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标题 有限元法解一维杆单元、热传导和流体流动问题的相似性比较

    王铭明 胡圣明 于浩 汪晨





    Abstract: This paper deduces the finite element solution process of one-dimensional heat conduction and fluid motion by deriving the finite element stiffness matrix and its equations for solving one-dimensional bar stress and according to the analogy method. Through comparative analysis, it is found that the basic principles of solving the above three problems by using the finite element method are exactly the same, the stiffness matrix and the equations that are pushed out have great similarities, and it can be extended to the second and third dimensions by the same method.


    Key words: one dimensional rod;heat conduction;fluid motion;finite element;stiffness matrices

    中图分类号:V231.1+3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1006-4311(2019)09-0152-04

    0 ?引言


    现今,有限元法已经发展的十分成熟,已经出现了很多大型商用有限元软,如ANSYS、ABAQUS、ADINA、FLAC 3D等等。这些商业软件使有限元法在工程应用中更加方便,也提高了高大复杂结构计算的可行性。因此,一些工程领域已经有限元法的力学分析写入了相关规范,如《水电工程水工建筑物抗震设计规范》(NB 35047-2015)。



    4 ?结语





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