a letter to a friend or a member of your family (用于致友人或家人的书信结尾): ◇see you soon. love, jim 不久再见。谨此献上最诚挚的爱。吉姆上。 make love (to sb) to have sex (与某人)做爱,发生性行为 love²/lʌv ||; lʌv/verb[t] 1. to like sb/sth in the strongest possible way 爱: ◇i split up with my girlfriend last year, but i still love her. 我去年跟女友分了手,但至今还爱着她。◇she loves her children. 她爱自己的孩子。 2. to like or enjoy sth very much 喜爱;喜欢: ◇i love the summer! 我喜欢夏天!◇i really love swimming in the sea. 我很喜欢在大海里游泳。◇‘what do you think of this music?’ ‘i love it!’ “你觉得这音乐怎么样?”“我很喜欢!” 3. would love sth/to do sth used to say that you would very much like sth/to do sth (用于表示很愿意或乐意做某事): ◇‘would you like to come?’ ‘i'd love to.’ “你来吗?”“我很乐意。”◇‘what about a drink?’ ‘i'd love one.’ “喝点东西好吗?”“好呀。”◇we'd love you to come and stay with us. 我们很希望你来,在我们这儿暂住。 love1 to love someone especially in a sexual or romantic way2 to start to love someone3 to like someone a lot and care about them4 a feeling of love5 showing that you love someone6 someone you love7 stories, films etc about love8 not lovedrelated wordsoppositehate,see alsolike,sex,sexy,relationship,marry,girlfriend/boyfriend,gay,obsession,1. to love someone especially in a sexual or romantic way 爱某人,尤指异性之间的爱 love /lʌv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to have a strong feeling of liking someone, caring about them, and being sexually attracted to them 爱[某人] he stroked her hair and murmured, ‘i love you.’ 他轻抚着她的头发,喃喃道:“我爱你。” he was the only man she had ever loved. 他是她唯一爱过的男人。love somebody very much we still love each other very much. 我们仍然非常相爱。 be in love /biː ɪn ˈlʌv/ [verb phrase] to love someone very much, so that you think about them all the time and want to be with them all the time 在恋爱中 i think i'm in love! 我想我恋爱了!be in love with how can you marry adam when you're in love with someone else? 你爱的是别人,怎么可以嫁给亚当呢?be madly in love/very much in love very strongly in love 热恋之中 we were both seventeen and madly in love. 那时我们俩都是十七岁,疯狂地热恋着。 be crazy about /biː ˈkreɪzi əbaʊt/ [verb phrase] informal to love someone very much, especially in a way that you cannot control 【非正式】为…发疯,为…痴迷 jo's crazy about you. 乔对你着迷。 fancy /ˈfænsi/ [transitive verb] british spoken to be sexually attracted to someone, especially someone that you do not know very well 【英口】迷恋,爱慕[尤指不是很了解的人] all the girls fancy bob. 所有的女孩子都迷恋鲍勃。 i think stevie fancies you. 我觉得史蒂维爱上了你。 have a crush on /ˌhæv ə ˈkrʌʃ ɒn/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if someone, especially a young person, has a crush on someone they have an uncontrollable feeling of love for them, especially when there is no chance of having a relationship with them 迷恋[尤指年轻人不可能实现的感情] it is quite normal for adolescents to have crushes on pop stars. 青少年迷恋流行歌星是正常的。 the only reason i went to church every sunday was that i had a crush on the minister. 我每个星期天都上教堂做礼拜,唯一原因是我迷上了那个牧师。 be infatuated /biː ɪnˈfætʃueɪtə̇d/ [adjective] to have a strong and uncontrollable feeling of love for someone you do not know very well, which does not last for a long time 着迷,迷恋[指短时间地喜欢不是很了解的人] ever since she met rod at a party she's been totally infatuated. 自从在晚会上见到罗德之后,她就被他深深地迷住了。be infatuated with teenage girls sometimes become infatuated with their teachers. 十几岁的女孩有时候会迷恋上自己的老师。 infatuation /ɪnˌfætʃuˈeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] i thought i was in love with darren, but it was just infatuation. 我以为我爱上了达伦,但那不过是一时的迷恋。 be besotted /biː bɪˈsɒtə̇dǁ-ˈsɑː-/ [verb phrase] to be so much in love with someone that you do not behave sensibly or think clearly 痴心,痴迷[指失去理智地爱上某人] she was too besotted to see what he was really like. 她太痴心了,看不到他的真面目。be besotted with he was obviously besotted with julia. 他显然痴痴地爱着朱莉娅。2. to start to love someone 开始爱上某人 fall in love /ˌfɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv/ [verb phrase] to begin to be in love with someone 爱上 i suddenly realized that i'd fallen in love. 