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单词 coil
释义 coil nounadjective | preposition adjective➤tight紧紧的盘卷▸➤thick浓密的盘卷◆thick coils of blonde hair浓密的金黄色发卷preposition➤in a coil以卷的形式◆she wore her hair in a neat coil.她把头发整齐地盘起。➤coil of一卷⋯◆a coil of rope一卷绳子coil verbadverb | preposition adverb➤tightly紧紧地盘绕▸➤loosely松散地盘绕▸➤up卷起来◆he coiled the rope up tightly and put it away.他把绳子紧紧地卷起来收好。preposition➤around, round (especially bre) 围着⋯盘绕◆the snake coiled itself around a branch.蛇盘绕在一根树枝上。➤into卷成⋯◆her hair was neatly coiled into a bun.她把头发盘成了一个整齐的圆髻。 coil [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to turn sth around itself in a series of circles; (especially of a snake) to turn around itself in a series of circles缠绕;(尤指蛇)盘绕◆he coiled the rope into a loop.他把绳子盘成圈。◆her hair was coiled on top of her head.她把头发盘在头顶上。◆the snake coiled up, ready to strike.那条蛇盘绕起来,准备进攻。▸ coil noun [countable] ◆the device consisted of a coil of copper wire, connected at either end to two electrodes.这个装置由一卷铜线组成,两端连接到两个电极上。◆shake the rope and let the coils unwind.抖动绳索,让绳圈展开。coilnoun [countable] ◆the device consisted of a coil of copper wire, connected at either end to two electrodes.这个装置由一卷铜线组成,两端连接到两个电极上。◆shake the rope and let the coils unwind.抖动绳索,让绳圈展开。coilnoun [countable] ◆the device consisted of a coil of copper wire, connected at either end to two electrodes.这个装置由一卷铜线组成,两端连接到两个电极上。◆shake the rope and let the coils unwind.抖动绳索,让绳圈展开。coil¹/kɔɪl ||; kɔɪl/verb [i,t] to make sth into a round shape 卷: ◇a snake coiled under a rock 蛇盘绕在石头上 coil²/kɔɪl ||; kɔɪl/noun [c] a length of rope, wire, etc that has been made into a round shape 一卷,一盘(绳子、金属线等): ◇a coil of rope 一盘绳子 ☞ coil¹☞ coil²




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