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单词 dwell
释义 dwell/dwel ||; dwɛl/verb [i] (past tense past participle dwelt /dwelt ||; dwɛlt/or dwelled) (old-fashioned 旧) (formal 正式) to live or stay in a place 居住;栖身 dwell on/upon sth to think or talk a lot about sth that it would be better to forget 想或讲得太多: ◇i don't want to dwell on the past. let's think about the future. 过去的事我不想老说着没完,我们还是向前看吧。 dwell /dwɛl; dwel/v [i] dwelt /dwɛlt; dwelt/ or dwelled, dwelt or dwelled, dwellingliterary to live somewhere 【文】 居住,栖身:◇strange creatures that dwell in the forest 居住在森林中的奇怪生物dwell on/upon sthto think or talk for too long about something bad or unpleasant 细想,细述[坏的或不愉快的事]:◇you shouldn't dwell on the past. 你不该老想着过去不愉快的事。




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