我突然意识到我堕入爱河了。fall in love with i think i fell in love with ralph the first time i met him. 我想我是第一次见到拉尔夫就爱上他的。 fall/be head-over-heels (in love) /fɔːl, biː ˌhed əʊvəʳ ˌhiːlz (ɪn ˈlʌv)/ [verb phrase] to suddenly start to love someone a lot 神魂颠倒地爱上[某人] i met sam at college, and immediately fell head-over-heels in love with him. 我上大学时爱上了萨姆,对他一见倾心。 i was head-over-heels in love with someone who barely even noticed me. 我深深地爱着一个甚至都没有注意到我的人。 fall for /ˈfɔːl fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to start to love someone 【非正式】爱上 she always seems to fall for the wrong type of man. 她好像总是爱错人。 i fell for dan almost immediately. 我对丹几乎是一见倾心。 love at first sight /ˌlʌv ət fɜːʳst ˈsaɪt/ [noun phrase] a situation in which you start to love someone the first time you see them 一见钟情 when i met tracy it was love at first sight. 我对特蕾西是一见钟情的。 i don't believe in love at first sight. 我不相信一见钟情。 sweep somebody off their feet /ˌswiːp somebody ɒf ðeəʳ ˈfiːt/ [verb phrase] if someone sweeps you off your feet, you start to love them very quickly, especially when you do not expect it to happen 使某人倾心 then peter came into my life and swept me off my feet. 这时候,彼得出现在我的生命中,使我一见倾心。 she's just waiting to be swept off her feet by a handsome stranger. 她就是等着一个英俊的陌生人来打动她的芳心。3. to like someone a lot and care about them 非常喜欢某人,并关心他们 love /lʌv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to love someone in your family, so that you care a lot about what happens to them, and you want them to be happy 爱[家人] i really believed that my parents didn't love me. 我那时真的认为父母不爱我。 he loved his stepdaughter as if she were his own child. 他爱继女如同己出。 close /kləʊs/ [adjective not usually before noun] if people are close, they enjoy being together and they know and understand each other's feelings and thoughts 亲密的,亲近的 my sister and i used to argue a lot, but now we're very close. 以前我和妹妹经常吵架,但是现在我们很亲密。 we have always been a close family. 我们家人关系一向很密切。close to i'm still very close to my parents. 我和父母依然很亲密。 be fond of /biː ˈfɒnd ɒvǁ-ˈfɑːnd-/ [verb phrase] to like someone very much, especially after spending a long time with them and getting to know them 很喜欢[尤指在很长时间的了解之后] i'm very fond of my sister's children. 我非常喜欢姐姐的孩子。 all teachers have children that they are particularly fond of. 每个老师都有自己特别喜欢的孩子。 we were all very fond of mr edwards. 我们都很喜欢爱德华兹先生。 care /keəʳ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to feel love and concern for someone 关心,关爱 she thinks we're interfering but we're only doing it because we care. 她觉得我们是在多管闲事,可我们只是出于关心。 buy her some flowers to show her you really care. 给她买些花,向她表明你是很在乎的。care about i'm very lucky to have a husband, family and friends who care about me. 我有幸拥有关心我的丈夫、家人和朋友。 of course i care about kirsty - that's why i want to help her. 我当然关心柯丝蒂—所以我才想帮她。 adore /əˈdɔːʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to love someone very much and feel proud of them 深爱;敬爱;疼爱 branwell bronte adored his sister anne. 布兰韦尔·勃郎特很敬爱他的姐姐安妮。 she adores her grandchildren and is always buying them presents. 她疼爱孙辈们,总是给他们买礼物。 worship /ˈwɜːʳʃɪp/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to love and admire someone very much 崇拜 he worshipped his elder brother. 他崇拜他的哥哥。worship the ground somebody walks on love someone very much, even if they behave badly 拜倒在某人脚下[即使对方行为不好] in susie's eyes he can do no wrong - she worships the ground he walks on. 在苏茜的眼里,他什么都是对的——她对他崇拜得五体投地。 be devoted to /biː dɪˈvəʊtə̇d tuː/ [verb phrase] to love someone very much and be very loyal to them or spend all your time with them 对…忠诚;深爱 he is a good man, devoted to his wife and children. 他是个好男人,深爱妻子和孩子。 dote on /ˈdəʊt ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to love someone, especially someone younger than you, very much and show this by your actions 宠爱,疼爱[尤指比自己年幼者] he'd do anything for his children - he really dotes on them. 