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标题 基于虚拟盘的国密安全移动存储设备设计




    摘 要:随着信息技术的发展,人们之间的信息交流变得越来越频繁,移动存储设备由于具有容量大、易携带等优点,应用十分广泛。为了提高移动存储设备的安全性,设计并实现了基于虚拟盘的国密安全移动存储设备,通过在物理盘驱动程序和文件系统之间嵌入一个虚拟驱动程序,将移动存储设备中的镜像文件虚拟为一个安全分区;在移动存储设备上开辟一个隐藏区,安全区配置信息都保存在隐藏区内,并使用SM4国密算法保证数据安全性;采用多线程技术,利用CPU性能提升安全分区内文件的加解密速度。


    DOI:10. 11907/rjdk. 182751 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):

    中图分类号:TP309 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7800(2019)007-0202-03

    Design of Virtual Disk Security Mobile Storage Device

    with Chinese Cryptographic Algorithm

    WEI Jia-xu

    (Institute of Communnication Engineering,Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018,China)

    Abstract: With the development of information technology, the exchange of information between people is becoming more and more frequent,mobile stroage devices are widely used for their larage capacity and easy to carry. In order to improve the security performance of mobile storage devices, virtual disk technology is proposed and implemented in a data secure management software with Chinese cryptographic algorithm. A virtual driver between the physical disk driver and the file system are used to implement a security partition by written as an image file from the mobile storage device and create a hidden area on the mobile storage device, and the configuration information of the security zone is stored in the hidden aera. SM4 chinese cryptographic algorithm is implemented to protect the data of security partition. Multi-threading technology is used to improve SM4 encryption and decryption speed in this paper.

    Key Words: virtual disk; data security; SM4 algorithm; secure storage


    0 引言



    1 总体设计

    1.1 安全分区生成


    图1 虚拟分区

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    (责任编辑:黄 健)





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