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标题 “戏”读绘本故事 体验剧中世界



    【中图分类号】G623.31? 【文献标志码】A? 【文章编号】1005-6009(2019)57-0062-05


    绘本Clever Rabbit and the Lion选自英国厄斯本出版社“我的第一个图书馆”系列绘本。故事主要讲述了高傲自大的狮子想要吃掉所有的动物,聪明的兔子利用了狮子自大的弱点,引诱狮子到河边。由于狂妄自大、利令智昏,狮子没有认出水中的自己而跳入了河中,最终自取灭亡的故事。






    一、Meet the roles遇见角色

    Cover reading

    T: Boys and girls, do you like reading stories?

    Ss: Yes!

    T: Good! Lets read a story together. Look, this is the cover of the picture book. What can you see on the cover?

    S1: I can see a lion.

    S2: I can see a rabbit.

    S3: I can see some birds and a butterfly.

    Roles on the wall(墙上的角色)

    T: The main characters in the story are the Lion and the Rabbit. Look,this is the Lion and this is the Rabbit(教师在黑板上画出狮子和兔子轮廓) Can you say something about the Lion and the Rabbit?

    S1: The Lion has sharp teeth.

    S2: The Lion has a big mouth.

    S3: The Lion has sharp claws.

    S4: The Lion is strong.

    在此环节中,教师运用了戏剧策略“墙上的角色”(Roles on the wall),在黑板上画出兔子和狮子的轮廓,设计的问题是Can you say something about them,以此引导学生说一说两个动物的外形、性格等特征,帮助学生初步感知角色由外到内的特征,指导学生练习口语表达。学生对角色的深入理解,为后续表演故事奠定了基础。

    二、Read the story 理解故事

    1.Teacher in role (教师入戏)

    T: Look at page 1. All the animals live happily in the jungle. Boys and girls, lets act out page 1. You can be a rabbit, a mouse, a monkey, a bear, a deer or a parrot. You move around in the jungle laughing, shouting, playing happily with each other.


    T:(教师带上狮子的头套) Rooooar!Im king of the jungle. Im going to eat you all up! Roooooar!(教师扮演狮子,对着玩耍的小动物们怒吼,扬言要吃掉所有的动物)

    2.Still image(定格形象)

    T: Freeze!


    3.Thought tracking(思维追踪)

    T: Wow, all the animals are frightened and frozen. What are they thinking?(教师拍了其中一个“小动物”的肩膀) Hello, Mouse! What are you thinking?

    S1: Im so afraid. Lion, please dont eat me.I havent had a shower for a year.Im so dirty.

    T: What are you thinking, Rabbit?

    S2: The Lion is too strong. I cant beat him. I dont want to die.

    T: Look at page 5.They are so scared. What did they say?

    Ss: They said “No”.

    教师依次运用了教师入戏(Teacher in role)、定格形象(Still Image)和思维追踪(Thought tracking)等戏剧策略,让学生沉浸于情境之中。从学生扮演角色,到教师扮演狮子营造恐惧氛围,课堂情境不断转变,吸引学生投入课堂学习。定格形象,将学生真实的恐惧行为放慢、聚焦,制造间离效果,再引导学生描述此时的心理活动,让学生对角色特点、内心情感有了深刻的体验、理解。戏剧策略使教学活动充满突发性、随意性及趣味性,激发了学生的表演兴趣,从而增强了语言练习与应用的有效性。

    4.Conscience alley(良心巷)

    T: All the animals said “No”. If you were the Lion, will you eat the animals?

    S1: Yes, I will.

    S2: No, I wont.

    T: Ok, whoever agrees to eat the animals, please stand in a line on my left, the others, please stand on my right. Now, I will be the Lion, when Im walking down the alley, each of you should give me the reasons why I will eat the animals or not.

    The left side:

    S1: Eat them! You are hungry and you have to eat them.

    S2: Eat them! None of them like you.

    S3: Eat them! You have no friends. You dont care about them.

    The right side:

    S1: Dont eat them! They are so scared.? ?Poor them!

    S2: Dont eat them!They have families!

    S3: Dont eat them! They want to live in the jungle happily.

    在此環节中,教师所运用的戏剧策略叫作良心巷 (Conscience alley)。教师扮演了剧本中的主角the Lion,让学生分成持正反观点的两方,提出不同的观点。正义与邪恶的冲突给故事带来了戏剧性的效果,让学生的语言表达具有思维逻辑、价值观念和思想力量。

    5.Erich the lines(丰富台词)

    T:Anyway, the Lion wanted to eat all the animlas.On page 7, the animals had a meeting to think of some plans. Now, you are the animals, please have a meeting in your group.

    T: Ok, times up. Lets have a meeting. The Lion is going to eat us. What should we do?

    S1: We could kill the Lion.

    T: How can we kill the Lion?

    S1: We can use a gun to kill the Lion.

    T: Do you think its a good plan?

    S2:I dont think its a good plan, because we dont have a gun.

    S3: We can fight against the Lion.

    S4: No. We are small, the Lion is too strong to fight against.