他愿意为孩子们做任何事—一他真的很宠他们。 she obviously dotes on her grandson. 她显然很宠她的孙子。 you should visit your aunt more often, you know how she dotes on you all. 你们应该多去看看姨妈,要知道,她这么宠你们。 think the world of /ˌθɪŋk ðə ˈwɜːʳld ɒv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to love and respect someone so much that they are very important in your life 非常敬爱,非常尊重 we all thought the world of isaac and were devastated when he died. 我们大家都深爱艾萨克,他去世时大家都悲痛欲绝。 he thinks the world of his uncle. 他很尊重他的叔叔。4. a feeling of love 爱 love /lʌv/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of love, either for someone that you are sexually attracted to, or for a member of your family [对异性或家人的]爱;爱情 all children need love, attention, and encouragement. 所有的儿童都需要爱、关心和鼓励。love for she was never able to express her love for henry. 她从来都不会表达她对亨利的爱。unrequited love romantic love that you feel for someone, but that they do not feel for you 单恋 she nourishes a secret, unrequited love for harry. 她有一个秘密就是她暗恋着哈里。 affection /əˈfekʃən/ [uncountable noun] a gentle feeling of love for a friend or member of your family, which makes you want to be kind to them and show them that you love them [对朋友或家人的]爱;感情 she never seemed to show us any affection. 她似乎从来不向我们表现出一点爱。 children who have been starved of affection 缺乏爱的孩子affection for alison and i had been at school together, and i felt great affection for her. 我和艾莉森一起上学,我对她很有好感。 devotion /dɪˈvəʊʃən/ [uncountable noun] a strong feeling of loving and being loyal to someone, especially over a long period of time 挚爱,热爱[尤指长期的] she had given her husband years of devotion and support. 她多年来给予丈夫爱和支持。 mary expected complete devotion from her lovers. 玛丽希望她的情人都能够全心全意地爱她。 passion /ˈpæʃən/ [uncountable noun] a strong and exciting feeling of love for someone you are extremely sexually attracted to 激情 all the passion in their marriage has died. 他们婚姻中的激情已荡然无存。 he loved her still, with just the same passion as he always had. 他痴心不改,一如既往地爱着她。 infatuation /ɪnˌfætʃuˈeɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] unreasonably strong feelings of love that you have for only a short time, especially for someone that you do not know very well [尤指对不是很了解的人在短时间内的]迷恋,痴迷 she hoped that his ridiculous infatuation would soon wear off. 她希望他那种荒唐的迷恋不久会逐渐消退。infatuation with/for his infatuation with diane seemed to be growing. 他对黛安娜的迷恋日渐加深。5. showing that you love someone 表示爱某人 affectionate /əˈfekʃənɪt, əˈfekʃənət/ [adjective] someone who is affectionate shows that they are very fond of another person by the way they behave towards them, for example by holding or kissing them 表示关爱的;充满深情的,亲切的 she's a very affectionate child. 她是个很有感情的孩子。 he gave me an affectionate hug and then left. 他深情地拥抱了我就走了。 romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk, rə-/ [adjective] something that is romantic gives you a feeling of love for your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife etc - use this about places, or things people do or say 浪漫的[用于指地方,或人们所做或所说的东西] we went for a lovely romantic walk by the lake. 我们去湖边散步,美好而浪漫。 paris is such a romantic city. 巴黎是一个如此浪漫的城市。 i've always thought it would be so romantic to be serenaded. 我一直认为,有人对你唱小夜曲那是多么浪漫啊。 loving /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ [adjective] behaving in a way that shows that you love someone, especially a member of your family 表示爱意的,慈爱的,钟爱的[尤对家人] her husband was loving and supportive throughout her long illness. 在她长期患病期间,丈夫给了她很多关爱和支持。 she was a devoted wife and a very loving mother. 她是一位尽心的妻子、慈爱的母亲。 passionate /ˈpæʃənɪt, ˈpæʃənət/ [adjective] involving strong feelings of sexual love [异性之间的感情]热烈的,充满激情的 she longed to have a mad, passionate affair with him. 她渴望和他疯狂地热恋一场。 as they got to know each other better, their love grew deeper and more passionate. 