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标题 金陵白鸭不同产蛋周龄蛋品质的变化规律研究

    罗奕秋 匡伟 何宗亮 姚远 郗正林 伍冠锁




    摘要 [目的]研究金陵白鸭不同产蛋周龄蛋品质的变化规律及其与蛋品性状的相关性,为蛋品质选育提供依据。[方法]选取金陵白鸭不同产蛋周期(22、44和66周龄)各40个鸭蛋,进行蛋品质测定。 [结果]蛋重、蛋黄颜色与蛋壳强度在产蛋前期至中期伴随产蛋周龄的增加而显著增加;哈氏单位在产蛋全程伴随产蛋周龄的增加而显著减少;蛋壳颜色在产蛋全程伴随产蛋周龄的增加而有所增加。在产蛋全程,哈氏单位与蛋白高度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),蛋壳强度与蛋壳厚度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。[结论] 金陵白鸭在产蛋中期蛋品质最好。在蛋品质培育中,可以通过提高蛋壳厚度来提高蛋壳强度。

    关键词 金陵白鸭;产蛋周龄;蛋品质;相关性分析

    中图分类号 S834文献标识码 A

    文章编号 0517-6611(2020)22-0107-03


    Study on the Change Laws of Egg Quality of Jinling White Duck at Different Egg Production Week-age

    LUO Yi-qiu,KUANG Wei,HE Zong-liang et al (Nanjing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Science,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036)

    Abstract [Objective]To study the change laws of egg quality of Jinling white duck at different ages of egg production and its correlation with egg quality traits,and provide basis for the egg quality breeding.[Method]40 eggs of Jinling white duck at different stages of egg production (22,44 and 66 week-age) were selected to determine the egg quality traits.[Result]The egg weight,yolk color and eggshell strength increased significantly with the increase of the week-age of egg production from 22-week-age to 44 week-age.During the whole process of egg laying,Haugh unit decreased significantly with the increase of week-age.The eggshell color increased with the increase of week-age during the whole process of egg laying.There was an extremely significant positive correlation between Haugh unit and albumen height (P<0.01),and an extremely significant positive correlation between eggshell strength and eggshell thickness (P<0.01) during the whole egg laying process.[Conclusion]Jinling white duck has the best egg quality in the middle stage of egg production.During the breeding process of egg quality,the eggshell thickness can be increased by improving the eggshell strength.

    Key words Jinling white duck;Egg production week-age;Egg quality;Correlation analysis



    作者简介 罗奕秋(1992—),男,福建浦城人,助理畜牧师,从事家禽遗传育种和健康养殖研究。

    收稿日期 2020-04-13




    1 材料与方法

    1.1 试验设计

    采用常规饲养管理手段,将金陵白鸭饲养于南京市畜牧家禽科学研究所淳化基地。分别在鸭群的 3 个产蛋阶段(产蛋前期、产蛋中期及产蛋后期),分别随机收集40个鸭蛋进行蛋品质测定。以上鸭蛋均为采样当天生产,运至实验室后于室温(中央空调控温)下存放待测,并于当天完成测定。产蛋前期、 产蛋中期及产蛋后期分别为22、44及66周龄。





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