    S5: We can poison the Lion.

    S6:Its not good. No one is brave to go to poison the Lion.


    6.Readers theater(读者剧场)

    T:Seems that all the plans are not workable. Finally, who had a good plan?

    Ss: The Rabbit said he had a good plan.

    T: Do you want to know whats his good plan?


    T: Ok, please read the book from page 8 to page 21, and find out the plan.

    T: Ok, whats the plan?

    S1: The Rabbit lied to the Lion about another lion.

    T: How do they feel when they talk? Look at the pictures. Can you read like them?


    The Lion: Where are you all? I want to eat you! (生气地四处张望、寻找)

    The Rabbit: Here I am. You can eat me. I try to come before, but a great big lion stopped me. (用手比划着大狮子,卑微地说道)

    The Lion: Im the only lion in the jungle. (摇摇头,用轻蔑的语气说道)

    The Rabbit: Oh no, you are not. This lion has bigger paws and sharper claws! (弯着腰,用手比划着另一只狮子的锋利牙齿和爪子,用害怕颤抖的声音说道)

    The Lion: Show me this other lion. Ill eat him up and then Ill eat you. (怒目圆睁,举着锋利的爪子,张着满是锋利牙齿的嘴巴,用激昂的声音怒吼着)

    T: Boys, you are the Lion, girls, you are the Rabbit. Lets read like them. Pay attention to your voice, your facial expression and your body language.(男女生在教师的组织下,通过声音变化,表情变化以及丰富的肢体语言,分别饰演狮子与兔子展开情景对话)

    在此环节中,教师运用了读者剧场 (Readers theater)的戏剧策略。读者剧场是一种只通过朗读者的表情、语气与手势带领观众入戏,不需要其它辅助手段的戏剧表现形式。教师首先引导学生仔细读图,分析台词,揣摩人物情感,并用红色文字将其标注,再将感情通过声音、表情及手势外化表现出来。循序渐进的引导有助于学生将注意力完全放在语言的理解上,快速融入角色,准确地塑造角色性格,更生动地表现文本,在此过程中训练学生抑扬顿挫、富有感情的英语口语。


    T: The Rabbit led the Lion to a river. The Lion looked into the water and saw the other lion. They do the same things. Who can be the Lion?You please. The rest of you are the other lion. Lets mime the two lions.(一個学生表演狮子看向水中并做了一系列动作,全班学生模仿水中狮子做了相同的动作)

    8.Hot seat(焦点人物)


    T: Boys and girls, look at the Lion. What do you want to ask him?

    S1: How do you feel?

    S2: What do you want to do?

    S3: Do you want to kill the other lion?


    此环节教师采用了Mime(哑剧)和 Hot seat(焦点人物)两种戏剧策略。模仿角色的动作,体会角色的情感,深度挖掘角色的内心世界,有助于学生深度理解人物的性格特点,为故事的后续发展做铺垫。

    三、Imagine and create想象创造


    T: What did the Lion do?

    Ss: He jumped into the river and was swept away. Nobody saved him.

    T: Do you like the ending? Could you imagine and create a new ending for the story?What do you learn from the story?

    S1: The Lion is foolish and arrogant.

    S2: The Rabbit is clever and brave.

    S3: Anger makes people foolish.





    儿童是发展中的人。人性的涵育,品格的塑造,情感、态度、价值观的形成,都需要借助丰富而深刻的角色体验来完成。教师可以在绘本教学中运用适当的戏剧策略,引导学生体验角色的内心世界,感悟故事的深刻寓意。如本课中利用Still image(定格形象)和Thought tracking(思维追踪)等戏剧策略,通过定格人物,让学生描述此时的心理活动,学生会对角色的特点、内心情感有更深层次的体验、理解。再如读者剧场(Readers theater)这一戏剧策略,去除华丽的道具、服装等辅助手段,单运用声音、表情及手势动作表现狮子的骄傲自大、怒不可遏,以及兔子假装害怕实则聪明自若的形象,学生能快速地融入角色,深刻地体会人物的内心世界。在英语绘本教学中,戏剧教育角色体验的方法形象生动,有助于促进学生综合语言能力的发展,将真、善、美化为角色体验和角色行为传递给学生,努力实现英语课程工具性和人文性的高度统一。


    绘本初看简单,细读却包含丰富的内容,这离不开绘本的留白艺术。绘本中的留白通常包括人物的所思所想、故事的情节细节等。在绘本教学中,教师要充分利用这一特点,运用有效的戏剧策略去挖掘留白,填补空白,增加台词,读出绘本的“厚度”。例如:Roles on the wall(墙上的角色)初步感知人物特点;Still image(定格形象)和Thought tracking(思维追踪)体验进入角色,丰富人物形象;Conscience alley(良心巷)再次体验角色的内心活动,丰富绘本的台词;Mime(哑剧)和Hot seat(焦点人物)塑造狮子自大、利令智昏的形象。通过层层深入的戏剧活动,启发学生与自己对话,与故事中的人物对话,丰富绘本内容。





    (作者单位:南京市江宁实验小学 )





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