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标题 玄武湖水生植物调查及影响因素

    俞欣 金哲 朱亮 邱云鹏 卜现亭 王芳




    摘要 以玄武湖为调查对象,分析了湖泊近年来水质、富营养化及底泥污染状况,调查了水生植物种类及应用频度,水生植物群落数量特征、景观特征及多样性与结构特征,探讨了影响水生植物生长的因素。结果表明,玄武湖中应用的水生植物共47种,分别隶属于32科。其中挺水植物7种,浮水植物5种,沉水植物3种,湿生植物32种。玄武湖水生植物数量及群落结构与DO、COD、氨氮等水质指标相关性较大,随着近年来水质的不断改善,玄武湖的水生植物种类和数量总体上呈增长趋势。与南京城区其他湖泊相比,玄武湖水体水生植物群落的物种相对丰富,分布也相对均匀。但是,水花生等外来入侵物种的增加、荷花等物种的大量人为种植,都会影响玄武湖水生植物群落的多样性特征。

    关键词 玄武湖;水生植物;群落特征;影响因素

    中图分类号 Q948.8文献标识码 A

    文章编号 0517-6611(2020)24-0081-06



    Aquatic Plants Investigation of Xuanwu Lake and Its Influence Factors

    YU Xin1,JIN Zhe1,ZHU Liang2 et al (1.Nanjing Research Institute of Environmental Protection,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210013;2.Environment School of Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098)

    Abstract A survey was performed to analyse the water quality,eutrophication and sediment pollution of the lake body,to study the species and application frequency of aquatic plants,as well as quantitative characteristics,landscape and diversity features in Xuanwu Lake,to discuss the factors influencing the growth of the aquatic plants.The result showed,a total of 47 species of aquatic plants belonging to 32 families were applied in Xuanwu Lake,which included 7 species of emergent plants,5 species of floating plants,3 species of submerged plants,and 32 species of hygrophytes.The quantity and community structure of aquatic plants significantly correlated with water quality factors such as DO,COD and NH3-N.With the continuous improvement of water quality in recent years,the species and quantity of aquatic plants in Xuanwu Lake were increasing.Compared with other lakes in Nanjing City,the aquatic plants community of Xuanwu Lake was abundant and welldistributed relatively.However,the increase of invasive species such as alligator weed,as well as the artificial planting of lotus,will affect the diversity of aquatic plant communities in Xuanwu Lake.

    Key words Xuanwu Lake;Aquatic plant;Community characteristics;Influence factor

    玄武湖位于南京市區的玄武门外,湖水主要来自紫金山北麓,湖面面积3.78 km2,平均水深1.14 m,属于典型的城市小型浅水湖泊[1]。玄武湖经护城河通金川河入长江,另有一支由武庙闸经秦淮河流入长江。玄武湖盛产鱼虾、菱、藕,水产资源十分丰富,玄武红莲即源于此湖,为中国八大观荷胜地之一。该研究拟实地调查玄武湖湖泊中水生植物的种类和群落分布,分析湖泊水环境与湖泊水生植物间的相互影响,以期为玄武湖水生植物恢复和保护工作提供科学参考。

    1 水生植物调查方法



    1.1 样地、样带划分

    在调查区域内采用典型取样方法设置样地,并在每个样地中设置1~3个样带,样带之间至少间隔10 m,所有样带垂直于水陆交界线,宽2 m,长4~14 m。每个样带设2~8个样方,样方间间隔2 m,样方面积2 m×2 m,当样方跨越边界明显的水陆交界线时,紧贴交界线两边的样方之间可无间隔,水中植物样方设至水中不再出现水生维管植物为止,其余样方沿水分梯度在陆上排列,至出现连续的典型旱生群落或道路边界为止(图1)。





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