随着他们相互之间的更加了解,他们之间的爱也越来越深,越来越充满激情。 tender /ˈtendəʳ/ [adjective] loving and gentle, especially because you are concerned about someone 温柔的;亲切的;体贴的 when she spoke, her voice was full of tender concern. 她说话时,声音里充满了温柔的关切。 fleury saw an expression of tender devotion come over his father's face. 弗勒里看到父亲的脸上现出温柔慈爱的神色。tender loving care i was feeling rather fragile, and in need of tender loving care. 我感到心里非常脆弱,需要体贴入微的关爱。 tenderness [uncountable noun] he looked after his wife with infinite care and tenderness. 他用无限的爱心和体贴照顾他的妻子。 lovesick /ˈlʌvˌsɪk/ [adjective] spending all your time thinking about someone you love, especially someone who does not love you 害相思病的,为情所困的[尤指对方不爱你] he knew he was behaving like a lovesick teenager. 他知道自己的行为就像是一个为情所困的少年。 devoted /dɪˈvəʊtɪd, dɪˈvəʊtəd/ [adjective only before noun] very loving and loyal towards someone 热爱的;忠心的 with the support of his devoted wife, he carried on writing until the age of 73. 在他挚爱的妻子的支持下,他坚持写作到73岁。 they remained devoted friends for many years. 他们多年来都是忠心的朋友。 doting /ˈdəʊtɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] doting mother/grandparent/husband etc a mother, grandparent etc that shows that they love someone, especially someone younger, by paying them a lot of attention 宠爱孩子的母亲/宠爱孙辈的祖父母/宠爱妻子的丈夫等 the doting grandmother smiled and chatted about how well the boy was doing at school. 那位溺爱孙子的祖母微笑着大谈这孩子在学校里表现如何如何好。 she managed to find a rich and doting husband for herself. 她终于找到一个有钱而钟爱她的丈夫。 lovey-dovey/gooey /ˌlʌvi ˈdʌvi◂, ˈguːi/ [adjective] informal expressing your love for someone in a way that other people think is silly 【非正式】[以别人认为可笑的方式]缠绵的;过分多情的 it is possible to love someone without going all gooey over them. 爱一个人不一定要缠缠绵绵的。 we ended up sitting next to a lovey-dovey couple. 我们最后坐在一对卿卿我我的情人旁边。6. someone you love 你爱的人 somebody's loved ones / somebodyˈs ˈlʌvd wʌnz/ [plural noun] the people you love, especially the members of your family 某人所爱的人;[尤指]某人的亲人 many prisoners find it difficult being separated from their loved ones. 许多囚犯感到和亲人分开很痛苦。 they are fighting to protect their loved ones from oppression and violence. 他们作战是为了保护自己的亲人,不让他们遭受压迫和暴力。 the one you love /ðə ˌwʌn juː ˈlʌv/ [noun phrase] your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife - used especially in advertisements or sayings 所爱的人[尤用于广告或谚语中] flowers are the perfect gift for the one you love. 鲜花是送给所爱之人的最佳礼物。 you know what they say: you always hurt the one you love. 你知道有一句话是这么说的:爱一个人却总是要伤害他。 the love of your life /ðə ˌlʌv əv jɔːʳ ˈlaɪf/ [noun phrase] the person who you have loved the most in your life 一生中最爱的人 claude has always been the love of her life. 克劳德一直以来是她一生中最爱的人。 he knew as soon as he met her that sumana would be the love of his life. 他遇到苏玛娜的时候就知道她将是他生命中的最爱。 old flame /ˌəʊld ˈfleɪm/ [countable noun] someone who was your girlfriend or boyfriend in the past, especially someone that you still like [尤指你仍然喜欢的]旧情人 i met up with an old flame, and we sat and chatted for a while. 我遇见了一个旧情人,我们坐着聊了一会儿。7. stories, films etc about love 有关爱情的故事、电影等 romance/love story /rəʊˈmæns, ˈrəʊmæns, ˈlʌv ˌstɔːri/ [countable noun] a story about two people who are in love with each other 浪漫故事,爱情故事 the book is very exciting, as well as being a wonderful love story. 这本书非常激动人心,同时也是一个精彩的爱情故事。 a well-known writer of popular romances 写通俗言情小说的一位著名作家 romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk, rə-/ [adjective] a romantic story or film is about people who are in love 描写爱情故事的,浪漫的 a romantic comedy in which meg ryan plays a single mother looking for love 由梅格·瑞恩扮演一名追求爱情的单身母亲的一部爱情喜剧8. not loved 不被人爱的 unloved /ˌʌnˈlʌvd◂/ [adjective] not loved by someone or anyone 不被人爱的 as a child i felt very unloved. 小时候,我感到很缺乏爱。 he was the unloved son of an unhappy marriage. 他是一段不幸婚姻中无人疼爱的孩子。☞ love¹☞ love²




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