标题 | 石墨电热消解-ICP-OES法快速测定土壤中全钾 |
范文 | 杨娜 郝冠军 张文舒 朱丽 沈文杰 摘要 研究并建立了一种使用石墨电热消解-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)快速测定土壤中全钾的方法。结果表明,石墨电热消解最优称样量为0.1 g,温度为145 ℃,时间为100 min;石墨电热消解法对土壤全钾的检出限为4.42 mg/kg(K2O),方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.60%,加标回收率为97.9%~105.2%,具有较高精密度;传统NaOH熔融-火焰光度法与石墨电热消解-ICP-OES法测定结果的相对偏差为1.25%,绝对差值≤3.60%,满足标准相关要求;采用标准物质GBW07404、GBW07408和GBW0745对方法的准确度进行评价,其测定结果符合证书参考值允差范围。综上所述,该方法可以对土壤中全钾含量进行快速准确测定,为土壤全钾的检测提供了一种快速稳定的方法。 关键词 石墨电热消解;ICP-OES;土壤;全钾 中图分类号 X833文献标识码 A文章编号 0517-6611(2020)24-0198-03 doi:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2020.24.056 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): Fast Determination of the Contents of Total Potassium in Soil by Graphite Electrothermal Digestion and ICPOES YANG Na,HAO Guanjun,ZHANG Wenshu et al (Shanghai Academy of Landscape Architecture Science and Planning,Shanghai 200230) Abstract An analysis method using graphite electrothermal digestion instrument and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for the fast determination of potassium in soil was established.The results showed the optimum sample weight for digestion was 0.1 g,the optimum temperature was 145 ℃ and the time was 100 min.The detection limit of the graphite electrothermal digestion method for total potassium in soil was 4.42 mg/kg(K2O), the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the method was 1.60%, and the recovery rate of standard addition was 97.9%-105.2%, which had high precision.The relative deviation between the traditional NaOH fusionflame photometry and graphite electrothermal digestionICPOES method was 1.25%, and the absolute difference was ≤3.60%, which met the relevant requirements of the standard.Standard materials GBW07404, GBW07408 and GBW0745 were used to evaluate the accuracy of the method, and the measurement results met the tolerance range of the certificate reference value. In summary, this method can quickly and accurately determine the total potassium content in the soil, and provides a fast and stable method for the detection of total potassium in the soil. Key words Graphite electrothermal digestion;ICPOES;Soil;Total potassium 鉀是植物生长必需的大量营养元素之一,在调节植物细胞渗透势和光合作用等方面起重要作用[1],与植物的生长发育息息相关。土壤中全钾和有效钾的测定可反映出土壤含钾量和实际供钾状况[2],因此在土壤利用和改良中经常需要测定土壤中钾元素含量,对合理施用钾肥具有重要的指导意义。 目前土壤中的全钾一般参照国家林业标准采用碱熔或者电热板酸溶-火焰光度法(FP)进行测定[3]。标准方法样品前处理步骤较为繁琐,强酸、强碱、高温等条件对操作人员要求较高,耗时较长,不能有效满足实验室高效检测的要求。随着检测技术的不断进步,钾的测定方法已经由早期的化学方法如四硼酸钠重量法、四硼酸钠比浊法、四苯硼钠容量法等发展到各种仪器的快速测定,如火焰光度法(FP)、原子吸收光谱法(AAS)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)等[4]。目前微波消解技术作为土壤全量元素测定较为先进的处理方式,具有试剂用量小、消解效率高且不污染环境的优点[5],但仪器价格高昂而不具有普适性,因此笔者使用石墨电热消解仪对土壤样品进行消解,通过优化试验条件,并联合ICP-OES技术,建立一种快速检测土壤全钾的方法。 |
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