标题 | 板式部件的UV辊涂工艺研究 |
范文 | 陈刚 王金欢 杜德春 张丰 郭晓磊 摘 要:为了完善板式部件的涂饰工艺,提升不同的表面涂饰效果,解决涂饰工艺过程中的缺陷问题,本文以薄中密度纤维板(MDF)为板式部件基材,研究封闭和开放两种UV辊涂工艺在 MDF中的应用,分析涂饰后 MDF漆膜性能的影響因素。结果表明:封闭和开放两种辊涂工艺赋予了MDF不同的表面特征,使MDF光滑平整或具有自然的木纹;由于素板及薄木贴面后的MDF表面孔隙大小不同,影响了砂光、辊涂和干燥工艺;根据工件表面色彩的需求,UV漆中颜料的选择影响工件的干燥程度,当涂料颜色对紫外光吸收强度较大时,应提高干燥单元的固化能量,补充颜料对紫外光的损耗。涂饰工艺的每道工序均影响着板式部件涂饰后的漆膜性能,需根据板件的基材孔隙、涂料颜色和工艺类型等因素,柔性调整工艺流程及参数。 关键词:板式部件;UV漆;辊涂工艺;漆膜性能 中图分类号:TS652 ? ?文献标识码:A ? 文章编号:1006-8023(2020)05-0073-05 Abstract:In order to improve the finishing process of panel parts, improve the different surface finishing effects, and solve the defects in the finishing process, taking regular thin MDF as the substrate of panel parts, the application of two UV roller coating technologies, closure and opening, in MDF was studied, and the influence factors on the performance of MDF coating film after finishing were analyzed. The results showed that the two roller coating processes of closure and opening gave MDF different surface characteristics, making MDF smooth and flat or with natural wood grain. Due to the different pore sizes of MDF surface after veneer overlaying and plain panel, the parameters of sanding, roller coating and drying process were affected. According to the needs of the surface color of the workpiece, the choice of pigment in the UV coating affected the drying degree of the workpiece. When the UV light absorption intensity of the coating color was large, the curing energy of the drying unit should be increased to supplement the loss of pigment to the UV light. Each working procedure of the process affected the coating film quality of the panel parts after finishing. The process flow and parameters should be flexibly adjusted according to the substrate pore, paints color and technological types. Keywords:Panel parts; UV lacquer; roller coating technology; coating film quality 0 引言 板式部件是以中密度纤维板(MDF)、细木工板、刨花板以及胶合板等人造板为基材、然后在其表面进行贴面或油漆涂饰加工的构件。其中MDF是以木质纤维为原料胶合而成的板材[1],具有较佳的理化性能和尺寸稳定性,且MDF表面孔隙小,更利于油漆涂饰[2-4]。板式部件油漆涂饰后,表面被赋予一层漆膜保护,提供优异的耐磨性、硬度、耐水性和附着力等漆膜性能,油漆涂饰工艺广泛应用于橱柜、会议桌和木门等板式家具中[5]。 目前,板式部件涂饰常用的涂料有PU漆和UV漆[6-7],PU漆的附着力好、硬度高及韧性好,多用于喷涂,易造成油漆挥发浪费和破坏环境等缺陷;UV漆具有VOCs排放量极低、环保和干燥速度极快等优势,广泛应用于规则薄板式部件的辊涂涂饰工艺中[8-10],可以有效提高UV漆的利用率,提升涂饰效率并增加公司的生产效益。 漆膜性能是反映UV涂料与MDF结合过程的重要指标,MDF表面的微小孔隙与涂料之间形成嵌锁结合,使得涂料紧紧贴附在MDF表面,形成漆膜保护。国内外学者对漆膜性能及辊涂工艺已进行了研究。腾雨等[11]分析了MDF的实色UV辊涂工艺,工艺采用两道腻子、三道底漆及两道面漆,得到的涂饰板件漆膜性能良好。江应[12]开发了一条节能环保高效的MDF实色UV辊涂工艺路线,对涂饰工艺的砂光、辊涂及干燥工序进行了布置及参数设置。Ruiz等[13]研究了样品成分和工艺参数对 UV漆的影响,研究发现不同涂层厚度和不同紫外线辐射剂量会对固化过程产生影响。Hwang等[14]研究了水性UV漆在实木复合地板干燥时的影响因素,发现水分干燥条件对表面形状和漆膜形态均有显著影响。 板式部件的基材孔隙、涂料颜色和工艺类型等因素,影响着工件的涂饰效果和漆膜性能,决定了工件的工艺流程及工艺参数设置。当基材孔隙较大时,需增加涂布量及涂饰遍数,或对基材采用薄木贴面的方式,减小孔隙后进行涂饰;当选用含有颜色的涂料时,需根据涂料颜色的由浅到深,提高干燥单元的固化能量。 【参 考 文 献】 [1]高万辉,孙建平,单海滨.现代欧式实木门仿古涂饰技术分析[J].森林工程,2013,29(4):134-136. 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