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标题 在线二维柱切换高效液相色谱法同时测定牙膏中三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1、Re和Rb1
范文 张岩等
摘 要 使用双梯度液相色谱系统紫外检测器,建立了二维液相色谱法全自动快速同时测定牙膏中三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1、Re和Rb1的含量。样品经超声提取后,以Syncronis C18为一维分析柱,ODS C18为二维分析柱,利用一维色谱柱完成三七皂苷R1和人参皂苷Rb1分离测定以及人参皂苷Rg1和人参皂苷Re的净化; 利用二维色谱柱完成人参皂苷Rg1和人参皂苷Re的分析。一维分析和二维分析均以乙腈水体系作为流动相,梯度洗脱,检测波长为203 nm,整个分析过程仅需30 min。三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1、Re和Rb1在0.5~200 mg/L范围内线性良好,相关系数R2分别为0.9994, 0.9996, 0.9995和0.9994,平均回收率均在86.4%~95.1%之间。本方法简便快速,测定结果准确可靠,可用于牙膏中三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1、Re和Rb1含量的测定。
3.3 一维流动相的选择
在一维分析中三七皂苷R1和人参皂苷Rb1较容易分离,所以在一维色谱中采用高比例的有机相和细粒径的色谱柱,提高分析速度,使在一维色谱中较难分离且存在基质干扰的人参皂苷Rg1和Re切换到二维色谱柱中继续分离,常规色谱分析4种物质需60 min以上,本方法仅需30 min,提高了分析速度,同时解决了人参皂苷Rg1和Re存在干扰和分离的难题。
实验结果表明, 通过在线二维柱切换,双梯度洗脱,简化了分析过程,提高了分析速度,有效去除了复杂基质的干扰。本方法可作为牙膏中三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1, Re和Rb1的常规检测方法,为监管部门规范管理口腔卫生产品市场提供了技术支撑。
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Simultaneous Quantification of Notoginsenoside R1 and Ginsenoside
Rg1, Re, Rb1 in Tooth Paste by Liquid Chromatography Coupled
with Fully Automated Online Twodimensional Column Switching Method
ZHANG Yan1,2, MA XiaoFei2, L Pin1, CONG Bin*1
1(Hebei Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine,
Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China)
2(Hebei Key Laboratory of Food Safety, Hebei Food Inspection and Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050091, China)
Abstract A novel automated method for simultaneous quantification of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 in tooth paste was developed using twodimensional columnswitching chromatography with dual gradient liquid chromatography system coupled with UV detector. The determination of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rb1 and the purification of ginsenoside Rg1, Re were accomplished in the onedimensional column. The separation of ginsenoside Rg1, Re was finished on the twodimensional column. Syncronis C18 was used as the onedimensional column with the mobile phase of acetonitrile and water, and ODS C18 was employed as the twodimensional column with the mobile phase was as same as in onedimensional column. The detection wavelength was set at 203 nm. The determination was completed in 30 min. The good linearities of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were proved respectively in the range of 0.5-200 mg/L and the correlation coefficients (R2) were 0.9994, 0.9996, 0.9995 and 0.9994 respectively. The mean recoveries of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were 86.4%-95.1%. It was proved that this method could greatly improve the efficiency of sample analysis.
Keywords High performance liquid chromatography; Twodimensional separation; Notoginsenoside; Ginsenoside
(Received 20 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014
14 Zu Y G, Yan M M, Fu Y J, Liu W, Zhang L, Gu C B, Efferth T. J. Sep. Sci., 2009, 32(4): 517-525
15 Bompadre S, Tagliabracci A, Battino M, Giorgetti R. J. Chromatogr. B, 2008, 863(1): 177-180
Simultaneous Quantification of Notoginsenoside R1 and Ginsenoside
Rg1, Re, Rb1 in Tooth Paste by Liquid Chromatography Coupled
with Fully Automated Online Twodimensional Column Switching Method
ZHANG Yan1,2, MA XiaoFei2, L Pin1, CONG Bin*1
1(Hebei Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine,
Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China)
2(Hebei Key Laboratory of Food Safety, Hebei Food Inspection and Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050091, China)
Abstract A novel automated method for simultaneous quantification of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 in tooth paste was developed using twodimensional columnswitching chromatography with dual gradient liquid chromatography system coupled with UV detector. The determination of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rb1 and the purification of ginsenoside Rg1, Re were accomplished in the onedimensional column. The separation of ginsenoside Rg1, Re was finished on the twodimensional column. Syncronis C18 was used as the onedimensional column with the mobile phase of acetonitrile and water, and ODS C18 was employed as the twodimensional column with the mobile phase was as same as in onedimensional column. The detection wavelength was set at 203 nm. The determination was completed in 30 min. The good linearities of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were proved respectively in the range of 0.5-200 mg/L and the correlation coefficients (R2) were 0.9994, 0.9996, 0.9995 and 0.9994 respectively. The mean recoveries of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were 86.4%-95.1%. It was proved that this method could greatly improve the efficiency of sample analysis.
Keywords High performance liquid chromatography; Twodimensional separation; Notoginsenoside; Ginsenoside
(Received 20 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014
14 Zu Y G, Yan M M, Fu Y J, Liu W, Zhang L, Gu C B, Efferth T. J. Sep. Sci., 2009, 32(4): 517-525
15 Bompadre S, Tagliabracci A, Battino M, Giorgetti R. J. Chromatogr. B, 2008, 863(1): 177-180
Simultaneous Quantification of Notoginsenoside R1 and Ginsenoside
Rg1, Re, Rb1 in Tooth Paste by Liquid Chromatography Coupled
with Fully Automated Online Twodimensional Column Switching Method
ZHANG Yan1,2, MA XiaoFei2, L Pin1, CONG Bin*1
1(Hebei Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine,
Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China)
2(Hebei Key Laboratory of Food Safety, Hebei Food Inspection and Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050091, China)
Abstract A novel automated method for simultaneous quantification of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 in tooth paste was developed using twodimensional columnswitching chromatography with dual gradient liquid chromatography system coupled with UV detector. The determination of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rb1 and the purification of ginsenoside Rg1, Re were accomplished in the onedimensional column. The separation of ginsenoside Rg1, Re was finished on the twodimensional column. Syncronis C18 was used as the onedimensional column with the mobile phase of acetonitrile and water, and ODS C18 was employed as the twodimensional column with the mobile phase was as same as in onedimensional column. The detection wavelength was set at 203 nm. The determination was completed in 30 min. The good linearities of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were proved respectively in the range of 0.5-200 mg/L and the correlation coefficients (R2) were 0.9994, 0.9996, 0.9995 and 0.9994 respectively. The mean recoveries of notoginsenoside R1 and ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rb1 were 86.4%-95.1%. It was proved that this method could greatly improve the efficiency of sample analysis.
Keywords High performance liquid chromatography; Twodimensional separation; Notoginsenoside; Ginsenoside
(Received 20 August 2014; accepted 7 October 2014




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